2017-11-20 8 views



DEF mob_cost_calc():

#toymatrix is a fictional map for testing 
toymatrix = [[column for column in range(20)]for row in range(20)] 

#move wieght is a fictional weighted map for testing 
move_weight = [ 
    [3,5,2,7,3, 3,6,4,2,2, 4,2,3,4,2, 3,4,4,5,2], 
    [7,6,4,9,8, 7,5,1,9,8, 7,8,6,5,4, 4,8,6,5,4], 
    [9,3,8,4,6, 5,1,9,8,4, 7,3,5,6,1, 1,8,4,8,1], 
    [1,9,3,7,4, 8,5,1,9,3, 8,4,0,0,7, 9,9,8,7,9], 
    [4,9,6,5,5, 2,6,4,9,4, 8,7,9,8,7, 3,4,2,9,8], 

    [7,5,3,8,9, 3,4,7,6,5, 1,7,6,4,6, 8,7,4,2,5], 
    [6,1,2,8,3, 4,6,1,8,7, 1,3,4,7,6, 1,3,8,7,4], 
    [3,4,8,2,7, 5,6,1,8,3, 4,7,6,1,3, 8,7,4,6,5], 
    [1,8,3,7,4, 5,0,2,9,8, 4,3,7,5,8, 3,4,7,1,2], 
    [7,3,4,6,5, 1,8,2,3,7, 0,5,6,9,8, 4,7,5,1,9], 

    [3,4,8,5,9, 2,7,3,4,6, 1,1,5,5,4, 1,1,8,7,2], 
    [4,6,0,8,3, 7,4,1,9,1, 8,7,4,1,1, 9,2,8,1,3], 
    [4,7,5,9,5, 8,1,3,4,2, 6,1,0,7,8, 1,3,6,4,1], 
    [8,7,5,6,1, 9,4,3,8,5, 1,9,1,3,8, 4,7,5,1,9], 
    [2,9,3,8,4, 7,5,2,9,3, 4,8,7,1,9, 1,8,6,6,4], 

    [5,7,8,1,5, 6,4,2,3,4, 4,9,3,7,5, 1,9,4,3,8], 
    [7,5,2,1,8, 7,3,4,6,7, 8,5,6,2,1, 3,4,8,9,4], 
    [5,7,4,9,3, 8,7,1,2,9, 8,7,3,4,5, 6,8,7,6,2], 
    [1,3,8,4,7, 5,6,1,8,7, 4,3,8,9,2, 3,2,4,5,9], 
    [8,7,7,2,3, 9,7,8,4,6, 1,5,4,1,7, 8,2,3,9,5] 
#map attributes    

#initializing the matrix format appropriae to the given map size 
    #1. max_range_matrix is a map of zeroes to store movement potential 
    #2. mod_draw_matrix is for drawing reachable tiles on the screen 
    #3. playerpos is the player's mobility check start position 
    #4. mobility is a unit's movement attribute 
max_range_matrix = [ 20*[0] for row in range(20)] 
mob_draw_matrix = [ 20*[0] for row in range(20)] 
playerpos = [10,10] 
mobility = 6 
#adds map mobility value in a a radius around the player position on a map 
#of zeros 
#1.1 zeros are discarded as impassable and act as a floodfill range 
#note:to see this, run program and adjust window to line up the matrix. 
for row in range(20): 
    for column in range(20): 
     if abs(playerpos[0] - column) + abs(playerpos[1] - row) <=mobility: 
      max_range_matrix[row][column] = move_weight[row][column] 

#zeros flood fill origin to exclude from distance addition 
max_range_matrix[playerpos[1]][playerpos[0]] = 0 

#Initializing variable for flood fill recursion 
    #1. nodes i and j represents a floodfill + shape mapping the area 
    #2. the various check dicts swap data for flood fill recursion process 
    #3. nodeC starts at player position and cycles through old open checks 
    #4. close check stores processed checks for path efficiency calcs 
NODEj = ((0,-1),(0,1)) 
NODEi = ((1,0),(-1,0)) 
mob_newOpenCheck_dict = {} 
mob_oldOpenCheck_dict = {} 
mob_closedCheck_dict = {} 
nodec = playerpos 
new_openCheck_update_dict = {} 

counter = 0 
while True: 
    if nodec != playerpos: 
     for old_position, old_move_cost in mob_oldOpenCheck_dict.items(): 
      nodec = [old_position[0], old_position[1]] 
#checking mobility cost down ,left, up, right from current nodeC position. 
#1. nodes to shift mobility lookup in a cross patern 
#2. storing coordinate(xy) and cumulative mobility values in new 
#3. if cross checks overlap, it stores the lower of the two travel cost 
      #note: i=y and j=x. Matrix[i][j] and Position(x,y) are reverse 
      for i in range(2): 
       for j in range(2): 
        i_adj = nodec[1] + NODEi[i][j] 
        j_adj = nodec[0] + NODEj[i][j] 
        current_move_cost = max_range_matrix[i_adj][j_adj] 
         + old_move_cost 

        current_position = (j_adj, i_adj) 

        #testing for lowest travel cost on current tile 
        #swaping dicts to prevent self editing durring recursion 


        new_openCheck_update_dict = {} 

        for new_position, new_move_cost in 
         if current_position != new_position: 
          new_openCheck_update_dict[current_position] = 
         elif current_position == new_position and 
          current_move_cost < new_move_cost: 
          new_openCheck_update_dict[current_position] = 

        for current_position1, current_move_cost1 in 
         mob_newOpenCheck_dict[current_position1] = 

     #checking mobility cost down ,left, up, right from player position. 
     #1. nodes shift mobility lookup in a cross patern 
     #2. storing coordinate(xy) and mobility value in new open dictionary 
     #note: i=y and j=x. Matrix[i][j] and Position(x,y) are reverse. 
     for i in range(2): 
      for j in range(2): 
       i_adj = nodec[1] + NODEi[i][j] 
       j_adj = nodec[0] + NODEj[i][j] 
       move_cost = max_range_matrix[i_adj][j_adj] 
       move_cost_pos = (j_adj, i_adj) 
       mob_newOpenCheck_dict[move_cost_pos] = move_cost  

    nodec = [0,0] 

    #removing impassable area(s) from floodfill scan 
     #note:cannot delete from interating object so a list is used 
     #and cleaned at every pass 
    del_zero_positions = []   
    for position, move_cost in mob_newOpenCheck_dict.items(): 
     if move_cost == 0: 

    for position in del_zero_positions: 
     del mob_newOpenCheck_dict[position] 

    #dumping mobility old check into closed check 
    for position, mob_cost in mob_oldOpenCheck_dict.items(): 
     mob_closedCheck_dict[position] = mob_cost 

    #replaceing mobility old check with with new check data for next 
    #floodfill pass. 
    #compare with closed to make sure fronteir doesn't move backwards 


    mob_oldOpenCheck_dict = {} 
    new_openCheck_update_dict = {} 
    for new_position, new_move_cost in mob_newOpenCheck_dict.items(): 
     for closed_position, closed_move_cost in  
      if new_position != closed_position: 
       new_openCheck_update_dict[new_position] = new_move_cost 

    for key, value in new_openCheck_update_dict.items(): 

    #clearing new check for next pass 
    mob_newOpenCheck_dict = {} 

    #set counter for experimentation 
    if counter == 2: 
     counter += 1 

print('map matrix') 
print('\nmax range_matrix') 



一番下のいくつかの明白な間違いが修正されました。私が知る必要があることは、タイルチェックのクロスオーバで最も低い値のチェックを実装する方法と、クロスオーバーを排除する方法です。新しい小切手はデータを受け取っていません。それは私が重み付けされた動きを追跡することに気をつけなければうまくいく。 –


あなたはおそらくあなたが認識している特定の問題を呼び出すことを提案します。そうでなければ、あなたはコードレビューを求めているようです。https://codereview.stackexchange.com/はより良い家です。 – TygerKrash


申し訳ありません、私'm new。別の辞書から辞書に追加するときは、書き込み元の既存のキー:値を更新しないようにするにはどうすればよいですか?また、dictがキー:valueのペアを転送する必要があるかどうかを確認するために、どのように値チェックを行いますか?これらのチェックは再帰内で実行できますか? –



で反復チェックを交換する場合mob_newOpenCheck_dictでcurrent_positionと current_move_cost < mob_newOpenCheck_dict [current_position]:あった