Param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package)
$proj = Get-Project
$pack = $package
# Detect if the project installing the NuGet package is a web application and
# alters an xml element value in the .targets value to prevent duplication
# of application resources when published.
if ($proj.ExtenderNames -contains "WebApplication") {
# Begin to build neccessary path strings to find the .targets file.
# The targets file is currently located in
# \packages\packageName.packageVersion\build\packageName.targets.
$packageName = [string]$pack.Id
$packageRootDir = $installPath
# packageName.Version\build
$packageBuildFolderPath = Join-Path $packageRootDir "build"
# packageName.Version\build\packageName
$targetsFilePath = Join-Path $packageBuildFolderPath ($packageName + ".targets")
if (Test-Path $targetsFilePath) {
# If the targets file path has correctly located the file then
# we edit the targets file to alter the CopyToOutputDirectory element.
# Load the targets file as an xml object
$xml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
"xml loaded"
# Search each ItemGroup element for the one containing a Content element.
foreach ($group in $xml.Project.ItemGroup) {
$nodeExists = $group.Content.CopyToOutputDirectory
if ($nodeExists) {
# Edits the value when we find the correct node
$nodeExists = "Never"
"xml modified"
# Save the updated document to the correct place.
$savePath = [string]$targetsFilePath
"xml Saved to $savePath"
Executing script file 'path to tools/Init.ps1' 'correct path to package/build/package.targets' xml loaded Always Never xml modified 'correct path to package/build/package.targets' xml Saved to 'correct path to package/build/package.targets'
実際の質問とは別に、ファイルで何を修正しようとしていますか? /なぜそれが必要ですか? –