私は約6つ以上のサブシステムで構成された非常に大きなマクロを持っています。しかし、私はprivate sub workbook_open()
にマクロを置くことによって、このマクロ全体を別のアプリケーションから呼び出して、それを自動マクロにしたいと思っています!私が持っている問題は、プライベートサブとエンドサブの境界にこのマクロを配置する方法です。 VBAはプライベートサブは、その中に全体のコードを保持することになっていることをただ一つのコードで宣言のではないということになりますので、基本的にこれはマクロの一部...大きなブックをワークブックの開くサブに配置
Private Sub Workbook_open()
End Sub
'// Generative Shape Design
'// point, splines, loft generation tool
Const Cst_iSTARTCurve As Integer = 1
Const Cst_iENDCurve As Integer = 11
Const Cst_iSTARTLoft As Integer = 2
Const Cst_iENDLoft As Integer = 22
Const Cst_iSTARTCoord As Integer = 3
Const Cst_iENDCoord As Integer = 33
Const Cst_iERRORCool As Integer = 99
Const Cst_iEND As Integer = 9999
Const Cst_strSTARTCurve As String = "StartCurve"
Const Cst_strENDCurve As String = "EndCurve"
Const Cst_strSTARTLoft As String = "StartLoft"
Const Cst_strENDLoft As String = "EndLoft"
Const Cst_strSTARTCoord As String = "StartCoord"
Const Cst_strENDCoord As String = "EndCoord"
Const Cst_strEND As String = "End"
'To define the kind of elements to create (1: create only points
'2: creates points and splines
'3: Creates points, splines and loft
Function GetTypeFile() As Integer
Dim strInput As String, strMsg As String
choice = 0
While (choice < 1 Or choice > 3)
strMsg = "Type in the kind of entities to create (1 for points, 2 for points and splines, 3 for points, splines and loft):"
strInput = InputBox(Prompt:=strMsg, _
Title:="User Info", XPos:=2000, YPos:=2000)
'Validation of the choice
choice = CInt(strInput)
If (choice < 1 Or choice > 3) Then
MsgBox "Invalid value: must be 1, 2 or 3"
End If
GetTypeFile = choice
End Function
'Get the active cell
Function GetCell(iindex As Integer, column As Integer) As String
Dim Chain As String
If (column = 1) Then
Chain = "A" + CStr(iindex)
ElseIf (column = 2) Then
Chain = "B" + CStr(iindex)
ElseIf (column = 3) Then
Chain = "C" + CStr(iindex)
End If
GetCell = ActiveCell.Value
End Function
Function GetCellA(iRang As Integer) As String
GetCellA = GetCell(iRang, 1)
End Function
Function GetCellB(iRang As Integer) As String
GetCellB = GetCell(iRang, 2)
End Function
Function GetCellC(iRang As Integer) As String
GetCellC = GetCell(iRang, 3)
End Function
'Syntax of the parameter file
'StartCurve -> to start the list of points defining the spline
' double , double , double
' double , double , double -> as many points as necessary to define the spline
'EndCurve -> to end the list of points defining the spline
' -10.89, 10 , 46.78
'1.56, 4, 6
'EndCurve -> spline composed of 2 points
Sub ChainAnalysis(ByRef iRang As Integer, ByRef X As Double, ByRef Y As Double, ByRef Z As Double, ByRef iValid As Integer)
Dim Chain As String
Dim Chain2 As String
Dim Chain3 As String
Chain = GetCellA(iRang)
Select Case Chain
Case Cst_strSTARTCurve
iValid = Cst_iSTARTCurve
Case Cst_strENDCurve
iValid = Cst_iENDCurve
Case Cst_strSTARTLoft
iValid = Cst_iSTARTLoft
Case Cst_strENDLoft
iValid = Cst_iENDLoft
Case Cst_strSTARTCoord
iValid = Cst_iSTARTCoord
Case Cst_strENDCoord
iValid = Cst_iENDCoord
Case Cst_strEND
iValid = Cst_iEND
Case Else
iValid = 0
End Select
If (iValid <> 0) Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Conversion string -> double
Chain2 = GetCellB(iRang)
Chain3 = GetCellC(iRang)
If ((Len(Chain) > 0) And (Len(Chain2) > 0) And (Len(Chain3) > 0)) Then
X = CDbl(Chain)
Y = CDbl(Chain2)
Z = CDbl(Chain3)
iValid = Cst_iERRORCool
X = 0#
Y = 0#
Z = 0#
End If
End Sub
' Get CATIA Application
' When KO, update CATIA registers with:
' CNEXT /unregserver
' CNEXT /regserver
Function GetCATIA() As Object
Set CATIA = GetObject(, "CATIA.Application")
If CATIA Is Nothing Then
Set CATIA = CreateObject("CATIA.Application")
CATIA.Visible = True
End If
End Function
' Get CATIADocument
Function GetCATIAPartDocument() As Object
Dim MyPartDocument As Object
Set MyPartDocument = CATIA.ActiveDocument
Set GetCATIAPartDocument = MyPartDocument
End Function
' Creates all usable points from the parameter file
Sub CreationPoint()
Dim PtDoc As Object
Set PtDoc = GetCATIAPartDocument
' Get the HybridBody
Dim myHBody As Object
Set myHBody = PtDoc.Part.HybridBodies.Item("GeometryFromExcel")
Dim iLigne As Integer
Dim iValid As Integer
Dim X As Double
Dim Y As Double
Dim Z As Double
Dim Point As Object
iLigne = 1
'Analyze file
While iValid <> Cst_iEND
'Read a line
ChainAnalysis iLigne, X, Y, Z, iValid
iLigne = iLigne + 1
'Not on a startcurve or endcurve -> valid point
If (iValid = 0) Then
Set Point = PtDoc.Part.HybridShapeFactory.AddNewPointCoord(X, Y, Z)
myHBody.AppendHybridShape Point
End If
'Model update
End Sub
' Creates all usable points and splines from the parameter file
' ============================> NO MORE THAN 500 POINTS PER SPLINE
Sub CreationSpline()
'Limitation : points per spline
Const NBMaxPtParSpline As Integer = 500
Dim PtDoc As Object
Set PtDoc = GetCATIAPartDocument
'Get HybridBody
Dim myHBody As Object
Set myHBody = PtDoc.Part.HybridBodies.Item("GeometryFromExcel")
Dim iRang As Integer
Dim iValid As Integer
Dim X1 As Double
Dim Y1 As Double
Dim Z1 As Double
Dim index As Integer
Dim PassingPtArray(1 To NBMaxPtParSpline) As Object
Dim spline As Object
Dim ReferenceOnPoint As Object
Dim SplineCtrPt As Object
iValid = 0
iRang = 1
'Analyze file
While iValid <> Cst_iEND
'reinitialization of point array of the spline
index = 0
'Remove records before StartCurve
While ((iValid <> Cst_iSTARTCurve) And (iValid <> Cst_iEND))
ChainAnalysis iRang, X1, Y1, Z1, iValid
iRang = iRang + 1
If (iValid <> Cst_iEND) Then
'Read until endcurve -> Spline completed
While ((iValid <> Cst_iENDCurve) And (iValid <> Cst_iEND))
ChainAnalysis iRang, X1, Y1, Z1, iValid
iRang = iRang + 1
'valid point
If (iValid = 0) Then
index = index + 1
If (index > NBMaxPtParSpline) Then
MsgBox "Too many points for a spline. Point deleted"
Set PassingPtArray(index) = PtDoc.Part.HybridShapeFactory.AddNewPointCoord(X1, Y1, Z1)
myHBody.AppendHybridShape PassingPtArray(index)
End If
End If
'Start building spline
'Are there enough points ?
If (index < 2) Then
MsgBox "Not enough points for a spline. Spline deleted"
Set spline = PtDoc.Part.HybridShapeFactory.AddNewSpline
spline.SetSplineType 0
spline.SetClosing 0
'Creates and adds points to the spline
For i = 1 To index
Set ReferenceOnPoint = PtDoc.Part.CreateReferenceFromObject(PassingPtArray(i))
' ---- Version Before V5R12
' Set SplineCtrPt = PtDoc.Part.HybridShapeFactory.AddNewControlPoint(ReferenceOnPoint)
' spline.AddControlPoint SplineCtrPt
' ---- Since V5R12
spline.AddPointWithConstraintExplicit ReferenceOnPoint, Nothing, -1, 1, Nothing, 0
Next i
myHBody.AppendHybridShape spline
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub LookForNextSpline(ByRef iRang As Integer, ByRef spline As Object, ByRef iValid As Integer, ByRef iOKSpline)
'Limitation number off point per spline
Const NBMaxPtParSpline As Integer = 500
Dim PtDoc As Object
Set PtDoc = GetCATIAPartDocument
'Get HybridBody
Dim myHBody As Object
Set myHBody = PtDoc.Part.HybridBodies.Item("GeometryFromExcel")
Dim X1 As Double
Dim Y1 As Double
Dim Z1 As Double
Dim index As Integer
Dim PassingPtArray(1 To NBMaxPtParSpline) As Object
Dim ReferenceOnPoint As Object
Dim SplineCtrPt As Object
iValid = 0
iOKSpline = 0
'reinitialization of point array of the spline
index = 0
'Remove records before StartCurve
While ((iValid <> Cst_iSTARTCurve) And (iValid <> Cst_iEND))
ChainAnalysis iRang, X1, Y1, Z1, iValid
iRang = iRang + 1
If (iValid <> Cst_iEND) Then
'Read until endcurve -> Spline completed
While ((iValid <> Cst_iENDCurve) And (iValid <> Cst_iEND))
ChainAnalysis iRang, X1, Y1, Z1, iValid
iRang = iRang + 1
'valid point
If (iValid = 0) Then
index = index + 1
If (index > NBMaxPtParSpline) Then
MsgBox "Too many points for a spline. Point deleted"
Set PassingPtArray(index) = PtDoc.Part.HybridShapeFactory.AddNewPointCoord(X1, Y1, Z1)
myHBody.AppendHybridShape PassingPtArray(index)
End If
End If
'Start building spline
'Are there enough points ?
If (index < 2) Then
MsgBox "Not enough points for a spline. Spline deleted"
Set spline = PtDoc.Part.HybridShapeFactory.AddNewSpline
'Creates and adds points to the spline
For i = 1 To index
Set ReferenceOnPoint = PtDoc.Part.CreateReferenceFromObject(PassingPtArray(i))
' ---- Version Before V5R12
' Set SplineCtrPt = PtDoc.Part.HybridShapeFactory.AddNewControlPoint(ReferenceOnPoint)
' spline.AddControlPoint SplineCtrPt
' ---- Since V5R12
spline.AddPointWithConstraintExplicit ReferenceOnPoint, Nothing, -1, 1#, Nothing, 0#
Next i
myHBody.AppendHybridShape spline
spline.SetSplineType 0
spline.SetClosing 0
iOKSpline = 1
End If
End If
End Sub
'Workbook_Open'からマクロを' Call 'するだけで何が問題になりますか? –
別のマクロからマクロを呼び出す方法を尋ねているのかどうか不明ですか? – SJR