2016-12-11 8 views




private Payment ExecutePayment(APIContext apiContext, string payerId, string paymentId) 
     var paymentExecution = new PaymentExecution() { payer_id = payerId }; 
     this.payment = new Payment() { id = paymentId }; 
     return this.payment.Execute(apiContext, paymentExecution); 

    private Payment CreatePayment(APIContext apiContext, string redirectUrl) 

     //similar to credit card create itemlist and add item objects to it 

     var countryParams = LanguageService.GetUiCultureByCountryPrefix(Country); 
     var productsInPaypalCart = (List<Dictionary<string, object>>)Session["ProductsInPaypalCart"]; 
     double subtotalAmount = 0; 
     double unitPrice = 0; 
     double taxedUnitPrice = 0; 
     var itemList = new ItemList() { items = new List<PayPal.Api.Item>() }; 
     double shipping = 0; 
     double totalAmount = 0; 
     double taxedAmount = 0; 
     double taxInTwoDecimails = 0; 
     double subtotalAmountInTwoDecimals = 0; 
     foreach (var product in productsInPaypalCart) 

      var dbProduct = Service.ProductService.GetProduct(int.Parse(product["reference"].ToString()), Country); 

      shipping = dbProduct != null && dbProduct.ShippingFee.HasValue && shipping < dbProduct.ShippingFee ? dbProduct.ShippingFee.Value : shipping; 

      unitPrice = (int)product["unit_price"]/100; 
      taxedUnitPrice = (unitPrice * 0.875); 

      itemList.items.Add(new PayPal.Api.Item() 

       name = (string)product["name"], 
       currency = countryParams.Currency, 
       price = (taxedUnitPrice).ToString("F").Replace(",", "."), 
       quantity = Convert.ToString(product["quantity"]), 



      subtotalAmount += (taxedUnitPrice * (int)product["quantity"]); 
      totalAmount += (unitPrice * (int)product["quantity"]); 
      taxedAmount += ((totalAmount * 0.125) + shipping * 0.25); 

     var b = Math.Round((decimal)subtotalAmount, 2); 
     subtotalAmountInTwoDecimals += Convert.ToDouble(b); 
     var a = Math.Round((decimal)taxedAmount, 2); 
     taxInTwoDecimails += Convert.ToDouble(a); 

     var payer = new Payer() { payment_method = "paypal" }; 

     // Configure Redirect Urls here with RedirectUrls object 
     var redirUrls = new RedirectUrls() 
      cancel_url = redirectUrl, 
      return_url = redirectUrl 

     // similar as we did for credit card, do here and create details object 
     var details = new Details() 
      tax = ((totalAmount * 0.125) + shipping * 0.25).ToString("F").Replace(",", "."), 
      shipping = (shipping * 0.75).ToString("F").Replace(",", "."), 
      subtotal = (subtotalAmount).ToString("F").Replace(",", ".") 

     // similar as we did for credit card, do here and create amount object 
     var amount = new Amount() 
      currency = countryParams.Currency, 
      total = ((subtotalAmount + taxInTwoDecimails) + (shipping * 0.75)).ToString("F").Replace(",", "."), // Total must be equal to sum of shipping, tax and subtotal. 
      details = details 

     var transactionList = new List<Transaction>(); 

     transactionList.Add(new Transaction() 
      description = "Transaction description.", 
      invoice_number = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), 
      amount = amount, 
      item_list = itemList 

     this.payment = new Payment() 
      intent = "order", 
      payer = payer, 
      transactions = transactionList, 
      redirect_urls = redirUrls 

     // Create a payment using a APIContext 

     return this.payment.Create(apiContext); 





"合計金額"と "小計+税金+送料"の合計を別々に計算しているようです。小計、税金、送料が小数点以下2桁までしか確保されていないことを確認してから、合計金額としてとして送信してください。 IEは小数点以下2桁で処理します


私はそれの例を教えてもらえますか、私はそれらをsepraetlyでどのように計算しているのか分かりません。 –
