2012-04-20 28 views

<br />タグをすべて削除するには、デリミタを使用して次のHTMLを選択します。これは大きなHTMLファイルの一部であることがわかります。区切り文字を使用して、HTMLファイル内の他のタグを削除したいと思います。デリミタを使用してAppleScriptでHTMLタグを削除する

<Education :<br /> 
<br /> 
- School-leaving exam type B, Zug<br /> 
- Basic course HSG<br /> 
- Business economist FH, HWV St. Gallen (1990)<br /> 
<br /> 
Professional development :<br /> 
<br /> 
- 1984-97 GESTIO Treuhand- und Verwaltungs AG, Zug (part time)<br /> 
- 1985-86 Financial administration Canton of St. Gallen<br /> 
- 1991-94 Gestinor Services AG, Zug<br /> 
- 1994-97 Revisuisse Price Waterhouse AG, Zug, Taxes and Law<br /> 
- 1997 Founding of Bohnet & Schlatter Treuhand AG<br /> 
<br /> 
Experience :<br /> 
<br /> 
- Tax consultation of legal and natural persons<br /> 
- Preparation of tax statements for legal and natural persons<br /> 
- Preparation of structural plans and execution of organizational processes<br /> 
- Management and support on responsibilities in finances and accounting. 




テキストは、私の中のSnow Leopardとライオン、交換するアイテムのテキスト区切り文字(中oldItemパラメータことに注意してください例えば

on run -- example 
    set theText to "<Education :<br /> 
<br /> 
- School-leaving exam type B, Zug<br />..." 

    replaceTextInString_fromOldItem_toNewItem_(theText, "<br />", "") 
end run 

to replaceTextInString_fromOldItem_toNewItem_(someText, oldItem, newItem) 
    replace all occurances of oldItem with newItem 
     parameters - someText [text]: the text containing the item(s) to change 
         oldItem [text]: the item to be replaced 
         newItem [text]: the item to replace with 
     returns [text]: the text with the item(s) replaced 
    set {tempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, oldItem} 
     set {pieces, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {text items of someText, newItem} 
     set {someText, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {pieces as text, tempTID} 
    on error errorMessage number errorNumber -- oops 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tempTID -- make sure TID's are reset 
     error errorMessage number errorNumber -- pass on error 
    end try 

    return someText 
end replaceTextInString_fromOldItem_toNewItem_ 
