2016-06-30 13 views


1.07 ± 0.35^a 1.21 ± 0.13^a 0.67 ± 0.31^a 1.43 ± 0.05^a



Sub Loop_Exampl() 
Dim Firstrow As Long 
Dim Lastrow As Long 
Dim Lrow As Long 
Dim CalcMode As Long 
Dim ViewMode As Long 

With Application 
    CalcMode = .Calculation 
    .Calculation = xlCalculationManual 
    .ScreenUpdating = False 
End With 

'We use the ActiveSheet but you can replace this with 
'Sheets("MySheet")if you want 
With ActiveSheet 

    'We select the sheet so we can change the window view 

    'If you are in Page Break Preview Or Page Layout view go 
    'back to normal view, we do this for speed 
    ViewMode = ActiveWindow.View 
    ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView 

    'Turn off Page Breaks, we do this for speed 
    .DisplayPageBreaks = False 

    'Set the first and last row to loop through 
    Firstrow = .UsedRange.Cells(1).Row 
    Lastrow = .UsedRange.Rows(.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row 

    'We loop from Lastrow to Firstrow (bottom to top) 
    For Lrow = Lastrow To Firstrow Step -1 

     'We check the values in the A column in this example 
     With .Cells(Lrow, "B") 

     With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=2, Length:=1).Font 
      .Superscript = False 
       .Subscript = True 

End With 

End Sub 

http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/5638-superscript-subscript-part-cell-using-visual-basic-applications。 htmlこの投稿には、それを行う方法に関する正確な指示があります。 – newguy


はい、私はそれを見ましたが、私はまだ苦労しています。 –


各セルにちょうど1つの値、または何ですか? –




Sub FixFormatting() Dim c As Range Dim StartCells As Range Dim ws As Worksheet Dim intPlace As Integer Dim wsStartsProtected As Boolean

Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
On Error GoTo errorCatch 
Set StartCells = Selection 
    For Each c In Selection.Cells 
     With c 
      .Replace What:="a", Replacement:="a", LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False 
      .Replace What:="b", Replacement:="b", LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False 
      .Replace What:="c", Replacement:="c", LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False 

     End With 
     intPlace = InStr(c.Value, "a") 
     If intPlace > 0 Then 
      If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = True Then ActiveSheet.Unprotect 
      c.Characters(intPlace, 1).Font.Superscript = True 
     End If 
     intPlace = InStr(c.Value, "b") 
     If intPlace > 0 Then 
      If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = True Then ActiveSheet.Unprotect 
      c.Characters(intPlace, 1).Font.Superscript = True 
     End If 
     intPlace = InStr(c.Value, "c") 
     If intPlace > 0 Then 
      If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = True Then ActiveSheet.Unprotect 
      c.Characters(intPlace, 1).Font.Superscript = True 

     End If 
     If wsStartsProtected Then ws.Protect 
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
Exit Sub 

errorCatch: If wsStartsProtected Then ws.Protect StartCells.Parent.Activate StartCells.Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub


は必ず^せずにこれを行うだろうか多分直接C =桁を次のすべての文字を上付きしませんか?

Sub tester() 

    Dim c As Range 

    For Each c In Selection.Cells 
     SuperIt c 
    Next c 

End Sub 

Sub SuperIt(rng As Range) 

    Dim s, p, e 

    s = rng.Text 
    p = InStr(s, "^") 

    If p > 0 Then 
      e = 1 
      Do While Mid(s, p + e, 1) <> " " And p + e < Len(s) 
       e = e + 1 
      rng.Characters(p, 1).Delete 
      rng.Characters(p, e).Font.Superscript = True 

      s = rng.Text 
      p = InStr(s, "^") 
     Loop While p > 0 
    End If 
End Sub 

ありがとうございます。返事が遅れて申し訳ありません。 ExcelはSuperIt()マクロを認識していないようです...?テスター()部分は認識されますが、2番目の部分を実行しようとすると何も起こりませんし、名前はマクロ名の下に現れません。 –
