2013-11-15 8 views


ここで、scaladoc(2.10)オプションに関する情報はありますか?マニュアルページのように。 docs.scala-lang.orgでもwiki.scala-lang.orgでも見つからないようです...




scaladoc -helpができます:私は、他の情報サイトを知らないことから横に

Usage: scaladoc <options> <source files> 
where possible scaladoc options include: 
    -diagrams         Create inheritance diagrams for classes, traits and packages. 
    -diagrams-dot-path <path>     The path to the dot executable used to generate the inheritance diagrams. Eg: /usr/bin/dot 
    -diagrams-dot-restart <n>     The number of times to restart a malfunctioning dot process before disabling diagrams (default: 5) 
    -diagrams-dot-timeout <n>     The timeout before the graphviz dot util is forcefully closed, in seconds (default: 10) 
    -diagrams-max-classes <n>     The maximum number of superclasses or subclasses to show in a diagram 
    -diagrams-max-implicits <n>     The maximum number of implicitly converted classes to show in a diagram 
    -doc-footer <footer>      A footer on every ScalaDoc page, by default the EPFL/Typesafe copyright notice. Can be overridden with a custom footer. 
    -doc-format:<format>      Selects in which format documentation is rendered (html) default:html 
    -doc-generator <class-name>     The fully qualified name of a doclet class, which will be used to generate the documentation 
    -doc-no-compile <path>      A directory containing sources which should be parsed, no more (e.g. AnyRef.scala) 
    -doc-root-content <path>     The file from which the root package documentation should be imported. 
    -doc-source-url <url>      A URL pattern used to build links to template sources; use variables, for example: ?{TPL_NAME} ('Seq'), ?{TPL_OWNER} ('scala.collection'), ?{FILE_PATH} ('scala/collection/Seq') 
    -doc-title <title>       The overall name of the Scaladoc site 
    -doc-version <version>      An optional version number, to be appended to the title 
    -expand-all-types       Expand all type aliases and abstract types into full template pages. (locally this can be done with the @template annotation) 
    -groups          Group similar functions together (based on the @group annotation) 
    -implicits         Document members inherited by implicit conversions. 
    -implicits-hide:<implicit(s)>    Hide the members inherited by the given comma separated, fully qualified implicit conversions. Add dot (.) to include default conversions. 
    -implicits-show-all       Show members inherited by implicit conversions that are impossible in the default scope. (for example conversions that require Numeric[String] to be in scope) 
    -no-link-warnings       Avoid warnings for ambiguous and incorrect links. 
    -no-prefixes        Prevents generating prefixes in types, possibly creating ambiguous references, but significantly speeding up scaladoc. 
    -raw-output         For each html file, create another .html.raw file containing only the text. (can be used for quickly diffing two scaladoc outputs) 
    -skip-packages <<package1>:...:<packageN>> A colon-delimited list of fully qualified package names that will be skipped from scaladoc. 

Additional debug settings: 
    -diagrams-debug        Show debugging information for the diagram creation process. 
    -implicits-debug       Show debugging information for members inherited by implicit conversions. 

Standard scalac options also available: 
    -Dproperty=value     Pass -Dproperty=value directly to the runtime system. 
    -J<flag>       Pass <flag> directly to the runtime system. 
    -P:<plugin>:<opt>     Pass an option to a plugin 
    -X        Print a synopsis of advanced options. 
    -bootclasspath <path>    Override location of bootstrap class files. 
    -classpath <path>     Specify where to find user class files. 
    -d <directory|jar>    destination for generated classfiles. 
    -dependencyfile <file>   Set dependency tracking file. 
    -deprecation      Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs. 
    -doc-external-doc:<external-doc> comma-separated list of classpath_entry_path#doc_URL pairs describing external dependencies. 
    -encoding <encoding>    Specify character encoding used by source files. 
    -explaintypes      Explain type errors in more detail. 
    -extdirs <path>     Override location of installed extensions. 
    -external-urls:<externalUrl(s)> (deprecated) comma-separated list of package_names=doc_URL for external dependencies, where package names are ':'-separated 
    -feature       Emit warning and location for usages of features that should be imported explicitly. 
    -g:<level>      Set level of generated debugging info. (none,source,line,vars,notailcalls) default:vars 
    -help        Print a synopsis of standard options 
    -implicits-sound-shadowing  Use a sound implicit shadowing calculation. Note: this interacts badly with usecases, so only use it if you haven't defined usecase for implicitly inherited members. 
    -javabootclasspath <path>   Override java boot classpath. 
    -javaextdirs <path>    Override java extdirs classpath. 
    -language:<feature>    Enable one or more language features. 
    -no-specialization    Ignore @specialize annotations. 
    -nobootcp       Do not use the boot classpath for the scala jars. 
    -nowarn       Generate no warnings. 
    -optimise       Generates faster bytecode by applying optimisations to the program 
    -print       Print program with Scala-specific features removed. 
    -sourcepath <path>    Specify location(s) of source files. 
    -target:<target>     Target platform for object files. All JVM 1.5 targets are deprecated. (jvm-1.5,jvm-1.5-fjbg,jvm-1.5-asm,jvm-1.6,jvm-1.7,msil) default:jvm-1.6 
    -toolcp <path>     Add to the runner classpath. 
    -unchecked      Enable additional warnings where generated code depends on assumptions. 
    -uniqid       Uniquely tag all identifiers in debugging output. 
    -usejavacp      Utilize the java.class.path in classpath resolution. 
    -verbose       Output messages about what the compiler is doing. 
    -version       Print product version and exit. 
    @<file>       A text file containing compiler arguments (options and source files) 

Deprecated settings: 
    -make:<policy>     Recompilation detection policy (all,changed,immediate,transitive,transitivenocp) default:all 
             deprecated: this option is unmaintained. Use sbt or an IDE for selective recompilation. 

。利用できる唯一のものは、all settingsを含むソースコードです。