お客様がチェックアウトできるようにカートの最小金額を設定しようとしています。しかし、私が必要とする最小限の200を満たしていなくても、顧客が先に進めることを許可する製品カテゴリで例外を作ることを躊躇しました。 (間違っている)の通知に表示されたカートの計算量商品カテゴリ以外の最小カート数
- :
- この特別なカテゴリの特別条件
add_action('woocommerce_check_cart_items', 'oxynergy_set_min_total');
function oxynergy_set_min_total() {
// Only run in the Cart or Checkout pages
if(is_cart() || is_checkout()) {
global $woocommerce, $product;
// Minimum order checking
$minimumCheck = false;
// Set minimum cart total
$minimum_cart_total = 200;
//loop through all cart products
foreach ($woocommerce->cart->cart_contents as $product) {
// Total we are going to be using for the Math
// This is before taxes and shipping charges
$total = WC()->cart->total;
// See if any product is from the STOCK category or not
if (has_term('481', 'product_cat', $product['product_id']) || has_term('482', 'product_cat', $product['product_id']) || has_term('495', 'product_cat', $product['product_id'])) {
$minimumCheck = true;
//Get price of that product
$regular_price = get_post_meta($product['product_id'], '_regular_price', true); //change to _sale_price if it is in sale
//echo $regular_price."<br>";
$total = $regular_price * $product['quantity'];
//echo $total."<br>";
$subtotal_cat += $total; //get total of
//echo $subtotal_cat;
//$category_price += ($product['line_subtotal'] + $product['line_subtotal_tax']);
if (has_term('501', 'product_cat', $product['product_id'])) {
//Get price of that product
$regular_price = get_post_meta($product['product_id'], '_regular_price', true); //change to _sale_price if it is in sale
//echo $regular_price."<br>";
$total = $regular_price * $product['quantity'];
//echo $total."<br>";
$subtotal_cat += $total; //get total of
//echo $subtotal_cat;
//$category_price += ($product['line_subtotal'] + $product['line_subtotal_tax']);
if ($minimumCheck && $subtotal_cat <= $minimum_cart_total) {
// Compare values and add an error is Cart's total
// happens to be less than the minimum required before checking out.
// Will display a message along the lines of
// A Minimum of 200 USD is required before checking out. (Cont. below)
// Current cart total: 6 USD
wc_add_notice(sprintf('<strong>A Minimum of %s %s excl. TAX is required category before checking out.</strong>'
.'<br />Current cart\'s total: %s %s excl. TAX',
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