2012-04-30 3 views


を与えられているコラム「導体」に例について ..私は彼に選択肢を与えていたために、ユーザからの入力を取っています選択肢「XLPEまたはPVC」


=indirect($C5 & "_" & $D5) 




=indirect("col6" & "_" & col7 & "_" & col8 & "_" & col9) 



  1. をデータベースが4以上の入力からなる検証リストにいつでも展開することができますので、が4が必要になります!名前付き範囲が変更されます。
  2. データ検証が容易に(大きな問題)
  3. 私はコピーを制限し、(列は固定されませんので、カントの使用のインポートを)他のシートからのデータを貼り付けることになる私のユーザーのほとんどは貼りカント私はカント
  4. 失われますリストボックスを使用することができます。これは、各行に任意の数の行を入力できるためです。
  5. 私のツールは入力データに対して機能し、ほとんどのユーザーはアクセスに慣れていないため、 (また、データの貼り付けが簡単にできない)





  1. デザイン人間のための便利な方法で仕様を符号化する方法であって、本格的な技術で


  2. 仕様をエンコードします。
  3. 高速処理に便利な方法で仕様を保持する1つまたは複数のテーブルを設計します。
  4. ヒューマンフォーマットを高速処理フォーマットに変換するプログラムを設計して実装します。
  5. 高速処理形式を解釈し、必要な操作を実行するプログラムを設計して実装します。









Rules per Column table 
C RR RR    = Column First rule Last rule 
3 1 1 
4 2 3 
5 4 7 


Rule table    
I VV VV CC CC = Index First value Last value First condition Last condition 
1 1 4 1 0 
2 5 5 1 1 
3 8 8 2 2 
4 11 12 3 4 
5 15 16 5 6 
6 19 20 7 8 
7 23 24 9 10 



Condition table 
I C VV VV   = Index Column First value Last value 
1 3 6 7 
2 3 9 10 
3 4 13 13 
4 3 14 14 
5 4 17 17 
6 3 18 18 
7 4 21 21 
8 3 22 22 
9 4 25 25 
10 3 26 26 

Value table     Entries 1 to 26 
E 1=V1 E 2=V2 E 3=V3 E 4=V4 E 5=V5 E 6=V1 E 7=V2 E 8=V6 E 9=V3 E10=V4 
E11=V7 E12=V8 E13=V5 E14=V1 E15=V9 E16=V10 E17=V5 E18=V2 E19=V11 E20=V12 
E21=V6 E22=V3 E23=V13 E24=V14 E25=V6 E26=V4 





Option Explicit 

    Type typColRule  ' Definition of entry in Rules per Column table 
    InxRule1 As Long ' Index of first rule for this column.) InxRule1 > InxRuleL 
    InxRuleL As Long ' Index of last rule for this column. ) if no rules for column 
    End Type 
    Type typRule   ' Definition of Rule table 
    InxValue1 As Long ' Index of first permitted value for this rule 
    InxValueL As Long ' Index of last permitted value for this rule 
    InxCond1 As Long ' Index of first condition for this column.) InxCond1 > InxCondL 
    InxCondL As Long ' Index of last rule for this column.  ) if no rules for column 
    End Type 
    Type typCond   ' Definition of Condition table 
    Col As Long  ' Column to which this condition applies 
    InxValue1 As Long ' Index of first permitted value for this condition 
    InxValueL As Long ' Index of last permitted value for this condition 
    End Type 

    ' ColRule is sized to (Min to Max) where Min is the lowest column validated 
    ' and Max is the highest column validated. ColRule(N).InxRule1 identifies 
    ' the first rule in Rule for column N. ColRule(N).InsRuleL identifies the 
    ' last rule in Rule for column N. 
    Dim ColRule() As typColRule 

    ' There is one entry in Rule per validation row in worksheet "Validate". 
    Dim Rule() As typRule 

    ' There is one entry in ValueCell per value referenced in a permitted or 
    ' a condition. 
    Dim ValueCell() As String 

    ' There is one entry in Cond per condition in worksheet "Validate" 
    Dim Cond() As typCond 

Sub CompileValidation() 

    Dim ColCodeCrnt As String 
    Dim ColNumCrnt As String 
    Dim ColValCrnt As Long 
    Dim ColValidateCrnt As Long 
    Dim ColValMin As Long 
    Dim ColValMax As Long 
    Dim ConditionCrnt As String 
    Dim InxCondCrnt As Long 
    Dim InxRuleCrnt As Long 
    Dim InxValueCellCrnt As Long 
    Dim InxValueListCrnt As Long 
    Dim NumCond As Long 
    Dim NumValue As Long 
    Dim PermittedCrnt As String 
    Dim PosEqual As Long 
    Dim RowValidateCrnt As Long 
    Dim ValueList() As String 

    With Worksheets("Validate") 

    ' Determine the size of the arrays to which information will be 
    ' compiled. Find 
    ' * The minimum and maximum columns subject to validated 
    ' * Number of conditions 
    ' * Number of values references 
    ' This routine does not allow for blank rows or columns in the 
    ' middle of worksheet "Validate". 
    ColValMin = -1 
    ColValMax = -1 
    NumCond = 0 
    NumValue = 0 
    RowValidateCrnt = 2 
    Do While True 
     PermittedCrnt = .Cells(RowValidateCrnt, 1).Value 
     If PermittedCrnt = "" Then 
     Exit Do 
     End If 
     PosEqual = InStr(1, PermittedCrnt, "=") 
     Debug.Assert PosEqual > 1 
     ' Determine range of columns validated 
     ColCodeCrnt = Mid(PermittedCrnt, 1, PosEqual - 1) 
     ColNumCrnt = Range(ColCodeCrnt & "1").Column 
     If ColValMin = -1 Then 
     ColValMin = ColNumCrnt 
     ElseIf ColValMin > ColNumCrnt Then 
     ColValMin = ColNumCrnt 
     End If 
     If ColValMax = -1 Then 
     ColValMax = ColNumCrnt 
     ElseIf ColValMax < ColNumCrnt Then 
     ColValMax = ColNumCrnt 
     End If 
     ' Determine number of conditions and number of values 
     ValueList = Split(Mid(PermittedCrnt, PosEqual + 1), "|") 
     NumValue = NumValue + UBound(ValueList) - LBound(ValueList) + 1 
     ColValidateCrnt = 2 
     Do While True 
     ConditionCrnt = .Cells(RowValidateCrnt, ColValidateCrnt).Value 
     If ConditionCrnt = "" Then 
      Exit Do 
     End If 
     PosEqual = InStr(1, ConditionCrnt, "=") 
     Debug.Assert PosEqual > 1 
     ValueList = Split(Mid(ConditionCrnt, PosEqual + 1), "|") 
     NumValue = NumValue + UBound(ValueList) - LBound(ValueList) + 1 
     ColValidateCrnt = ColValidateCrnt + 1 
     NumCond = NumCond + ColValidateCrnt - 2 
     RowValidateCrnt = RowValidateCrnt + 1 

    ' Size arrays 
    ReDim ColRule(ColValMin To ColValMax) 
    ReDim Rule(1 To RowValidateCrnt - 2) 
    ReDim ValueCell(1 To NumValue) 
    ReDim Cond(1 To NumCond) 

    InxRuleCrnt = 0 
    InxValueCellCrnt = 0 
    InxCondCrnt = 0 

    ' Extract rules in column number order 
    For ColValCrnt = ColValMin To ColValMax 
     ' The first rule for this column, if any, will be the 
     ' next entry in the Rule table 
     ColRule(ColValCrnt).InxRule1 = InxRuleCrnt + 1 
     ' If there are no rules for this column, the last rule index 
     ' will be less than the first rule undex 
     ColRule(ColValCrnt).InxRuleL = InxRuleCrnt 
     RowValidateCrnt = 2 
     Do While True 
     PermittedCrnt = .Cells(RowValidateCrnt, 1).Value 
     If PermittedCrnt = "" Then 
      Exit Do 
     End If 
     PosEqual = InStr(1, PermittedCrnt, "=") 
     ColCodeCrnt = Mid(PermittedCrnt, 1, PosEqual - 1) 
     ColNumCrnt = Range(ColCodeCrnt & "1").Column 
     If ColNumCrnt = ColValCrnt Then 
      ' This rule is for the current column 
      InxRuleCrnt = InxRuleCrnt + 1 
      ' This could be the last rule for this column so 
      ' store its index against the column 
      ColRule(ColValCrnt).InxRuleL = InxRuleCrnt 
      ' The first value for this rule will be the next 
      ' entry in the Value table 
      Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxValue1 = InxValueCellCrnt + 1 
      ValueList = Split(Mid(PermittedCrnt, PosEqual + 1), "|") 
      ' Save each permitted value in the Value table 
      For InxValueListCrnt = LBound(ValueList) To UBound(ValueList) 
      InxValueCellCrnt = InxValueCellCrnt + 1 
      ValueCell(InxValueCellCrnt) = ValueList(InxValueListCrnt) 
      ' Record the index of the last permitted value for this rule 
      Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxValueL = InxValueCellCrnt 
      ' The first condition for this rule, if any, will be the next 
      ' entry in the Condition table 
      Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxCond1 = InxCondCrnt + 1 
      ' If there are no conditions for this rule, the last condition 
      ' index will be less than the first condition undex 
      Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxCondL = InxCondCrnt 
      ColValidateCrnt = 2 
      Do While True 
      ConditionCrnt = .Cells(RowValidateCrnt, ColValidateCrnt).Value 
      If ConditionCrnt = "" Then 
       Exit Do 
      End If 
      InxCondCrnt = InxCondCrnt + 1 
      PosEqual = InStr(1, ConditionCrnt, "=") 
      ColCodeCrnt = Mid(ConditionCrnt, 1, PosEqual - 1) 
      ColNumCrnt = Range(ColCodeCrnt & "1").Column 
      ' Store the column for this condition 
      Cond(InxCondCrnt).Col = ColNumCrnt 
      ' The first value for this condition will be the next 
      ' entry in the Value table 
      Cond(InxCondCrnt).InxValue1 = InxValueCellCrnt + 1 
      ValueList = Split(Mid(ConditionCrnt, PosEqual + 1), "|") 
      For InxValueListCrnt = LBound(ValueList) To UBound(ValueList) 
       InxValueCellCrnt = InxValueCellCrnt + 1 
       ValueCell(InxValueCellCrnt) = ValueList(InxValueListCrnt) 
      ' Record last value for this condition 
      Cond(InxCondCrnt).InxValueL = InxValueCellCrnt 
      ColValidateCrnt = ColValidateCrnt + 1 
      ' Record last condition for this rule 
      Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxCondL = InxCondCrnt 
     End If 
     RowValidateCrnt = RowValidateCrnt + 1 
    End With 

    Debug.Print " Rules per Column table" 
    Debug.Print " C RR RR" 
    For ColValCrnt = ColValMin To ColValMax 
    Debug.Print " " & ColValCrnt & " " & _ 
       Right(" " & ColRule(ColValCrnt).InxRule1, 2) & " " & _ 
       Right(" " & ColRule(ColValCrnt).InxRuleL, 2) 
    Debug.Print " Rule table" 
    Debug.Print " I VV VV CC CC" 
    For InxRuleCrnt = 1 To UBound(Rule) 
    Debug.Print " " & InxRuleCrnt & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxValue1, 2) & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxValueL, 2) & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxCond1, 2) & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Rule(InxRuleCrnt).InxCondL, 2) & " " 
    Debug.Print " Condition table" 
    Debug.Print "  I C VV VV" 
    For InxCondCrnt = 1 To UBound(Cond) 
    Debug.Print " " & Right(" " & InxCondCrnt, 2) & " " & _ 
         Cond(InxCondCrnt).Col & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Cond(InxCondCrnt).InxValue1, 2) & " " & _ 
         Right(" " & Cond(InxCondCrnt).InxValueL, 2) 
    Debug.Print " Value table" 
    Debug.Print " "; 
    For InxValueCellCrnt = 1 To UBound(ValueCell) 
    Debug.Print "E" & Right(" " & InxValueCellCrnt, 2) & "=" & _ 
       Left(ValueCell(InxValueCellCrnt) & " ", 5); 
    If (InxValueCellCrnt Mod 10) = 0 Then 
     Debug.Print " "; 
    End If 

End Subの


この説明に感謝します。私はそれを試してみて、私はあなたに戻ってきます –







アクセスをバックエンドとして恥じてはなりません。私のプロジェクトのほとんどは、Excelによって制御されるJetデータベースです。 Excelは、計算エンジン、入力メカニズム、およびレポートメカニズムです。


は、私がアクセスを使用していない唯一の理由はので、私は私の1行が持っているので、行データで行を追加するためのユーザーフォームを使用するカントit..secondlyに精通していない私のユーザーである私に信じて約20列を塗りつぶし、ユーザーは個々の列を貼り付けることを望んでいます...私は真剣に名前付き範囲に固執したくありませんが、どうやって簡単に動的にすることができるのか説明できますか? –
