汎用のランタイム型変換関数を実装して、.Net TypeConvertersを使用して変換を行いたいと考えています。特定のタイプの.Net TypeConverterをルックアップして呼び出す方法は?
// Convert obj to the type specified by 'toType'.
object ConvertTo(object obj, Type toType)
if (TypeIsEqualOrDerivesFrom(obj.GetType(), toType)) <-- I know how to implement this.
// The type of obj is the same as the type specified by 'toType' or
// the type of obj derives from the type specified by 'toType'.
return obj;
if (TypeConverterExists(obj.GetType(), toType) <-- How do I implement this?
// There exists a type convertor that is capable of converting from
// the type of obj to the type specified by 'toType'.
return InvokeTypeConverter(obj, toType); <-- How do I implement this?
throw new TypeConversionFailedException();
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