2017-10-26 5 views



import java.util.Scanner; 
public class Application { 

public static void main(String[] args) { 

    //Creating Objects 
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 
    Scoop scoop = new Scoop(); 
    IceCreamShoppe icecreamshoppe = new IceCreamShoppe(); 

    //Prompting user to define sizes of scoops and carton 
    System.out.println("How big is the first ice cream scoop?(radius in cm's)"); 

    System.out.println("How big is the second ice cream scoop?(radius in cm's)"); 

    System.out.println("How big is the ice cream carton?(radius in cm's)"); 

    System.out.println("How big is the ice cream carton?(height in cm's)"); 

    //Returns to user their set values and sets size of carton 
    System.out.printf("Scoop 1: %.2f, Scoop 2: %.2f, Carton Radius: %.2f, Carton Height %.2f%n", scoop.getScoop1(), scoop.getScoop2(), icecreamshoppe.getCarton_radius(), icecreamshoppe.getCarton_height()); 

    //While statement that continuously prompts user which scoop they want to use, everything else is done in the IceCreamShoppe Class 
    while(true) { 
     System.out.println("Which scoop would you like to use? (1 or 2) (0 = Exit)"); 
     int scoopNumber = input.nextInt(); 
     System.out.println("How many scoops would you like?"); 
     int scoopCount = input.nextInt(); 
     icecreamshoppe.serve(scoopNumber, scoopCount); 
    }//end while 
}//end main 


public class Scoop { 

//Instance Variables 
private double volume; 
private double scoop1; 
private double scoop2; 

public double doScoop(int r) { 
    System.out.printf("You want this%f", this.getScoop1()); 
if(r == 1) { 
    volume = (Math.PI)*Math.pow(this.getScoop1(), 3)*(4.0/3.0); 
    System.out.printf("%f", volume); 
    return volume; 
else if(r == 2) { 
    volume = (Math.PI)*Math.pow(this.getScoop2(), 3)*(4.0/3.0); 
    System.out.printf("%f", volume); 
    return volume; 
else { 
    System.out.println("Invalid Scoop Number!"); 
    return 0; 

* @return the volume 
public double getVolume() { 
    return volume; 

* @param volume the volume to set 
public void setVolume(double volume) { 
    this.volume = volume; 

* @return the scoop1 
public double getScoop1() { 
    return scoop1; 

* @param scoop1 the scoop1 to set 
public void setScoop1(double scoop1) { 
    this.scoop1 = scoop1; 

* @return the scoop2 
public double getScoop2() { 
    return scoop2; 

* @param scoop2 the scoop2 to set 
public void setScoop2(double scoop2) { 
    this.scoop2 = scoop2; 
}//end class 


import java.util.Scanner; 

public class IceCreamShoppe { 

//Instance Variables 
private double carton_radius; 
private double carton_height; 
private int cartons_used = 0; 

public IceCreamShoppe() { 

public IceCreamShoppe(double r, double h) { 

public int carton_used() { 
this.setCartons_used(this.getCartons_used() + 1); 
    return this.getCartons_used(); 

* Object to serve the ice cream, the only input is which scoop is supposed to be used. 
* @param s Sets the 
public boolean serve(int s, int n) { 

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 
    Scoop scoop = new Scoop(); 
    Carton carton = new Carton(); 
    int i = 0; 
    //Checks which scoop the is being used 
    if(s != 0) { 
     double scoopVolume = scoop.doScoop(1); 
     while(i <= n) { 
      if((boolean) carton.hasEnough(scoopVolume)) { 
      else { 
       carton.carton(this.getCarton_radius(), this.getCarton_height()); 
       System.out.printf("Carton Empty, Total Cartons Used:%d%n", this.getCartons_used()); 
       System.out.printf("New carton contains: %.2f%n", carton.getContains()); 
    else { 
     System.out.printf("You have used %d cartons of ice cream, there is %.2f ice cream remaining in the current carton", this.getCartons_used(), carton.getContains()); 
     return false; 
    return true; 

//Getters and Setters 

* @return the carton_radius 
public double getCarton_radius() { 
    return carton_radius; 
* @param carton_radius the carton_radius to set 
public void setCarton_radius(double carton_radius) { 
    this.carton_radius = carton_radius; 
* @return the carton_height 
public double getCarton_height() { 
    return carton_height; 
* @param carton_height the carton_height to set 
public void setCarton_height(double carton_height) { 
    this.carton_height = carton_height; 
* @return the cartons_used 
public int getCartons_used() { 
    return cartons_used; 
* @param cartons_used the cartons_used to set 
public void setCartons_used(int cartons_used) { 
    this.cartons_used = cartons_used; 

}//End Class 

public class Carton { 

//Instance Variables 
private double contains; 


//Checks if the carton has enough remaining, if not 
public boolean hasEnough(double v) { 
    if ((this.getContains() - v) >= 0) { 
     return true; 
    else { 
     return false; 
    } } 

//Sets the carton size 
public void carton(double r, double h) { 
this.setContains(Math.PI*Math.pow(r, 2)*h); 

//After checking if there is enough ice cream, this will run, there is 
no check against going negative 
public void remove(double v) { 
this.setContains(this.getContains() - v); 

//Getters and Setters 
* @return the contains 
public double getContains() { 
    return contains; 

* @param contains the contains to set 
public void setContains(double contains) { 
    this.contains = contains; 

「私は、これが問題の根本だと思う」 - との問題は何ですか? – alfasin


ようこそStackoverflowへ[How To Ask](https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask)をお読みください。 [MCVEの作成方法](https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve)に特に注意してください。良い質問を投稿するために、より多くの努力が必要です。読みやすく、理解しやすく、トピック上にあるものです(https://stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic) - その可能性は高いです関連する人々を引きつけ、より速く助けを得るでしょう。がんばろう! – alfasin


初期化されていない 'Scoop'で' doScoop() 'を実行することはあまりできません... – azurefrog





icecreamshoppe.serve(scoopNumber, scoopCount, scoop); 


public boolean serve(int s, int n, Scoop scoop) { 

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

    Carton carton = new Carton(); 
    int i = 0; 
    //Checks which scoop the is being used 
    if(s != 0) { 
     double scoopVolume = scoop.doScoop(1) 

ありがとう、本当にありがとう、このような何かが明らかに見えるかもしれませんが、ちょうど学んでいる誰かに、これは永遠に私を連れて行きました。 comp sciフィールドには喜んで手伝ってくれる人がいます。 :) –


@ThomasWalkerよろしくお願いします! – isaace
