public static function submit_job_steps($steps) {
if (self::get_packages() && apply_filters('wcpl_enable_paid_job_listing_submission', true)) {
// We need to hijack the preview submission to redirect to WooCommerce and add a step to select a package.
// Add a step to allow the user to choose a package. Comes after preview.
$steps['wc-choose-package'] = array(
'name' => __('Choose a package', 'wp-job-manager-wc-paid-listings'),
'view' => array(__CLASS__, 'choose_package'),
'handler' => array(__CLASS__, 'choose_package_handler'),
'priority' => 25,
// If we instead want to show the package selection FIRST, change the priority and add a new handler.
if ('before' === get_option('job_manager_paid_listings_flow')) {
$steps['wc-choose-package']['priority'] = 5;
$steps['wc-process-package'] = array(
'name' => '',
'view' => false,
'handler' => array(__CLASS__, 'choose_package_handler'),
'priority' => 25,
// If showing the package step after preview, the preview button text should be changed to show this.
} elseif ('before' !== get_option('job_manager_paid_listings_flow')) {
add_filter('submit_job_step_preview_submit_text', array(__CLASS__, 'submit_button_text'), 10);
// We should make sure new jobs are pending payment and not published or pending.
add_filter('submit_job_post_status', array(__CLASS__, 'submit_job_post_status'), 10, 2);
return $steps;
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