1913 2016 1 1913 186
2016 1711 32843 2016 518
3 1913 32843 32001 4
250 5 3500 6 7
8 27 73 9 10
1711 73 11 2 1.4
1.4 12 33.75278 84.38611 1913
19 1930 20 21 1947
22 1955 23 1961 23
1969 27 1995 26 27
1962 28 29 30 1970
31 31
1913 2016 32843 31 27 1.4 4 7 2 23
public static void findDuplicates() {
// array for first file
for (int n = 0; n < nums.size(); n++) {
// matches are false by default
boolean match = false;
int count = 0;
String v = nums.get(n);
// array for second file
for (int k = 0; k < nums1.size(); k++) {
String p = nums1.get(k);
// second file contains values from first file
if (p.contains(v)) {
// there is a match
match = true;
// when there is a match print out matched values and the number of times they appear in second file
if (match) {
System.out.println(p + " " + "is duped" + " " + count + " " + "times");
31 is duped 1 times
public static ArrayList<String> nums;
public static ArrayList<String> nums1;
//Create a main method to start the program.
//Add FileNot FoundException in case the file can't be found by computer.
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException{
//The while will help us read the content into our computer piece by piece. It will not stop until the end of assignment.csv.
//Create a String variable - TempString. We use TempString to store each piece temporarily.
String TempString = FILE1.next();
String temp1 = TempString.replaceAll("[\\,]", "");
String pattern1 = "[0-9]+\\.{1}[0-9]+";
//Compile the Regular Expression into Pattern and store it in r1 so that the computer can understand the Regular Expression.
Pattern r1 = Pattern.compile(pattern1);
Matcher m1 = r1.matcher(temp1);
String pattern2 = "[0-9]+";
//Compile the Regular Expression into Pattern and store it in r2 so that the computer can understand the Regular Expression.
Pattern r2 = Pattern.compile(pattern2);
Matcher m2 = r2.matcher(temp1);
nums = new ArrayList<String>();
//Recollect, m1 is used to match decimal numbers.
if(!(m1.find())){//if a decimal number CAN'T be found
//We use while statement instead of if statement here.
//If there is only one piece per line, we can use either while statement or if statement.
//However, we have to use while statement if there is more than one piece per line.
while(m2.find()) {//if an integer number CAN be found
//If an Integer is found, we add 1 to Variable count.
//Even though the number (i.e., m2.group(0)) is an Integer, its data type is String. So we store it to a String variable - number.
String number = m2.group(0);
//If the remainder of count by 5 is zero, we display the number and advance to a new line.
if (count % 5 == 0){
//Otherwise, we just display the number on the same line and divide numbers by a space.
System.out.print(number + " ");
//If we find a decimal number
//We add 1 to Variable count.
//Even though the number (i.e., m1.group(0)) is a decimal number, its data type is String. So we store it to a String variable - number.
String number = m1.group(0);
//If the remainder of count by 5 is zero, we display the number and advance to a new line.
if (count % 5 == 0) {
//Otherwise, we just display the number on the same line and divide numbers by a space.
System.out.print(number + " ");
FILE1.close();//Once we finish the task, we close the file.
//Create a String variable - TempString. We use TempString to store each piece temporarily.
String TempString = FILE2.next();
//So I use replaceAll function to eliminate comma (,) and store the new string in temp1.
String temp1 = TempString.replaceAll("[\\,]", "");
String pattern1 = "[0-9]+\\.{1}[0-9]+";
//Compile the Regular Expression into Pattern and store it in r1 so that the computer can understand the Regular Expression.
Pattern r1 = Pattern.compile(pattern1);
//Match the Regular Expression with the piece (temp1) we read from assignment.csv.
Matcher m1 = r1.matcher(temp1);
String pattern2 = "[0-9]+";
//Compile the Regular Expression into Pattern and store it in r2 so that the computer can understand the Regular Expression.
Pattern r2 = Pattern.compile(pattern2);
//Match the Regular Expression with the piece (temp1) we read from assignment.csv.
Matcher m2 = r2.matcher(temp1);
nums1 = new ArrayList<String>();
//We have two types of numbers - Integer and Decimal
//Let's start us Integer.
//Recollect, m1 is used to match decimal numbers.
if(!(m1.find())){//if a decimal number CAN'T be found
//We use while statement instead of if statement here.
//If there is only one piece per line, we can use either while statement or if statement.
//However, we have to use while statement if there is more than one piece per line.
while(m2.find()) {//if an integer number CAN be found
//If an Integer is found, we add 1 to Variable count.
//Even though the number (i.e., m2.group(0)) is an Integer, its data type is String. So we store it to a String variable - number.
String number = m2.group(0);
//If the remainder of count by 5 is zero, we display the number and advance to a new line.
if (count % 5 == 0){
//Otherwise, we just display the number on the same line and divide numbers by a space.
System.out.println(/*number + " "*/);
//If we find a decimal number
//We add 1 to Variable count.
//Even though the number (i.e., m1.group(0)) is a decimal number, its data type is String. So we store it to a String variable - number.
String number = m1.group(0);
//If the remainder of count by 5 is zero, we display the number and advance to a new line.
if (count % 5 == 0){
//Otherwise, we just display the number on the same line and divide numbers by a space.
System.out.println(/*number + " "*/);
FILE2.close();//Once we finish the task, we close the file.
1913 is duplicated 3 times.
2016 is duplicated 2 times.
32843 is duplicated 1 times.
31 is duplicated 2 times.....
String p = nums.get(k)
numとnum1の配列を実際に作成する場所にコードを追加することもできます。 –
また、期待される出力は何ですか? –
@vatsalmevada – codeREXO