2017-02-12 5 views

Facebookのログインに似たサードパーティのログインを持つ中国語アプリです。私はwechatログインしようとしました。アプリはwechat appにジャンプし、確認のログインボタンが表示されますが、UITestsはwechat画面で停止します。ここXcode UITestはwechatログインをテストできません


t = 17.90s   Wait for app to idle 
    t = 18.06s   Find the "denglu 0012 weixin login" Button 
    t = 18.06s    Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.nadouxing.development 
    t = 18.27s    Find: Descendants matching type Button 
    t = 18.27s    Find: Elements matching predicate '"denglu 0012 weixin login" IN identifiers' 
    t = 18.29s    Wait for app to idle 
    t = 18.44s   Synthesize event 
    t = 18.81s   Wait for app to idle 
    t = 21.44s    App event loop idle notification not received, will attempt to continue. 
    t = 21.44s    App animations complete notification not received, will attempt to continue. 
    t = 23.46s  Tap "确认登录" Button 
    t = 23.46s   Wait for app to idle 
    t = 25.48s    Unable to monitor animations 
    t = 31.61s    Unable to monitor event loop 
    t = 31.75s    App event loop idle notification not received, will attempt to continue. 
    t = 31.76s    App animations complete notification not received, will attempt to continue. 
    t = 31.76s   Find the "确认登录" Button 
    t = 31.76s    Snapshot accessibility hierarchy for com.nadouxing.development 
    t = 37.87s     Unable to monitor animations 
    t = 44.02s     Unable to monitor event loop 
    t = 47.12s     Assertion Failure: <unknown>:0: UI Testing Failure - Failed to get snapshot within 15.0s 




