public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
// boolean method must return true or false
Player player = (Player) sender; // casts the sender, from CommandSender, to class Player
String ref = sender.getName(); // string 'ref' refer's to the sender's name
boolean success = f; // Stores if code is executed correctly
if(label.equalsIgnoreCase("blocks")) { // if command sent is '/blocks'
success = t; // This code will work fine if args has no values
if (args.length == 0) {
getLogger().info(args[0].toString()); // for debugging/prints out the
String arg0 = args[0].toString();
if(arg0 == "broken") { // This is the bit that wont work. when args[0] is 'broken' the if statement passes to the else claus
}else if(arg0 == "placed") {
}else {
getLogger().info("I failed to run"); // for debugging / it constantly prints this error message
success = f;}
私は、Bukkitライブラリを使用しています。 onCommandメソッドが呼び出されると、args []配列が渡されます。私は文字通り、このメソッドにargs []を渡す入力に自分のコードから "broken"と "placed"をコピー貼り付けましたが、それでもfalseを返します。
[Javaで文字列を比較するにはどうすればいいですか?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/513832/how-do-i-compare-strings-in-java) –