2016-07-30 23 views

テストアクセスデータベースにクエリを作成する次のvbaがあります。私は2つの複数の選択リストボックスを持っています。問題は、「Me![State]」から複数の項目を選択でき、「Me![Animal]」から何も選択できず、クエリを実行できることです。ただし、これを処理するためにクエリ言語が設定されていないため、これは不可能です。それは私に "私[動物]"から何かを選択させます。複数の選択ボックスの1つから項目を選択しない場合の複数の「複数の選択リストボックス」に基づくクエリ


Private Sub Command6_Click() 

    Dim Q As QueryDef, DB As Database 
    Dim Criteria As String 
    Dim ctl As Control 
    Dim Itm As Variant 
    Dim ctl2 As Control 
    Dim ctl3 As Control 
    ' Build a list of the selections. 

    Set ctl = Me![Animal] 
    For Each Itm In ctl.ItemsSelected 
     If Len(Criteria) = 0 Then 
     Criteria = Chr(34) & ctl.ItemData(Itm) & Chr(34) 
     Criteria = Criteria & "," & Chr(34) & ctl.ItemData(Itm) _ 
      & Chr(34) 
     End If 
    Next Itm 
    If Len(Criteria) = 0 Then 
     Itm = MsgBox("You must select one or more items in the" & _ 
     " list box!", 0, "No Selection Made") 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

     Set ctl2 = Me![State] 
    For Each Itm In ctl2.ItemsSelected 
     If Len(Criteria2) = 0 Then 
     Criteria2 = Chr(34) & ctl2.ItemData(Itm) & Chr(34) 
     Criteria2 = Criteria2 & "," & Chr(34) & ctl2.ItemData(Itm) _ 
      & Chr(34) 
     End If 
    Next Itm 
    If Len(Criteria2) = 0 Then 
     Itm = MsgBox("You must select one or more items in the" & _ 
     " list box!", 0, "No Selection Made") 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

    ' Modify the Query. 
    Set DB = CurrentDb() 
    Set Q = DB.QueryDefs("animalquery") 
    ' Modify the Query. 
    Set DB = CurrentDb() 
    Set Q = DB.QueryDefs("animalquery") 
    Q.SQL = "Select * From [table1] Where [table1].[type] In (" & "'Animal'" & _ 
    ")" & " and [table1].[animal] in (" & Criteria & _ 
    ")" & " and [table1].[state] in (" & Criteria2 & _ 
    ")" & ";" 

    ' Run the query. 
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "animalquery" 
End Sub 



EDIT - あなたはあなたの基準vaiablesの簡単なチェックでこれを行うことができますコメント




Private Sub Command6_Click() 

    Dim Q   As QueryDef 
    Dim DB   As Database 
    Dim Criteria As String 
    Dim ctl   As Control 
    Dim Itm   As Variant 
    Dim ctl2  As Control 
    Dim ctl3  As Control 

    ' Use for dynamic SQL statement' 
    Dim strSQL  As String 

    Set ctl = Me![Animal] 
    For Each Itm In ctl.ItemsSelected 
     If Len(Criteria) = 0 Then 
      Criteria = Chr(34) & ctl.ItemData(Itm) & Chr(34) 
      Criteria = Criteria & "," & Chr(34) & ctl.ItemData(Itm) & Chr(34) 
     End If 
    Next Itm 

    Set ctl2 = Me![State] 
    For Each Itm In ctl2.ItemsSelected 
     If Len(Criteria2) = 0 Then 
      Criteria2 = Chr(34) & ctl2.ItemData(Itm) & Chr(34) 
      Criteria2 = Criteria2 & "," & Chr(34) & ctl2.ItemData(Itm) & Chr(34) 
     End If 
    Next Itm 

    If (Len(Criteria) = 0) And (Len(Criteria2) = 0) Then 
     Itm = MsgBox("You must select one or more items from one of the list boxes!", 0, "No Selection Made") 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

    ' Modify the Query. 
    Set DB = CurrentDb() 
    Set Q = DB.QueryDefs("animalquery") 
    ' Modify the Query. 
    Set DB = CurrentDb() 
    Set Q = DB.QueryDefs("animalquery") 

    strSQL = "Select * From [table1] Where [table1].[type] In (" & "'Animal')" 

    If (Len(Criteria) <> 0) Then ' Append Animal Criteria 
     strSQL = strSQL & " AND [table1].[animal] IN (" & Criteria & ")" 
    End If 
    If (Len(Criteria2) <> 0) Then ' Append State Criteria 
     strSQL = strSQL & " AND [table1].[state] IN (" & Criteria2 & ")" 
    End If 

    Q.SQL = strSQL 

    ' Run the query. 
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "animalquery" 
End Sub 

ありがとうございました!私はあなたがそこで何をしたかを見ており、それは従うのがより簡単になります!しかし、私は – AlmostThere


でエラーが発生しているそれは完璧だった!それは道に従う方が簡単です!私は1つの変更を行う必要がありました。 "If(Len(Criteria)= 0)Then 'Add Animal Criteria"と "If(Len(Criteria2)= 0)" Add Append State Criteria "については、" = 0 "を" <> = 0 "それは魅力のように働いた! – AlmostThere


良い仕事のデバッグ。それはあなたがコードをもっと必要とするスキルです! – dbmitch
