#horizontalScroller > span {
// make it width auto
// put it far far far away from the view to prevent the blink thingy at start
left: 999px;
border: 1px solid blue;
// make it nowrap, this will prevent the span from forcing the text from being displayed in the container
white-space: nowrap;
// remove this, <span> are inline-block by default
// this do not work also as this is position: absolute;
// display: inline-block;
$elem.animate({ left: (parseInt(left)-60) }, 900, function() {
var currentLeft = parseInt($(this).css("left"));
var width = $(this).width();
var container = $(this).parent("#horizontalScroller");
var containerWidth = $(container).width();
if ((currentLeft + width) <= 0)
// instead of putting it at the end of the container
// $(this).css("left", (containerWidth + width) + "px");
// we need to put it beside the last element in the list
var children = $(container).children();
// get the last item
var lastChild = children[children.length - 1];
// get the lastChild X and W
var lastChildX = parseInt($(lastChild).css("left"));
var lastChildW = $(lastChild).width();
var padding = 20;
var X = lastChildX + lastChildW + padding;
// position this element beside the last item
$(this).css("left", X + "px");
// move this element beside the last item
// literally moving the element beside the last item in the DOM to make this solution fully functional
working fiddle
$(document).ready(function() {
var container = $("#horizontalScroller");
var children = $(container).children();
var containerW = $(container).width();
// simply the space between them
var padding = 10;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
var item = children[i];
var itemW = $(item).width();
// position the first item with X = container width + padding
var X = containerW + padding;
// we need to properly position the elements beside each other
// specially if they have different widths
// i > 0 because there is no sibling on 0
if (i > 0)
// get the element before this
var sibling = children[i - 1];
// get the siblings X and W
var siblingX = parseInt($(sibling).css("left"));
var siblingW = $(sibling).width();
// position this element beside the sibling by:
// X = sibling X + sibling W + padding
X = siblingX + siblingW + padding;
$(item).css("left", X + "px");
このようなもの[JSFIddle](http://jsfiddle.net/qjoxdquh/)の高さも調整できますが、これを 'auto'に設定することもできます –
それは私のためにうまくいきます –
@Risa__B変更幅:50px幅:自動 – yavg