2017-02-03 16 views

この問題を解決する方法がわかりません。私は2つの地理列SQL Server空間の残りの距離を見つける

LegRoute geography NULL, 
GPSPoint geography NULL, 
GPSPointToLegRouteDistance Float NULL, 
  • LegRouteがポリライン
  • GPSPointは私がラインにポイントから(マイル)の距離を取得することができますポイント


SET GPSPointToLegRouteDistance = LegRoute.STDistance(GPSPoint)/1609.344    
FROM #Trip T 






私はこれを解決しました。コメントしてより良い/より速い方法をお勧めします。いくつかの調査の後、組み込みのSQL Server機能を使用してそれを行う方法はないようです。そこで、私はCLRインテグレーションを使用しました。


ちょうど私たちが持っているデータを見るだけで、 "1/2-1マイル以上。そして私は誤差が最大0.2マイルにあると推定しています。私たちが何をしているのか(道路のトラック上の残りの走行距離/時間を見積もる)は何もありません。私たちの試みを地理的なタイプと比較して、パフォーマンスは非常にまともです。しかし、C#のコードスピードを改善するための提案がある場合は、どうかしてください。

public class Functions 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Function receives path and current location. We find remaining distance after 
    /// matching position. Function will return null in case of error. 
    /// If everything goes well but last point on route is closest to GPS - we return 0 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="lat"> 
    /// Latitude of current location 
    /// </param> 
    /// <param name="lon"> 
    /// Longitude of current location 
    /// </param> 
    /// <param name="path"> 
    /// Path as a series of points just like we have it in RouteCache 
    /// </param> 
    /// <param name="outOfRouteMetersThreshhold"> 
    /// Out of route distance we can tolerate. If reached - return NULL 
    /// </param> 
    /// <returns> 
    /// Meters to end of path. 
    /// </returns> 
    public static double? RemainingDistance(double lat, double lon, string path, double outOfRouteThreshhold) 
     var gpsPoint = new Point { Lat = lat, Lon = lon }; 

     // Parse path into array of points 
     // Loop and find point in sequence closest to our input GPS lat/lon 
     // IMPORTANT!!! There is some simplification of issue here. 
     // We assume that linestring is pretty granular with small-ish segments 
     // This way we don't care if distance is to segment. We just check distance to each point. 
     // This will give better performance but will not be too precise. For what we do - it's OK 
     var closestPointIndex = 0; 
     double distance = 10000; 
     var pointArrayStr = path.Split(','); 
     if (pointArrayStr.Length < 2) return null; 

     for (var i = 0; i < pointArrayStr.Length; i++) 
      var latLonStr = pointArrayStr[i].Split(' '); 
      var currentDistance = DistanceSqrt(
       new Point { Lat = double.Parse(latLonStr[1]), Lon = double.Parse(latLonStr[0]) }); 
      if (currentDistance >= distance) continue; 

      distance = currentDistance; 
      closestPointIndex = i; 

     // Closest point known. Let's see what this distance in meters and handle out of route 
     var closestPointStr = pointArrayStr[closestPointIndex].Split(' '); 
     var closestPoint = new Point { Lat = double.Parse(closestPointStr[1]), Lon = double.Parse(closestPointStr[0]) }; 
     var distanceInMeters = DistanceMeters(gpsPoint, closestPoint); 
     if (distanceInMeters > outOfRouteThreshhold) return null; 

     // Last point closest, this is "complete" route or something wrong with passed data 
     if (closestPointIndex == pointArrayStr.Length - 1) return 0; 

     // Reconstruct path string, but only for remaining points in line 
     var strBuilder = new StringBuilder(); 
     for (var i = closestPointIndex; i < pointArrayStr.Length; i++) strBuilder.Append(pointArrayStr[i] + ","); 
     strBuilder.Remove(strBuilder.Length - 1, 1); 

     // Create geography linestring and calculate lenght. This will be our remaining driving distance 
      var geoPath = SqlGeography.STGeomFromText(new SqlChars($"LINESTRING({strBuilder})"), 4326); 
      var dist = geoPath.STLength().Value; 
      return dist; 
     catch (Exception) 
      return -1; 

    // Compute the distance from A to B 
    private static double DistanceSqrt(Point pointA, Point pointB) 
     var d1 = pointA.Lat - pointB.Lat; 
     var d2 = pointA.Lon - pointB.Lon; 

     return Math.Sqrt(d1 * d1 + d2 * d2); 

    private static double DistanceMeters(Point pointA, Point pointB) 
     var e = Math.PI * pointA.Lat/180; 
     var f = Math.PI * pointA.Lon/180; 
     var g = Math.PI * pointB.Lat/180; 
     var h = Math.PI * pointB.Lon/180; 

     var i = Math.Cos(e) * Math.Cos(g) * Math.Cos(f) * Math.Cos(h) 
      + Math.Cos(e) * Math.Sin(f) * Math.Cos(g) * Math.Sin(h) 
      + Math.Sin(e) * Math.Sin(g); 

     var j = Math.Acos(i); 
     var k = 6371 * j; // 6371 earth radius 

     return k * 1000; 

    private struct Point 
     public double Lat { get; set; } 

     public double Lon { get; set; } 