2016-10-01 4 views



#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <memory> // For smart pointers 
#include <vector> // For vector container 
#include <locale> // For toupper() 
using std::vector; 
using std::shared_ptr; 
int main() 
    vector <shared_ptr<vector<double>>>records; // Temperature records by days 
    size_t day{ 1 }; // Day number 
    char answer{}; // Response to prompt 
    double t{}; // A temperature 
    while (true) // Collect temperatures by day 
    { // Vector to store current day's temperatures created on the heap 
     auto pDay = std::make_shared<vector<double>>(); 
     records.push_back(pDay); // Save pointer in records vector 
     std::cout << "Enter the temperatures for day " << day++ 
      << " separated by spaces. Enter 1000 to end:\n"; 
     while (true) 
     { // Get temperatures for current day 
      std::cin >> t; 
      if (t == 1000.0) break; 
     std::cout << "Enter another day's temperatures (Y or N)? "; 
     std::cin >> answer; 
     if (toupper(answer) == 'N') break; 
    double total{}; 
    size_t count{}; 
    day = 1; 
    std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << std::endl; 
    for (auto record : records) 
     std::cout << "\nTemperatures for day " << day++ << ":\n"; 
     for (auto temp : *record) 
      total += temp; 
      std::cout << std::setw(6) << temp; 
      if (++count % 5 == 0) std::cout << std::endl; 
     std::cout << "\nAverage temperature: " << total/count << std::endl; 
     total = 0.0; 
     count = 0; 


23 34 29 36 1000 
Enter another day's temperatures (Y or N)? y 
Enter the temperatures for day 2 separated by spaces. Enter 1000 to end: 
34 35 45 43 44 40 37 35 1000 
Enter another day's temperatures (Y or N)? y 
Enter the temperatures for day 3 separated by spaces. Enter 1000 to end: 
44 56 57 45 44 32 28 1000 
Enter another day's temperatures (Y or N)? n 

Temperatures for day 1: 
23.00 34.00 29.00 36.00 
Average temperature: 30.50 

Temperatures for day 2: 
34.00 35.00 45.00 43.00 44.00 
40.00 37.00 35.00 
Average temperature: 39.13 

Temperatures for day 3: 
44.00 56.00 57.00 45.00 44.00 
32.00 28.00 
Average temperature: 43.71 


#include <iostream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <memory> 
#include <iomanip> 

using std::vector; 

int main() 
{ // Function scope starts here 

    // a vector(outside) holding unique_ptrs to a vector(inside) which type is double 
    vector<std::unique_ptr<vector<double>>> v; 
    size_t day{ 1 }; 
    char answer{}; 
    double t{}; 

    while (true) 
     size_t i{}; 
     auto pDay = std::unique_ptr<vector<double>>(); 

     std::cout << "Enter the temperatures for day " << day++ 
      << " separated by spaces. Enter 1000 to end:\n"; 

     while (true) 
      std::cin >> t; 
      if (t >= 1000.0) break; 

     //std::cout << v.at(0)->at(0) << std::endl; 
     std::cout << "Enter another day's temperatures (Y or N)? "; 
     std::cin >> answer; 
     if (toupper(answer) == 'N') break; 

    double total{}; 
    size_t count{}; 
    day = 1; 
    std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << std::endl; 

    for (auto const& record : v) 
     std::cout << "\nTemperatures for day " << day++ << ":\n"; 
     for (auto temp : *record) 
      total += temp; 
      std::cout << std::setw(6) << temp; 
      if (++count % 5 == 0) std::cout << std::endl; 
     std::cout << "\nAverage temperature: " << total/count << std::endl; 
     total = 0.0; 
     count = 0; 

} // Function scope ends here 

enter image description here


[mcve]を入力してください。テキストの画像は含めないでください。あなたが問題空間を試して減らすとき、問題はあなたにはるかに明らかになるはずです。 – Barry


これは最小限ではありません。 –


A unique_ptr >はアンチパターンです。 (ネストされたベクトルと同じ) –





'shared_ptr()'のコードはどうですか?それは何を指している? – snr


@snr: 'std :: shared_ptr >' uid 'std :: make_shared >'を作成します。これにより、制御レコードとオブジェクトが割り当てられます。共有ポインタをデフォルトで構築しただけでは、失敗するでしょう。 –


@snr std :: make_unique(std :: make_sharedと同等)を参照してください。 –
