def createClusters(k, centroids, datadict, repeats):
for apass in range(repeats):
clusters = []
for i in range(k):
for akey in datadict: #Creating empty list of distances
distances = []
for clusterIndex in range(k): #Calculating the distances between data point and centroid and placing them into the list of distances.
dist = euclidD(datadict[akey],centroids[clusterIndex])
mindist = min(distances) #centroids are recalculated
index = distances.index(mindist)
dimensions = len(datadict[1]) #Specifies the dimension of exam score which will be one.
for clusterIndex in range(k): #Sum include the sum for each dimension of data point
sums = [0]*dimensions #Sum initialized to zero
for akey in clusters[clusterIndex]:
datapoints = datadict[akey] #Each data point will have a data key in data dictionary
for ind in range(len(datapoints)): #Calculates sum of components continuously
sums[ind] = sums[ind] + datapoints[ind]
for ind in range(len(sums)): #Calculates the average
clusterLen = len(clusters[clusterIndex])
if clusterLen != 0:
sums[ind] = sums[ind]/clusterLen
centroids[clusterIndex] = sums #Assigning average to centroid list at proper positions
for c in clusters:
print ("CLUSTER") #Prints all the data of clusters after each pass
for key in c:
print(datadict[key], end=" ")
return clusters
「すべてをforに変更する必要があります」 - なぜですか。 – TigerhawkT3
あなたの現在の試み、Jainaが質問に編集したことがありますか?あなたが立ち往生している場所を絞り込むことができれば、それは回答者に大きな助けになります。 – halfer