webpyを使用して、非常に重い初期化段階を持つ2つの関数を持つWebサービスをホストしています。 test_server.pyにはwebpyのmain関数があり、test_classAとtest_classBには2つの関数の主な実装が含まれています。私は、アプリケーションをテストするためにカールを使用Pythonクラスをwebpyで一度だけ初期化する
# test_server.py
import web
from test_classA import classA
from test_classB import classB
urls = (
'/clsa', 'clsa',
'/clsb', 'clsb',
class clsa:
ca = classA('subtype1')
def __init__(self):
def POST(self):
class clsb:
cb = classB()
def POST(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = web.application(urls, globals())
# test_classA.py
class classA():
print "init class A"
varA = {}
def __init__(self, subtype):
"""a very heavy-loaded function that read a lot of data into memory"""
print "init class A instance, subtype:", subtype
def dosomething(self, subtype):
print "class A do something for " + subtype
self.varA['apple'] = 1
def doanotherthing(self):
print "class A do another thing"
self.varA['orange'] = 2
print self.varA
# test_classB.py
class classB():
print "init class B"
varB = {}
def __init__(self):
"""a very heavy-loaded function that read a lot of data into memory"""
print "init class B instance"
def dosomething(self):
print "class B do something"
$ curl localhost:8084/clsb --data-binary "hello"
None$ curl localhost:8084/clsa --data-binary "hello"
None$ curl localhost:8084/clsb --data-binary "hello"
$ python test_server.py 8084
init class A
init class B
init class A instance, subtype: subtype1
init class B instance
init class A instance, subtype: subtype1
init class B instance
class B do something - - [19/Mar/2017 20:03:08] "HTTP/1.1 POST /clsb" - 200 OK
class A do something for subtype1
class A do another thing
{'orange': 2, 'apple': 1} - - [19/Mar/2017 20:03:17] "HTTP/1.1 POST /clsa" - 200 OK
class B do something - - [19/Mar/2017 20:03:32] "HTTP/1.1 POST /clsb" - 200 OK
...カールコマンドで次を取得します。つまり、私はあなたが欲しいのはsingleton classある
>>> init class A instance, subtype: subtype1
>>> init class B instance