2016-12-07 12 views




Private Sub cmdGetFile_Click() 
'Import components spreadsheet into components table 
    Dim fDlg As FileDialog 
    Dim flNme As String 
    Dim flChsn As Integer 

    Set fDlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) 

    fDlg.Title = "Select Products & Components file" 
    flChsn = fDlg.Show 
    fDlg.FilterIndex = 1 

    If flChsn <> -1 Then 
     MsgBox "No file selected" 
     flNme = fDlg.SelectedItems(1) 
    End If 

    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet , acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "component", flNme, -1, [this is where I need help] 
End Sub 


は、最終的なコードはありますか? – NiVeR





Option Compare Database 
Option Explicit 

Private Sub cmdGetFile_Click() 
'Import components spreadsheet into components table 
Dim fDlg As FileDialog 
Dim flNme As String 
Dim flChsn As Integer 

Set fDlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) 

fDlg.Title = "Select Products & Components file" 
flChsn = fDlg.Show 
fDlg.FilterIndex = 1 

If flChsn <> -1 Then 
    MsgBox "No file selected" 
    flNme = fDlg.SelectedItems(1) 
End If 

' Open the Workbook and display a list of sheet names 
Dim excelApp As Excel.Application 
Dim oWB   As Excel.Workbook 
Dim oWS   As Excel.Worksheet 
Dim strSheets As String 
Dim strRange As String 
Dim i   As Integer 
Dim strSheet As String 
Dim iLastrow As Long 
Dim iLastCol As Long 

Set excelApp = New Excel.Application 
Set oWB = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(flNme) 
excelApp.Visible = False 'Don't need to see the workbook 

' Sheet 3 is the worksheet that I want to import 
i = 3 
strSheet = strSheets & oWB.Worksheets(3).Name 

' Get Cell Range starting in A1 
Set oWS = oWB.Sheets(strSheet) 

' Get last used row 
iLastrow = oWS.Cells(oWS.rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 

' Build Import range (Sheet & cells) 
strRange = strSheet & "!A1:L" & iLastrow ' i.e. "SheetName!A1:P25" 

oWB.Close SaveChanges:=False  ' Close, don't save any changes 
Set oWB = Nothing 
Set excelApp = Nothing 

' Import worksheet 
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "component", flNme, -1, strRange 

End Sub 



Option Compare Database 
Option Explicit 

Private Sub cmdGetFile_Click() 
    'Import components spreadsheet into components table 
    Dim fDlg As FileDialog 
    Dim flNme As String 
    Dim flChsn As Integer 

    Set fDlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) 

    fDlg.Title = "Select Products & Components file" 
    flChsn = fDlg.Show 
    fDlg.FilterIndex = 1 

    If flChsn <> -1 Then 
     MsgBox "No file selected" 
     flNme = fDlg.SelectedItems(1) 
    End If 

    ' Open the Workbook and display a list of sheet names 
    Dim excelApp As Excel.Application 
    Dim oWB   As Excel.Workbook 
    Dim oWS   As Excel.Worksheet 
    Dim strSheets As String 
    Dim strRange As String 
    Dim i   As Integer 
    Dim strSheet As String 
    Dim iLastrow As Long 
    Dim iLastCol As Long 

    Set excelApp = New Excel.Application 
    Set oWB = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(flNme) 
    excelApp.Visible = True 

    ' Get all Sheet Names 
    strSheets = "" 
    For i = 1 To oWB.Worksheets.Count 
     strSheets = strSheets & oWB.Worksheets(i).Name & vbCr 
    Next i 

    ' Display the list 
    MsgBox "List of all worksheet names:" & vbCrLf & strSheets 

    strSheet = InputBox("Please enter the name of the Worksheet to import.", "Sheet Name?") 
    If InStr(1, strSheets, strSheet) = 0 Then 
     MsgBox "You entered a sheet name that does not exist.", vbOKOnly, "Unknown Sheet Name" 
     GoTo AskAgain 
    End If 

    ' Get Cell Range... Assume range starts in A1???? 
    Set oWS = oWB.Sheets(strSheet) 

    ' Get last used row 
    iLastrow = oWS.Cells(oWS.rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 
    ' Build Import range (Sheet & cells) 
    strRange = strSheet & "!A1:BM" & iLastrow     ' i.e. "SheetName!A1:P25" 

    oWB.Close SaveChanges:=False  ' Close, don't save any changes 
    Set oWB = Nothing 
    Set excelApp = Nothing 

    ' Import worksheet 
    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "component", flNme, -1, strRange   '[this is where I need help] 

End Sub 

タブの名前は、特定のパターン「コンポーネントm-d」に従います。例:コンポーネント11-23。私が手動でそれを行うつもりなら、コンポーネントの11-23タブを探します。 – Greg