2017-11-22 4 views


#For The the {Pha<n>tex} eyes only 

from tkinter import * 
from tkinter import ttk 


root = Tk() 
#Procedure that contains instructions to our game 
def answers(a): 
               #answer level 1 , change to number 2 question 
      if AnswerBox.get() == '1000'or AnswerBox.get()== '1,000': 

           LEVEL.configure(text= 'Level : 2') 

           Question.configure(text = 'What is 1000 + 250') 
           AnswerBox.delete(0 , 'end') 

               #answer to level 2 , change to number 3 question 
      if AnswerBox.get() == '1250'or AnswerBox.get() == '1,250': 

           LEVEL.configure(text = 'Level : 3') 

           Question.configure(text = 'what is 2000 + 900') 
           AnswerBox.delete(0 , 'end') 
               #answer to level 3 , change to number 4 question 
      if AnswerBox.get() == '2900'or AnswerBox.get()=='2,900' : 

           LEVEL.configure(text = 'Level : 4') 

           Question.configure(text = 'What is 2434 + 1009') 
           AnswerBox.delete(0 , 'end') 
               #answer to level 4 , change to number 5 question 
      if AnswerBox.get() == '3443'or AnswerBox.get() =='3,443': 

           LEVEL.configure(text = 'Level : 5') 

           Question.configure(text = 'What is 3020 + 2304') 
           AnswerBox.delete(0 , 'end') 
               #answer level 5 , change to number 6 question 

      if AnswerBox.get() == '5324'or AnswerBox.get() =='5,324': 

           LEVEL.configure(text = 'Level : 6') 

           Question.configure(text = 'What is 4291 + 2334') 
           AnswerBox.delete(0 , 'end') 
           #answer to level 6 , change to number 7 question 
      if AnswerBox.get() == '6625'or AnswerBox.get() =='6,625': 

           LEVEL.configure(text = 'Level : 7') 

           Question.configure(text = 'What is 56233 + 2334') 
           AnswerBox.delete(0 , 'end') 
           #answer to level 7, change to number 8 question 
      if AnswerBox.get() == '58567'or AnswerBox.get() =='58,567': 

           LEVEL.configure(text = 'Level : 8') 

           Question.configure(text = 'What is 56243 + 23674') 

           AnswerBox.delete(0 , 'end') 

                 #answer to level 8 , change to number 9 question 
      if AnswerBox.get() == '79917'or AnswerBox.get() =='79,917': 

           LEVEL.configure(text = 'Level : 9') 

           Question.configure(text = 'What is 53403 + 82310') 
           AnswerBox.delete(0 , 'end') 
           #answer to level 9 , change to number 10 question 
      if AnswerBox.get() == '135713'or AnswerBox.get() =='135,713': 

           LEVEL.configure(text = 'Level : 10') 

           Question.configure(text = 'What is 56233 + 90233') 
           AnswerBox.delete(0 , 'end') 
           #answer to level 10, You Win :) 
      if AnswerBox.get() == '146,466'or AnswerBox.get() =='146466': 

           LEVEL.configure(text = 'You Have Finished :)') 

           Question.configure(text = 'You Are An Genius Panther -{Pha<n>tex}') 
           AnswerBox.delete(0 , 'end') 

#Procedure that allows us to jump back to level 1 
def restart(event): 
     Question.configure(text = 'What is 500 + 500') 
     LEVEL.configure(text ='Level : 1') 

#Level Entry 
LEVEL = Label(root, text ='Level : 1' , font = ' times 10 bold') 
LEVEL.grid(row = 0 , column = 0 ,sticky =W) 
#Default start off question 
Question = ttk.Label(root , text = 'What is 500 + 500' , font = ' times 10 bold') 
Question.grid(row = 1 , column = 0 , sticky = W) 

#Anwser Entry 

AnswerBox = ttk.Entry(root) 
AnswerBox.grid(row = 2 , column = 0 , columnspan = 2 , sticky = W) 

# submit Button 

submit = ttk.Button(root, text = 'Submit') 
submit.grid(row = 2, column = 2 , sticky = W) 
submit.bind('<Button-1>' , answers) 

#Restart button 
Restart = ttk.Button(root , text = 'Restart') 
Restart.grid(row = 2 , column = 3 , sticky = W) 
Restart.bind('<Button-1>' , restart) 

#Allowing our window to consistanly Loop through 



このコードを実行するには、写真とアイコンを削除する必要があります。あたかもドライブに含まれていないかのように見てください。 –


現在のレベルを含む変数を設定して確認することができます。 – Stephie


変数を設定し、回答が正しいレベル+ = 1であると答え、質問をレベルに対応する別の質問に変更しますか? –




resLevel = { 1: 42, 
      2: 560 } 

そして、私は答えをチェックする機能を作るrightAnswer = resLevel.get(currentLevel)


def check(rightAnswer, answerGiven): 
    if rightAnswer == answerGiven: 
     return True 
    return False 




あなたがそれがそうであると思うならば、投稿を閉じるために回答を受け入れたとマークするのをためらってください。さらに精度が必要な場合は、コメントで尋ねるのをためらうことはありません:) –


あなたの歓迎。[mcve] – Stephie


レベルとレベルへの回答が含まれているディクショナリを次にチェックして、回答がサブミットされているものと一致するかどうかを確認してからブール値を返しますレベルと質問を基本的に変更する方法についてプログラムに指示する指示が必要です –
