2017-10-29 27 views



private function buildCSV($link, $file) { 
// container to hold the CSV file as it's built 
$csv_file = ""; 

// run the MySQL query and check to see if results were returned 
$result = mysqli_query($link, $file["mySQL_query"]); 
if (!$result) { 
    die("ERROR: Invalid query \n MySQL error: " . mysqli_error($link) . "\n Your query: " . $this->mySQL_query); 

// only return a non blank data set with query returns at least one record 
$num_of_rows = mysqli_num_rows($result); 
if ($num_of_rows > 0) { 
    if ($this->debugFlag) { 
    echo "Step 3 (repeats for each attachment): MySQL query ran successfully. \n\n"; 

    // store the number of columns from the results 
    $columns = mysqli_num_fields($result); 
    // Build a header row using the mysql field names 
    $header_row = ''; 
    for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) { 
    $column_title = $file["csv_contain"] . stripslashes(
     mysqli_fetch_field_direct($result, $i)) . $file["csv_contain"]; 
    $column_title .= ($i < $columns-1) ? $file["csv_separate"] : ''; 
    $header_row .= $column_title; 
    $csv_file .= $header_row . $file["csv_end_row"]; // add header row to CSV file 

    // Build the data rows by walking through the results array one row at a time 
    $data_rows = ''; 
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { 
    for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) { 
     // clean up the data; strip slashes; replace double quotes with two single quotes 
     $data_rows .= $file["csv_contain"] . preg_replace('/'.$file["csv_contain"].'/', $file["csv_contain"].$file["csv_contain"], stripslashes($row[$i])) . $file["csv_contain"]; 
     $data_rows .= ($i < $columns-1) ? $file["csv_separate"] : ''; 
    $data_rows .= $this->csv_end_row; // add data row to CSV file 
    $csv_file .= $data_rows; // add the data rows to CSV file 

    if ($this->debugFlag) { 
    echo "Step 4 (repeats for each attachment): CSV file built. \n\n"; 
} else { 
    echo "Step 3 (repeats for each attachment): MySQL query ran successfully \n\n"; 
    echo "Step 4 (repeats for each attachment): NO results were returned for this query \n\n"; 

// Return the completed file 
return $csv_file; 





private function buildCSV($link, $file) { 
// container to hold the CSV file as it's built 
$csv_file = ""; 

// run the MySQL query and check to see if results were returned 
$result = mysqli_query($link, $file["mySQL_query"]); 
if (!$result) { 
    die("ERROR: Invalid query \n MySQL error: " . mysqli_error($link) . "\n Your query: " . $this->mySQL_query); 

// only return a non blank data set with query returns at least one record 
$num_of_rows = mysqli_num_rows($result); 
if ($num_of_rows > 0) { 
    if ($this->debugFlag) { 
    echo "Step 3 (repeats for each attachment): MySQL query ran successfully. \n\n"; 

    // store the number of columns from the results 
    $columns = mysqli_num_fields($result); 
    // Build a header row using the mysql field names 
    $header_row = ''; 
    // Create an array of column names 
     $cols = mysqli_fetch_fields($result); 
    $colname = array(); 
    foreach ($cols as $col){ 
     array_push($colname, $col->name); 

    for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) { 
    $column_title = $file["csv_contain"] . stripslashes(
     $colname[$i]) . $file["csv_contain"]; 
    $column_title .= ($i < $columns-1) ? $file["csv_separate"] : ''; 
    $header_row .= $column_title; 

$csv_file .= $header_row . $file["csv_end_row"]; // add header row to CSV file 

    // Build the data rows by walking through the results array one row at a time 
    $data_rows = ''; 
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { 
    for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) { 
     // clean up the data; strip slashes; replace double quotes with two single quotes 
     $data_rows .= $file["csv_contain"] . preg_replace('/'.$file["csv_contain"].'/', $file["csv_contain"].$file["csv_contain"], stripslashes($row[$i])) . $file["csv_contain"]; 
     $data_rows .= ($i < $columns-1) ? $file["csv_separate"] : ''; 
    $data_rows .= $this->csv_end_row; // add data row to CSV file 
    $csv_file .= $data_rows; // add the data rows to CSV file 

    if ($this->debugFlag) { 
    echo "Step 4 (repeats for each attachment): CSV file built. \n\n"; 
} else { 
    echo "Step 3 (repeats for each attachment): MySQL query ran successfully \n\n"; 
    echo "Step 4 (repeats for each attachment): NO results were returned for this query \n\n"; 

// Return the completed file 
return $csv_file; 



このソリューションあまりにも混乱。 whileループを実行し、連想配列キーから最初の反復でヘッダーを埋める –
