私は(より実際には、これら二つは、私は、現時点ではと働いているものです)2つのユーザーフォームを持っているときに、第2列の値を取得します。VBA複数列COMBOXは - 最初の列はリストのバインド列
Option Explicit
Dim newWelder As Boolean
Dim wqtr As Boolean
Public newWelderBoolValue As Boolean
Public welderIDSelected As String
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'varialbe fun
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim nameCell As range
Dim box As control
wqtr = False
newWelder = False
'Set Window size and position
With Application
.WindowState = xlMaximized
Me.Top = .Top * 0.5
Me.Left = .Left * 1.0015
Zoom = Int((.Width * 0.85)/(Width * 0.85) * 60)
Width = .Width * 0.28
Height = .Height * 0.5
End With
'Activate the worksheet
Worksheets("All Welders Data").range("A1").Activate
'sort the data in the active sheet by the welder's name then by welder's ID number
With ActiveSheet.Sort
.SortFields.Add Key:=range("E3"), Order:=xlAscending
.SortFields.Add Key:=range("B3"), Order:=xlAscending
.SetRange ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Offset(1)
.Header = xlYes
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
End With
'populate the combox from the active sheet (welder name in the
'first column, welder ID number in the second column.
With ActiveSheet
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.count, "A").End(xlUp).row
For Each nameCell In .range("E3:E" & lastRow)
If nameCell.Value <> "" Then
With Me.chooseWelderNameComboBox
.ColumnCount = 2
.AddItem nameCell.Value
.list(.ListCount - 1, 1) = nameCell.Offset(, -1).Value
'ComboBox now shows the values in column "E" and the values
'in coulmn "D" - in that order, as in "Name" - "ID Number".
'(the reverse order of the columns in the worksheet.)
End With
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub existingWelderOptionButton_Click()
'display the welderName Combox when this radio button
'is selected and set the switches(bools) for the Submit button.
wqtr = True
newWelder = False
Me.chooseWelderLabel.Visible = True
Me.chooseWelderNameComboBox.Visible = True
Me.chooseWelderNameComboBox.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub AddNewWelderOptionButton_Click()
'When this radio button is selected set
'the switches(bools) for the Submit button.
wqtr = False
newWelder = True
End Sub
Private Sub chooseWelderNameComboBox_Change()
welderIDSelected = "Foo"
End Sub
Private Sub submitButton_Click()
'Based on the radio button selected, set
'the Public newWelderBoolValue to either true or false
'this is used by InitialInfo_Form.UserForm_Initialize
If wqtr = True Then
newWelderBoolValue = True
newWelderBoolValue = newWelder
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim welderSelected As Boolean
Dim idSelected As String
welderSelected = ExistingOrNewWelder.newWelderBoolValue
idSelected = ExistingOrNewWelder.welderIDSelected
'Set Window size and position
With Application
.WindowState = xlMaximized
Me.Top = .Top * 0.5
Me.Left = .Left * 1.0015
Zoom = Int((.Width * 0.85)/(Width * 0.85) * 40)
Width = .Width * 0.995
Height = .Height * 0.992
End With
If welderSelected = True Then
Me.welderNameText.Text = ExistingOrNewWelder.chooseWelderNameComboBox.Text
Me.welderNameText.Enabled = False
Me.welderIDComboBox.Value = idSelected
Me.welderIDComboBox.Enabled = False
End If
welderIDComboBox.list = UserFormDropDownDataSheet.range("J2:J9000").Value
weldingProcessComboBox.list = UserFormDropDownDataSheet.range("M2:M13").Value
positionWeldedComboBox.list = UserFormDropDownDataSheet.range("O2:O14").Value
testNumberComboBox.list = UserFormDropDownDataSheet.range("Q2:Q100").Value
End Sub
welderIdselectedをグローバル変数に設定する方法は、同じワークブックの別のサブ内から呼び出すことができます。または、サブをプライベートに設定せず、パブリックに設定します。 – Luuklag
welderIDSelectedはすでに2番目のスクリプトでIDSelectedによって参照されるパブリック変数です。私が調べることに問題があるのは、welderIDSelected = "ComboBoxリストの溶接機ID番号 - ComboBoxのデータの2番目の列です。"ということです。 @Luuklag - すべてのWelderには、彼の名前と一意の一致するID番号が付いています。私はワークシートの列と列の比較を行っていますが、コンボボックスの2番目の列にアクセスする方法があるはずです。ジョー・ボブが選択されている場合は、彼のID番号がリストに表示されます。 – FatMunkey