2016-04-24 7 views





AVL min_node(AVL self) 
    /* A AVL node to keep track of the current node. */ 
    AVL current = self; 

    /* This loop finds the minimum node, by traversing the tree until the leftmost node is discovered. */ 
    while (!empty_tree(current)) 
     current = current->left; 

    /* Returns the tree. */ 
    return current; 

AVL delete(AVL self, long id) 

    if (self != NULL) 
     if (id == self->student_id) 
      if (self->left != NULL) 
       AVL successor = min_node(self->right); 
       self->student_id = successor->student_id; 
       self->right = delete(self->right, self->student_id); 
       AVL to_free = self; 
       if (self->left) 
        self = self->left; 
        self = self->right; 
     else if (id < self->student_id) 
      self->left = delete(self->left, id); 
      self->right = delete(self->right, id); 

    /*NEW SHIT*/ 
    int balance = getBalance(self); 

    //Left Left Case 
    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(self->left) >= 0) 
     return rotateRight(self); 
    //Left Right Case 
    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(self->left) < 0) 
     self->left = leftRotate(self->left); 
     return rotateRight(self); 
    //Right Right Case 
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(self->right) <= 0) 
     return leftRotate(self); 
    //Right Left Case 
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(self->right) > 0) 
     self->right = rotateRight(self->right); 
     return leftRotate(self); 

    return self; 


self->student_id = successor->student_id; 


AVL successor = min_node(self->right); 

EDIT 2:要求に応じて、I私のavl.cファイル全体が含まれています。

#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <stdbool.h> 
#include "avl.h" 

bool names_match(char* name_one, char* name_two) 
    if (strcmp(name_one, name_two) == 0) 
     return true; 
     return false; 

bool empty_tree(AVL self) 
    if (self == NULL) 
     return true; 
     return false; 

AVL leftRotate(AVL self) 
    AVL y = self->right; 
    AVL T2 = y->left; 

    y->left = self; 
    self->right = T2; 

    return y; 

AVL rotateRight(AVL self) 
    AVL x = self->left; 
    AVL T2 = x->right; 

    x->right = self; 
    self->left = T2; 

    return x; 

int getBalance(AVL node) 
    if (node == NULL) 
     return 0; 
    return height(node->left) - height(node->right); 

AVL insert(AVL self, long id) 
    if (self == NULL) 
     self = (AVL)malloc(sizeof(struct avlNode)); 
     self->student_id = id; 
     self->left = self->right = NULL; 
    else if (id < self->student_id) 
     self->left = insert(self->left, id); 
    else if (id > self->student_id) 
     self->right = insert(self->right, id); 

    /*NEW SHIT*/ 
    int balance = getBalance(self); 

    //Left Left Case 
    if (balance > 1 && id < self->left->student_id) 
     return rotateRight(self); 
    //Right Right Case 
    if (balance < -1 && id > self->right->student_id) 
     return leftRotate(self); 
    //Left Right Case 
    if (balance > 1 && id > self->left->student_id) 
     self->left = leftRotate(self->left); 
     return rotateRight(self); 
    //Right Left Case 
    if (balance < -1 && id < self->right->student_id) 
     self->right = rotateRight(self->right); 
     return leftRotate(self); 

    //Return unchanged pointer (i dunno why. could probably be void) 
    return self; 

/* === AVL MINIMUM NODE === 
Finds the minimum node in a AVL. 
AVL min_node(AVL self) 
    /* A AVL node to keep track of the current node. */ 
    AVL current = self; 

    /* This loop finds the minimum node, by traversing the tree until the leftmost node is discovered. */ 
    while (!empty_tree(current->left)) 
     current = current->left; 

    /* Returns the tree. */ 
    return current; 

AVL delete(AVL self, long id) 
    if (self != NULL) 
     if (id == self->student_id) 
      if (self->left != NULL) 
       AVL successor = min_node(self->right); 
       self->student_id = successor->student_id; 
       self->right = delete(self->right, self->student_id); 
       AVL to_free = self; 
       if (self->left) 
        self = self->left; 
        self = self->right; 
     else if (id < self->student_id) 
      self->left = delete(self->left, id); 
      self->right = delete(self->right, id); 

    /*NEW SHIT*/ 
    if (self == NULL) 
     return self; //ADDED TODAY 

    int balance = getBalance(self); 

    //Left Left Case 
    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(self->left) >= 0) 
     return rotateRight(self); 
    //Left Right Case 
    if (balance > 1 && getBalance(self->left) < 0) 
     self->left = leftRotate(self->left); 
     return rotateRight(self); 
    //Right Right Case 
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(self->right) <= 0) 
     return leftRotate(self); 
    //Right Left Case 
    if (balance < -1 && getBalance(self->right) > 0) 
     self->right = rotateRight(self->right); 
     return leftRotate(self); 

    return self; 

/* === AVL NODE COUNT === 
Counts the number of nodes in the AVL. 
int number_of_nodes(AVL self) 
    /* If the tree is empty, return a count of 0 nodes. */ 
    if (empty_tree(self)) 
    /* If the tree is not empty, but its left and right nodes are, return a count of 1 node. */ 
    else if (empty_tree(self->left) && empty_tree(self->right)) 

    /* If the tree is not empty, and its left and right nodes are also not empty, run this function recursively in the left and right nodes. */ 
     return(1 + (number_of_nodes(self->left) + number_of_nodes(self->right))); 


/* === AVL HEIGHT === 
Returns the total height of a AVL. 
int height(AVL self) 
    /* If the tree is empty, return a count of 0 nodes. */ 
    if (empty_tree(self)) 
     return 0; 
    /* If the tree is not empty, run this fucntion recursively on the left and right branches, returning the max of the two. */ 
     return 1 + max(height(self->left), height(self->right)); 

/* === PRINT AVL === 
Prints a AVL in pre-order. 
void print_pre_order(AVL self) 

    /* If the tree isn't empty, print the node's ID and then run this function recursively on the left and then the right nodes, 
    to print pre order. */ 
    if (!empty_tree(self)) 
     printf("%d", self->student_id); 


/* === SEARCH AVL === 
Searches a AVL for a particular node. 
bool searchTree(AVL self, long id) 
    if (!empty_tree(self)) 
     /* If the node's ID matches the input ID, return true. */ 
     if (self->student_id == id) 
      return true; 

     /* If the node's ID doesn't match the input ID, run this function recurseively on the appropriate node. */ 
      if (self->student_id > id) 
       return searchTree(self->left, id); 
      else if (self->student_id < id) 
       return searchTree(self->right, id); 
    return false; 

void destroy_tree(AVL self) 
    /* If the tree is not empty, free each node in the tree by running this function recursively on the left and right branches. */ 
    if (!empty_tree(self)) 

EDIT 3:興味深い開発。使用されているAVLツリーは実際にはリンクリストにあり、各ノードにはAVLツリーが含まれています。今、AVLツリー上のノードを削除できることをたくさんのテストを通して知るようになりました。IF最初に作成されたものです。非常に興味深い、そしてさらに迷惑な。


これはデバッガを使用する完全な**機会である; – Idos


私はデバッガ。それで私のプログラムが削除時に問題になり、最小限のノード機能があることが分かります。 – user3414510


次に、問題を特定のコマンドに絞り込んで何が起こるのを防ぐのでしょうか? – Idos



私は、問題はあなたが関数に渡している 'self-> right'であると思います。もし 'self'が私が仮定しているポインタであれば、それは私の意見では '&(self-> right)'のように 'self'の 'address'を渡すべきであり、現在には'& self'のように 'current = * self'のように。それから、私はそれがうまくいくと思う。 コード全体を提供していれば訂正できると思うが、あなたは要点を得ていると思う。


あなたの提案を試してみてください。残念ながら、うまくいきませんでした。私を苛立たせるのは、バイナリ検索ツリーですべてうまく動作することです。私はちょうど余分なAVLコードでクラッシュする理由を理解できません。 – user3414510


私は全体のコードを表示できますか? – Vivek


もちろん、メインポストに追加しました。 – user3414510
