Babies = open ("c:\TestData\TXBabyNames.txt")`
FemaleCount = 0
MaleCount = 0
femaleyear1910 = 0
maleyear1910 = 0
femaleyear2012 = 0
maleyear2012 = 0
totalbabies = 0
myname1910 = 0
myname1910to1960 = 0
name = []
for line in Babies:
element = line.strip().split(",")
state ,sex ,year ,name, Freq = element
if sex == "F":
FemaleCount = FemaleCount + 1
if sex == "M":
MaleCount = MaleCount + 1
if sex == "F" and year == "1910":
femaleyear1910 = femaleyear1910 + 1
if sex == "M" and year == "1910":
maleyear1910 = maleyear1910 + 1
if sex == "F" and year == "2012":
femaleyear2012 = femaleyear2012 + 1
if sex == "M" and year == "2012":
maleyear2012 = maleyear2012 + 1
if year == "2012":
totalbabies = totalbabies + 1
if name == "John" and year >= "1910":
myname1910 = myname1910 + 1
if name == "John" and year >= "1910" and year <= "1960":
myname1910to1960 = myname1910to1960 + 1
print('The total number of females are :' +str (FemaleCount))
print('The total number of males are :' +str (MaleCount))
print('The total number of females born in 1910 is:' +str(femaleyear1910))
print('The total number of males born in 1910 is:' +str(maleyear1910))
print('The total number of females born in 2012 are:' +str(femaleyear2012))
print('The total number of males born in 2012 are:' +str(maleyear2012))
print('The total number of babies born in 2012 are:' +str(totalbabies))
print('The total number of babies with my name since 1910 are:' +str(myname1910))
print('The total number of babies with my name in between the years 1910 and 1960 are:' +str(myname1910to1960))
ここであなたは正確に何を求めていますか?あなたのコードからファイルの内容を読むには? –
これは、データのフォーマット方法、ファイルのエンコード方法、目的などによって大きく左右されます。詳細はいくつか教えてください。 – patrick
辞書やリストなどのPythonのコンテナクラスのインスタンスに情報を開いて読み込み、その情報を格納する必要があります。 – martineau