2016-07-19 13 views


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 
<!DOCTYPE dblp SYSTEM "dblp.dtd"> 

<article mdate="2009-09-24" key="journals/jasis/GianoliM09"> 
<author>Ernesto Gianoli</author> 
<author>Marco A. Molina-Montenegro</author> 
<title>Insights into the relationship between the <i>h</i>-index and self-citations.</title> 

<article mdate="2014-09-18" key="journals/iacr/ShiCSL11" publtype="informal publication"> 
<author>Elaine Shi</author> 
<author>T.-H. Hubert Chan</author> 
<author>Emil Stefanov</author> 
<author>Mingfei Li</author> 
<title>blivious RAM with O((log N)<sup>3</sup>) Worst-Case Cost.</title> 
<journal>IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive</journal> 

<phdthesis mdate="2016-05-04" key="phd/it/Popescu2008"> 
<author>Razvan Andrei Popescu</author> 
<title>Aggregation and adaptation of web services: a semi-automated methodology for the aggregation and adaption of web services.</title> 
<school>University of Pisa</school> 
</phdthesis><phdthesis mdate="2007-04-26" key="phd/Tsangaris92"> 
<author>Manolis M. Tsangaris</author> 
<title>Principles of Static Clustering for Object Oriented Databases</title> 
<school>Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison</school> 

<phdthesis mdate="2005-11-30" key="phd/Heuer2002"> 
<author>Andreas Heuer 0002</author> 
<title>Web-Pr&auml;senz-Management im Unternehmen</title> 
<school>Univ. Trier, FB 4, Informatik</school> 

<mastersthesis mdate="2002-01-03" key="phd/Schulte92"> 
<author>Christian Schulte</author> 
<title>Entwurf und Implementierung eines &uuml;bersetzenden Systems f&uuml;r das intuitionistische logische Programmieren auf der Warren Abstract Machine.</title> 
<school>Universit&auml;t Karlsruhe, Institut f&uuml;r Logik, Komplexit&auml;t und Deduktionssysteme</school> 

<phdthesis mdate="2002-01-03" key="phd/Hellerstein95"> 
<author>Joseph M. Hellerstein</author> 
<title>Optimization and Execution Techniques for Queries With Expensive Methods</title> 
<school>Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison</school> 


と私は私が興味フィールドを解析して抽出するためのコードhereを使用し、私は最初のケースでタイトルを抽出したいときに問題が生じると第2ケースので:ここでの例です。 <i>h</i><sup>3</sup>タグのパーサは新しいタグを満たすまで、基本的に私はタイトルテキストを取得

title Insights into the relationship between the 
blivious RAM with O((log N) 







<title>Insights into the relationship between the <i>h</i>-index and self-citations.</title> 

Insights into the relationship between theあります。

hビットは、<i>子要素のtext-index and self-citations.は同じ子のtailあります。


from lxml import etree 

tree = etree.parse("dblp.xml") # The XML in the question 
titles = tree.xpath("//title") 

for title in titles: 
    print ''.join(title.itertext()) 


Insights into the relationship between the h-index and self-citations. 
blivious RAM with O((log N)3) Worst-Case Cost. 
Aggregation and adaptation of web services: a semi-automated methodology for the aggregation and adaption of web services. 
Principles of Static Clustering for Object Oriented Databases 
Web-Präsenz-Management im Unternehmen 
Entwurf und Implementierung eines übersetzenden Systems für das intuitionistische logische Programmieren auf der Warren Abstract Machine. 
Optimization and Execution Techniques for Queries With Expensive Methods 