2017-02-02 12 views




public String findMostPopulousContinent(){ 
    int asiaList = 0; 
    int africaList = 0; 
    int northAList = 0; 
    int southAList = 0; 
    int antList = 0; 
    int euroList = 0; 
    int austList = 0; 
    int highestPop = 0; 

    for (int n > 0, n < countryContinent.length; n++;) 
     if (countryName[n].equals("Asia")){ 
      asiaList = asiaList + countryPopulation[n]; 
     if (countryName[n].equals("Africa")){ 
      africaList = africaList + countryPopulation[n]; 
     if (countryName[n].equals("North America")){ 
      northAList = northAList + countryPopulation[n]; 
     if (countryName[n].equals("South America")){ 
      southAList = southAList + countryPopulation[n]; 
     if (countryName[n].equals("Antarctica")){ 
      antList = antList + countryPopulation[n]; 
     if (countryName[n].equals("Europe")){ 
      euroList = euroList + countryPopulation[n]; 
     if (countryName[n].equals("Australia")){ 
      austList = austList + countryPopulation[n]; 

     highestpop = Math.max(asiaList, africaList, northAList, southAList, antList, euroLost, austList); 



問題の一部は私ですどれくらいの大陸と国が使用されるのか分かりません。私は3つの大陸しか必要としないかもしれない、私は7つすべてを必要とするかもしれない。 if

if (countryName[n].equals("Asia")){ 
     asiaList = asiaList + countryPopulation[n]; 
     if (asiaList > highestpop) { 
      highestpop = asiaList; 
      biggestContinent = "Asia"; 


[最小限に再現可能なコードの抜粋]を投稿してくださいは、(HTTP ://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve) – Turtle




int storedBiggest (int pop, String continent, int highestpop) { 

     if (pop > highestpop) { 
      this.biggestContinent = continent; 
      highestpop = pop; 
     return highestpop; 


  • はあなたcountryPopulationList経由のHashMap
  • 反復を作成し、
  • が最大値を持つマップから項目を取得し、マップに置きます。例えばのために

    String countryWithMaxPopulation = Collections.max(countryPopulationMap.entrySet(), (entry1, entry2) -> entry1.getValue() - entry2.getValue()).getKey(); 

は、Java 8つのストリームを使用する場合、それは任意の定型的なコードなしで、本当に簡単です。

package stackoverflow; 

import java.util.Arrays; 
import java.util.Collections; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Map; 
import java.util.stream.Collectors; 

import org.junit.Assert; 
import org.junit.Test; 

public class LoopThroughVariablesToDetermineWhichIsTheLargest { 

    public String findMostPopulousContinent() { 
     //First read countries from disk into a bean. It's easy and better practise to manipulate the data in this way 
     final List<Country> countries = this.readCountriesFromDisk(); 
     //Then we group population by continet 
     final Map<String, Integer> continentPopulation = countries.stream() 
       .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Country::getContinent, Collectors.summingInt(Country::getPopulation))); 
     //And finally we return the asked result 
     return Collections 
       .max(continentPopulation.entrySet(), (entry1, entry2) -> entry1.getValue() - entry2.getValue()) 

    public void shouldGetMostPopulousContinentName() throws Exception { 
     Assert.assertEquals("Asia", this.findMostPopulousContinent()); 

    class Country { 
     private final String name; 
     private final String continent; 
     private final int population; 

     public Country(String name, String continent, int population) { 
      this.name = name; 
      this.continent = continent; 
      this.population = population; 

     public String getName() { 
      return this.name; 

     public String getContinent() { 
      return this.continent; 

     public int getPopulation() { 
      return this.population; 

    List<Country> readCountriesFromDisk() { 
     // TODO read from disk 

     // Provide example countries directly for simplicity 
     return Arrays.asList(new Country("Spain", "Europe", 45), new Country("USA", "North America", 325), 
       new Country("USA", "North America", 325), new Country("China", "Asia", 1380), 
       new Country("Brasil", "South America", 207), new Country("India", "Asia", 1331), 
       new Country("Nigeria", "Africa", 191), new Country("Indonesia", "Asia", 260), 
       new Country("Turkey", "Europe", 79), new Country("Iran", "Asia", 80), 
       new Country("Germany", "Europe", 82), new Country("Egypt", "Africa", 92), 
       new Country("Vietnam", "Asia", 93), new Country("USA", "North America", 325)); 