更新:itsrajaは最終的に$ TMPDIR環境変数が(上記のコメントでzerkmsからいくつかのアドバイスの後に)設定されていない見つけOP
Sorry, I was searching in SVN's.
I haven't set anything as temporary directory, it seems. When echoed $TMPDIR
, it is empty.
I believe it uses /tmp
directory and it has enough space.
, and the issue fixed, thanks
によると、 this post(Windowsクライアントの場合、この考えはUnixクライアントでも有効です)
Using Subversion (via Tortoise, incidentally), I recently got this error:
Can't set position pointer in file 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\report.tmp':
There is not enough space on the disk.
This means you have run out of space on your server.
Sounds straight forward, but it took a while fooling around on the client
それともdescribed hereとしてtmp
Subversion uses an APR function (which we donated to that project) for finding a temporary directory.
It does so by trying to find a writable directory using the following search path:
"C:\TEMP" (windows only)
"SYS:\TMP" (netware only)
P_tmpdir (POSIX define)
Do you have one of those first three environment variables set to a non-writable location?
tmpディレクトリがあるディスクに十分な領域がありますか? – zerkms
私はsvnのルート、すなわち/ var/www/svnのために約60GBを持っています。そのうちの半分だけが現在使用されています。 – itsraja
一時的なDirについてはどうですか? – zerkms