def LoginScreen():
global User_Points
User_Points = 5
print("Welcome to Area Trainer")
print("Please enter the username for your account")
global user_name
user_name = str(input())
save = open(user_name + '.txt', 'w')
points = open(user_name + 'Score' + '.txt', 'w+')
PasswordCheck= True
while PasswordCheck:
user_password = input("type in your password: ")
if len(user_password) < 8:
print("your password must be 8 characters long")
elif not any(i.isdigit() for i in user_password):
print("you need a number in your password")
elif not any(i.isupper() for i in user_password):
print("you need a capital letter in your password")
elif not any(i.islower() for i in user_password):
print("you need a lowercase letter in your password")
PasswordCheck = False
def MenuTriangle():
global User_Points
print('''Here is a triangle with a height of 12cm and a width of 29cm
/\ | *Not to scale.
/\ |
/ \ | 12cm
/ \ |
You must find out the area and select the correct answer from these options''')
print('''A) 175
B) 174
C) 2000
D) 199
user_input = input().upper()
if user_input == "A":
print("I'm sorry this is incorrect but you still have a chance to get 1 point!")
elif user_input == "C":
print("I'm sorry this is incorrect but you still have a chance to get 1 point!")
elif user_input == "D":
print("I'm sorry this is incorrect but you still have a chance to get 1 point!")
elif user_input == "B":
print("Congratulations! You got it right, someone's a smart cookie. Here have two points!")
reading = open(user_name + 'Score' + '.txt')
score = reading.read()
score = int(score) + 2
print("Your score is", score)
points = open('ok' + 'Score' + '.txt', 'w+')
def MenuStart():
print("Welcome to the mathematical area game!")
print("In this game you will be required to calculate the area of multiple shapes.")
print("To do this you must know how to calculate the area of different shapes with increasing difficulty")
print('''Please select a shape you want to play,
A) Triangle
B) Square
C) Circle''')
user_input = input().upper()
if user_input == "A":
print("You have chosen to calculate the area of a triangle!")
elif user_input == "B":
print("You have chosen to calculate the area of a square!")
elif user_input == "C":
print("You have chosen the calculate the area of a circle!")
print("Oops! I didn't understand that >:")
こんにちは、私はユーザーが形状の領域が何であるかを推測しなければならない小さなゲームを作ろうとしています。ゲームのスコアを格納するが、私は私の名前、パスワードを入力してゲームをプレイするたびに私は答えを得た後にスコアの値が2に変更されることがわかりますが、ファイル内のスコアがリセットされ、理由がわからないゲームのスコアシステム。 PYTHON 3.5
プレスボタンを保存するための正しい回答はB 今のところ再生可能な唯一のオプションは今のところ三角です。誰かがこれを理解していただければ大いに感謝します。
私はこのスコアシステムをどのように行うのかわからない、何か考えている? – BushellsMaster