2017-01-16 17 views

私はMVC 5で私の最初のプロダクションアプリケーションを書いています。httpのポストアクションにパラメータとしてカスタムオブジェクトを渡そうとしています私のコントローラで。基本的には、CustomerReport View Modelにラップされたビューを持っています。そのモデルでは、モデルから項目を選択するオプションを持つモーダルを作成し、ビューモデルを渡すコントローラアクションを通じて選択を保存します(またはビューモデルのプロパティ)をパラメータとして使用します。ASP.NET MVC 5のカミソリビューからコントローラアクションにカスタムモデルオブジェクトを渡す方法


public class CustomerReport 
    public User User { get; set; } 
    public List<NewEnterprise> Enterprises { get; set; } 
    public NewEnterpriseRepository EnterpriseRepository { get; set; } 
    public NewCustomerRepository CustomerRepository { get; set; } 
    public NewProgramRepository ProgramRepository { get; set; } 
    public List<NewCustomer> Customers { get; set; } 
    public List<NewProgram> Programs { get; set; } 
    public List<InvoiceItem> InvoiceItems { get; set; } 
    public List<ReportSelectionItem> ReportSelectionItems { get; set; } 
    public List<ReportSelectionItem> FilteredSelectionItems { get; set; } 
    public DateTime StartDate { get; set; } 
    public DateTime EndDate { get; set; } 
    public string Start { get; set; } 
    public string End { get; set; } 
    public string ReportType { get; set; } 
    public NewReports Reports { get; set; } 

    public CustomerReport() 
     User = HttpContext.Current.GetUser(); 
     Enterprises = new List<NewEnterprise>(); 
     Customers = new List<NewCustomer>(); 
     Programs = new List<NewProgram>(); 
     InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>(); 
     ReportSelectionItems = new List<ReportSelectionItem>(); 

    public CustomerReport(User user) 
     User = user; 
     Enterprises = new List<NewEnterprise>(); 
     Customers = new List<NewCustomer>(); 
     Programs = new List<NewProgram>(); 
     InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>(); 
     ReportSelectionItems = new List<ReportSelectionItem>(); 
     Start = Code.StringExtensions.InputDate(new DateTime(2016, 01, 01)).ToString(); 
     End = Code.StringExtensions.InputDate(DateTime.Today).ToString(); 

    public CustomerReport(User user, List<NewEnterprise> enterprises, List<NewCustomer> customers, List<NewProgram> programs) 
     User = user; 
     Enterprises = enterprises; 
     Customers = customers; 
     Programs = programs; 

    public List<ReportSelectionItem> GetAllReportSelectionItems() 
     var items = new List<ReportSelectionItem>(); 
     foreach (var ent in Enterprises) 
      var item = new ReportSelectionItem(ent); 
     foreach (var cust in Customers) 
      var item = new ReportSelectionItem(cust); 
     foreach (var so in Programs) 
      var item = new ReportSelectionItem(so); 

     return items; 

    public List<ReportSelectionItem> ReportSelectionItemsSearch(string search) 
     var items = GetAllReportSelectionItems(); 
     var filteredItems = new List<ReportSelectionItem>(); 
     if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search)) 
      filteredItems = items.Where(i => i.DisplayName.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())).ToList(); 
      return filteredItems; 
     return items; 

    public List<ReportSelectionItem> ReportSelectionItemsFilter(List<ReportSelectionItem> items, string type) 
     var filteredItems = new List<ReportSelectionItem>(); 
     if (!type.ToLower().Equals("all")) 
      filteredItems = items.Where(i => i.Type.ToLower().Contains(type.ToLower())).ToList(); 
      return filteredItems; 
     return items; 

    public void SearchAndFilter(string search, string searchType) 
     if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search)) 
      this.FilteredSelectionItems = this.ReportSelectionItemsSearch(search); 
     if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchType)) 
      this.FilteredSelectionItems = this.ReportSelectionItemsFilter(this.ReportSelectionItems, searchType); 

    public void RemoveSlashFromDates(string start, string end) 
     if (start != null) 
      this.Start = start.Replace("/", ""); 
     if (end != null) 
      this.End = end.Replace("/", ""); 

public class ReportSelectionItem 
    public Guid ID { get; set; } 
    public string Name { get; set; } 
    public string DisplayName { get; set; } 
    public string Number { get; set; } 
    public string Type { get; set; } 
    public string TypeDisplay => GetTypeDisplay(Type); 
    public bool IsSelected { get; set; } 

    public ReportSelectionItem() 
     ID = Guid.NewGuid(); 
     IsSelected = false; 

    public ReportSelectionItem(NewEnterprise ent) : this() 
     Name = ent.Name; 
     DisplayName = ent.DisplayName; 
     Number = ent.EnterpriseNumber.ToString(); 
     Type = ent.GetType().ToString(); 

    public ReportSelectionItem(NewCustomer cust) : this() 
     Name = cust.Name; 
     DisplayName = cust.DisplayName; 
     Number = cust.Id.ToString(); 
     Type = cust.GetType().ToString(); 

    public ReportSelectionItem(NewProgram so) : this() 
     Name = so.Description; 
     DisplayName = so.DisplayName; 
     Number = so.ServiceOrderNumber.ToString(); 
     Type = so.GetType().ToString(); 

    public string GetTypeDisplay(string str) 
     if (str.ToLower().Contains("enterprise")) 
      return "Enterprise"; 
     }else if (str.ToLower().Contains("customer")) 
      return "Customer"; 
     }else if (str.ToLower().Contains("program")) 
      return "Program"; 
     else return str; 


@using System.Activities.Statements 
@model RecognitionReports.Web.ViewDataModels.CustomerReport 

    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; 

<div class="row"> 
    <div class="col-xs-offset-1 col-xs-10"> 
     <div class="container"> 
      <div class="form-wrapper"> 
       <div class="search-form"> 
        @using (Html.BeginForm("New", "CustomerReports", FormMethod.Get)) 
         <form class="form"> 
           @Html.Label("Search:", new { @class = "form-label" }) 
           <div class="form-group row"> 
            <div class="col-xs-offset-1 col-xs-10"> 
             <div class="input-group"> 
              @Html.TextBox("search", null, new { @class = "form-control", @placeholder = "Enter Selection Name or ID Number here..." }) 
              <span class="input-group-btn"> 
               <div class="btn-group"> 
                <a href="#" class="btn btn-info dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span> Search:</a> 
                <ul class="dropdown-menu"> 
                 <li><input name="searchType" type="submit" id="all" value="All" class="form-control btn btn-info" /></li> 
                 <li><input name="searchType" type="submit" id="ent" value="Enterprise" class="form-control btn btn-info" /></li> 
                 <li><input name="searchType" type="submit" id="cust" value="Customer" class="form-control btn btn-info" /></li> 
                 <li><input name="searchType" type="submit" id="so" value="Program" class="form-control btn btn-info" /></li> 

      <!-- Report Selection Modal --> 
      @{ Html.RenderPartial("_ReportSelectionOptionsModal", Model);} 
      <!-- Report Modal --> 
      @{ Html.RenderPartial("_ReportModal", Model); } 



    public ActionResult SaveSelections(CustomerReport report) 
     //make sure selections are saved 
     return View("New", report); 


    public ActionResult SaveSelections(List<ReportSelectionItems> items) 
     //make sure selections are saved 
     return View("New", report); 




@for (var i = 0; i < Model.FilteredSelectionItems.Count; i++) 
     <td>@Html.CheckBoxFor(x => Model.FilteredSelectionItems[i].IsSelected, new { @class = "check-box", Name = Model.FilteredSelectionItems[i].ID, id = Model.FilteredSelectionItems[i].ID}) 
      @Html.HiddenFor(x => Model.FilteredSelectionItems[i].ID) 




@foreach (var item in Model.FilteredSelectionItems) 
      @Html.CheckBoxFor(i => item.IsSelected, new { @class = "check-box", Name=item.ID, id=item.ID }) 


@for (var i = 0; i < Model.FilteredSelectionItems.Count; i++) 
      @Html.CheckBoxFor(x => model.FilteredSelectionItems[i].IsSelected, new { @class = "check-box", Name=item.ID, id=item.ID }) 


public ActionResult SaveSelections(CustomerReport report) 
    // only report.FilteredSelectionItems collection will be available here 
    // because that's the only thing you have input fields in the form 



ありがとうございました!しかし、これは主に機能していますが、パラメータに渡すときに選択した値を保持していません。つまり、ボックスにチェックを入れてサブミットすると、渡されたリストにはIsSelectedプロパティがtrueに設定されません。また、reportSelectionItem IDのhiddenforフィールドを追加しようとしました – Liveyourheart
