#include <openpose/utilities/errorAndLog.hpp>
#include <openpose/utilities/string.hpp>
namespace op
template<typename T>
std::string toFixedLengthString(const T number, const unsigned long long stringLength)
const auto numberAsString = std::to_string(number);
if (stringLength > 0)
if (number < 0)
error("toFixedLengthString: number cannot be <= 0, in this case it is: " + numberAsString + ".", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
const auto zerosToAdd = stringLength - numberAsString.size();
if (zerosToAdd < 0)
const auto errorMessage = "toFixedLengthString: number greater than maximum number of digits (stringLength): "
+ numberAsString + " vs. " + std::to_string(stringLength) + ".";
error(errorMessage, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
return { std::string(zerosToAdd, '0') + numberAsString};
return numberAsString;
catch (const std::exception& e)
error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
return "";
// Signed
template std::string toFixedLengthString<char>(const char number, const unsigned long long stringLength);
template std::string toFixedLengthString<signed char>(const signed char number, const unsigned long long stringLength);
template std::string toFixedLengthString<short>(const short number, const unsigned long long stringLength);
template std::string toFixedLengthString<int>(const int number, const unsigned long long stringLength);
template std::string toFixedLengthString<long>(const long number, const unsigned long long stringLength);
template std::string toFixedLengthString<long long>(const long long number, const unsigned long long stringLength);
// Unsigned
template std::string toFixedLengthString<unsigned char>(const unsigned char number, const unsigned long long stringLength);
template std::string toFixedLengthString<unsigned short>(const unsigned short number, const unsigned long long stringLength);
template std::string toFixedLengthString<unsigned int>(const unsigned int number, const unsigned long long stringLength);
template std::string toFixedLengthString<unsigned long>(const unsigned long number, const unsigned long long stringLength);
template std::string toFixedLengthString<unsigned long long>(const unsigned long long number, const unsigned long long stringLength);
このように定義する必要はありません。それがヘッダーファイルにあるのがより理にかなっています。そのように定義することはできますが、それを使用するたびにインスタンス化を行う必要があることを意味します。 – Tas
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2351148/explicit-instantiation-when-is-it-usedとhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/13068993/when-would-you-use-template-explicit-を参照してください。インスタンス化 – Curious