私は多くの方法を試してみましたが、私のクラス私のコードでメソッドを介して私のリストの長さを得るように見えることはできません。「はAttributeError: 『リスト』オブジェクトが属性を持っていない 『SMSMessage』」
SMSStore = []
unreadMessage = []
class SMSMessage(object):
def __init__(self, hasBeenRead, messageText, fromNumber):
self.hasBeenRead = hasBeenRead
self.messageText = messageText
self.fromNumber = fromNumber
hasBeenRead = False
def markAsRead(self, hasBeenRead):
hasBeenRead = True
def add_sms(self):
newMessage = (self.hasBeenRead, self.messageText, self.fromNumber)
return SMSStore.append(newMessage)
def get_count():
return len(SMSStore)
def get_message(self, i):
hasBeenRead = True
return SMSStore[i][1]
def get_unread_messages(i):
for i in SMSStore:
if SMSStore[i][0] == False:
print unreadMessage
def remove(self, i):
return SMSStore.remove(i)
#sample = SMSMessage(False, "Hello friend!", 0742017560)
userChoice = ""
while userChoice != "quit":
userChoice = raw_input("What would you like to do - read/send/quit?")
if userChoice == "read":
print len(SMSStore)#this way i can get the length of the list anyway without using get_count
unreadChoice = raw_input("Would you like to retrieve all unread messages or one of your own choice? - all unread/custom ")
if unreadChoice == "custom":
i = int(raw_input("Please enter which message number you want to read: "))
print get_message(i) #I dont understand how i works and how to get it working with the object definition
elif userChoice == "send":
messageText = raw_input("Please type in your message: ")
fromNumber = raw_input("Please type in the number it was sent from ")
newObject = SMSMessage(False, messageText, fromNumber)
print SMSStore
elif userChoice == "quit":
print "Goodbye"
print "Oops - incorrect input"
を使用する方法です。これは、リスト内のメッセージは、理想的には、次のようになります方法ですe len(SMSStore)
Open the file called sms.py
Create a class definition for an SMSMessage which has three variables:
hasBeenRead, messageText, and fromNumber.
The constructor should initialise the sender’s number.
The constructor should also initialise hasBeenRead to false
Create a method in this class called MarkAsRead which should change hasBeenRead to true.
Create a list called SMSStore to be used as the inbox.
Then create the following methods:
add_sms - which takes in the text and number from the received sms to
make a new SMSMessage object.
get_count - returns the number of messages in the store.
get_message - returns the text of a message in the list.Forthis, allow the
user to input an index i.e. GetMessage(i) returns the message
stored at position i in the list. Once this has been done,
hasBeenRead should now be true.
get_unread_messages - should return a list of all the messages which
haven’t been read.
remove - removes a message in the SMSStore.
Now that you have these set up, let’s get everything working!
これが問題である、それを呼び出す:三つの変数があるSMSMessageのためのクラス定義の作成● –
●オープンファイルsms.py –
呼ば:hasBeenRead、messageTextを、そしてfromNumber。 –