私はpyautogui.press( 'space')を呼び出す必要があるプロジェクトで作業していましたが、これが呼び出されたときには目立つ量の遅延があります。私は、OpenCVが使用されているので、コードをかなり速く走らせておく必要があります。 pyautogui.press( 'space')が呼び出されたときにコードが遅くなるのを防ぐ方法を誰かが知っていれば、それはすばらしいことになります。恐竜がジャンプする度に、このビデオの遅れを見ることもできます:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vceDabnT3OE。ここでpyautogui.press()が呼び出されたときに遅れを引き起こす
import numpy as np
import cv2
import pyautogui
import time
from PIL import ImageGrab
# Defining Template Images
gameOver = cv2.imread('GameOver.png')
dino = cv2.imread('Dino.png')
smallCactus = cv2.imread('SmallCactus.png')
bigCactus = cv2.imread('BigCactus.png')
ptero = cv2.imread('Ptero.png')
# Assigning Sample Image Dimensions
h, w = dino.shape[:-1]
sch, scw = smallCactus.shape[:-1]
bch, bcw = bigCactus.shape[:-1]
ph, pw = ptero.shape[:-1]
# Time Variables
lastTime = time.time()
runningTime = 0
# Key Variables
keyDown = False
while True:
# Capturing Screen
# 'bbox' Is Rectangle Around The Game
screen = np.array(ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(150,125,800,300)))
# Time stuff
#print('Loop took {} seconds'.format(time.time() - lastTime))
runningTime += time.time() - lastTime
lastTime = time.time()
# Checking If Game Over
gameOverRes = cv2.matchTemplate(screen, gameOver, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
minValG, maxValG, minLocG, maxLocG = cv2.minMaxLoc(gameOverRes)
if maxValG >= 0.9 and runningTime > 4:
print('Game Ended In ', int(round(runningTime)), ' Seconds')
runningTime = 0
# Finding Dinosaur
dinoRes = cv2.matchTemplate(screen, dino, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc(dinoRes)
# Finding Small Cacti
smallCactusRes = cv2.matchTemplate(screen, smallCactus, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
smallCactusThreshhold = 0.725
smallCactusLoc = np.where(smallCactusRes >= smallCactusThreshhold)
# Finding Big Cacti
bigCactusRes = cv2.matchTemplate(screen, bigCactus, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
bigCactusThreshhold = 0.725
bigCactusLoc = np.where(bigCactusRes >= bigCactusThreshhold)
# Finding Pterodactyls
pteroRes = cv2.matchTemplate(screen, ptero, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
minValP, maxValP, minLocP, maxLocP = cv2.minMaxLoc(pteroRes)
# Drawing Box Around Dinosaur
cv2.rectangle(screen, maxLoc, (maxLoc[0] + w, maxLoc[1] + h), (0, 255, 0), 2)
# Avoiding Closest Small Cactus
if smallCactusLoc[0].size > 0:
leftmostXS = min(smallCactusLoc[1])
leftmostYS = min(smallCactusLoc[0])
distS = (leftmostXS - maxLoc[0])
if (distS < 175 and distS > 0):
cv2.rectangle(screen, (leftmostXS, leftmostYS), (leftmostXS+scw, leftmostYS+sch), (255, 160, 0), 2)
# Avoiding Closest Big Cactus
if bigCactusLoc[0].size > 0:
leftmostXB = min(bigCactusLoc[1])
leftmostYB = min(bigCactusLoc[0])
distB = (leftmostXB - maxLoc[0])
if distB < 175 and distB > 0:
cv2.rectangle(screen, (leftmostXB, leftmostYB), (leftmostXB+bcw, leftmostYB+bch), (255, 0, 0), 2)
# Avoiding Pterodactyls
# Check 'maxValP' Because Otherwise Dino Gets Mistaken As Pterodactyl
# 'keyDown' Is Needed For Down Arrow, Otherwise It Doesn't Work Properly
if maxValP >= 0.60:
distP = maxLocP[0] - maxLoc[0]
heightP = maxLoc[1] - maxLocP[1]
if distP < 190 and distP > 0:
if heightP > 10:
keyDown = True
cv2.rectangle(screen, maxLocP, (maxLocP[0] + pw, maxLocP[1] + ph), (0, 0, 255), 2)
# elif keyDown == True:
# pyautogui.keyUp('down')
# keyDown = False
# Showing Image
cv2.imshow('Dino Game', cv2.cvtColor(screen, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
# Quit
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == 27: