2016-11-11 14 views

ランダム射影の方法を使用しようとしています(基本的に、ユークリッド距離を2点間に保ったまま次元を縮小しています) (MATLAB用MEXファイル):2点間の距離を保持しないスパースランダム投影(Johnson Lindenstrauss変換)

* sjlt.c - Sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transform 
* Creates a random sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss projection matrix. 
* The columns are independent and each column has exactly s non-zero 
* entries. All non-zero entries are independent Rademacher random 
* variables. Details can be found in [1]. 
* The calling syntax is: 
*  projection = sjlt(rows, columns, sparsity) 
* This is a MEX file for MATLAB. 
* Depending on your compiler, you can compile the function using 
* one of the following calls: 
* $ mex CXXFLAGS='$CXXFLAGS -std=c++0x' COPTIMFLAGS='-O3 -DNDEBUG' -largeArrayDims sjlt.cpp 
* or 
* $ mex CXXFLAGS='$CXXFLAGS -std=c++11' COPTIMFLAGS='-O3 -DNDEBUG' -largeArrayDims sjlt.cpp 
* Author: Tobias Pohlen <[email protected]> 
* References: 
* [1] Jean Bourgain, Sjoerd Dirksen, and Jelani Nelson. "Toward a Unified 
*  Theory of Sparse Dimensionality Reduction in Euclidean Space", 
*  Symposium on Theory of Computing, 2015. 

#include "mex.h" 
#include <random> 

std::random_device rd; 
std::mt19937 g(rd()); 

// We use this in order to generate rademacher random variables 
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> rademacherDist(0, 1); 
inline int rademacher() 
    return 2*rademacherDist(g) - 1; 

/* Tries to extract an integer from arg */ 
mwSize getIntegerScalar(const mxArray* arg) 
    if (mxGetNumberOfElements(arg) == 1) 
     return mxGetScalar(arg); 
     mexErrMsgTxt("Integer scalar is not of size == [1 1].\n"); 

/* Returns an integer from arg or 0 if the integer is negative */ 
mwSize getNonNegativeIntegerScalar(const mxArray* arg) 
    int res = getIntegerScalar(arg); 
    if (res < 0) 
     return 0; 
     return res; 

/* Shuffles the array randomly */ 
void shuffle(
    mwSize* array, 
    mwSize size, 
    std::uniform_int_distribution<mwSize> & indexDistribution) 
    for (mwSize i = 0; i < size; i++) 
     std::swap(array[i], array[indexDistribution(g)]); 

/* Creates a sparse Johnson Lindenstrauss Transform of size numRows x numCols 
* of sparsity. 
void createSJLT(
    mwSize sparsity, 
    mwSize numRows, 
    mwSize numCols, 
    double *entries, 
    mwSize* rowIndices, 
    mwSize* colIndices) 
    // Create an array of row indices to shuffle. We use this in order 
    // to draw random rows without replacement 
    std::uniform_int_distribution<mwSize> rowDist(0, numRows-1); 
    mwSize* rowCache = (mwSize*) malloc(numRows*sizeof(mwSize)); 
    for (mwSize i = 0; i < numRows; i++) 
     rowCache[i] = i; 

    // Fill the column indices and the entries (remember that the entries are 
    // just independent rademacher random variables) 
    mwSize colOffset = 0; 
    for (mwSize c = 0; c < numCols; c++) 
     // Shuffle the row indices 
     shuffle(rowCache, sparsity, rowDist); 

     for (mwSize s = 0; s < sparsity; s++) 
      entries[colOffset+s] = rademacher(); 
      rowIndices[colOffset+s] = rowCache[s]; 

     colIndices[c] = c*sparsity; 

     colOffset += sparsity; 

    colIndices[numCols] = numCols*sparsity; 


* This is the function called by MATLAB. 
void mexFunction(
    int numLeftHandSide, 
    mxArray *pointerLeftHandSide[], 
    int numRightHandSide, 
    const mxArray *pointerRightHandSide[]) 
    // Inputs: 
    // 1. number of rows 
    // 2. number of columns 
    // 3. sparsity (number of non-zeros per column) 
    if(numRightHandSide != 3) 
      "Three inputs required."); 

    // Outputs: 
    // 1. SJLT matrix 
    if (numLeftHandSide != 1) 
      "One output required."); 

    // Read the inputs 
    int numRows = getNonNegativeIntegerScalar(pointerRightHandSide[0]); 
    int numCols = getNonNegativeIntegerScalar(pointerRightHandSide[1]); 
    int sparsity = getNonNegativeIntegerScalar(pointerRightHandSide[2]); 

    // The sparsity cannot be higher than the number of rows 
    if (sparsity > numRows) 
     sparsity = numRows; 

    // Create the outputs 
    pointerLeftHandSide[0] = mxCreateSparse(numRows,numCols,numCols*sparsity,mxREAL); 

    // Create the transformation 


enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here


>> mex CXXFLAGS='$CXXFLAGS -std=c++0x' COPTIMFLAGS='-O3 -DNDEBUG' -largeArrayDims sjlt.cpp 
Building with 'g++'. 
Warning: You are using gcc version '5.4.0'. The version of gcc is not supported. The version currently 
supported with MEX is '4.7.x'. For a list of currently supported compilers see: 
MEX completed successfully. 
>> rng('default'); 
>> rng(1); 
>> nObservations = 100; 
>> nFeatures = 10000; 
>> X = randn(nObservations, nFeatures); 
>> X1 = X(1,:); 
>> X2 = X(2,:); 
>> dist = sqrt(sum((X1 - X2) .^ 2)); 
>> dist 

dist = 


>> nFeatures_new = 3947; % This number was taken from: http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/random_projection.html 
>> sparsity = 1; 
>> R = sjlt(nFeatures, nFeatures_new,sparsity); 
>> Y = X*R; 
>> Y = (sqrt(sparsity)/sqrt(nFeatures_new)) * Y; 
>> Y1 = Y(1,:); 
>> Y2 = Y(2,:); 
>> dist_transformed = sqrt(sum((Y1 - Y2) .^ 2)); 
>> dist_transformed 

dist_transformed = 


不思議な距離は保存されませんでした!私はubuntu 16.04、64ビット版を使用しています)警告があったので、コードか、.cppファイルをコンパイルする方法に何か間違っている必要があります。誰でも助けてくれますか?前もって感謝します!



私のコードがユークリッド距離を保持しなかったのは、変数 "s"を各列の非ゼロエントリの数と誤解したからです。 1/s =希薄/ Dのようになった。また、MEXファイル内のランダム化があったので、最初の2行は(したがって、「dist_transformed」の値は、実行ごとに異なるだろう、再現性のある結果を保証するものではないことを

    n = 100; D = 10000; k = 3947; 
    s = round(log(D)) + 1; 
    sparsity = D/s; 

    X = randn(n,D); 
    X1 = X(1,:); 
    X2 = X(2,:); 
    dist = sqrt(sum((X1 - X2) .^ 2)); 

    Y = X * sjlt(D,k,sparsity); 
    Y = Y .* (sqrt(s)/sqrt(k)); 
    Y1 = Y(1,:); Y2 = Y(2,:); 
    dist_transformed = sqrt(sum((Y1 - Y2) .^ 2)); 


注:ここで は動作するコードです"dist"は変更されません)