swfuploadを使用して画像をアップロードし、クライアント側でサイズを変更しています。テスト目的のために、5000x5000のPNGを作成しましたが、サイズが非常に小さく、画像のサイズ変更に失敗しています。サイズが大きすぎる場合、誰も画像のサイズ変更に関する問題に直面しましたか? swfuploadを使って?イメージのサイズが大きい場合swfupload image resize halting?
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileDialogStart : Browsing files. Single Select. Allowed file types: *.jpg; *.png
SWF DEBUG: Select Handler: Received the files selected from the dialog. Processing the file list...
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileQueued : File ID: SWFUpload_0_0
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileDialogComplete : Finished processing selected files. Files selected: 1. Files Queued: 1
SWF DEBUG: StartUpload: First file in queue
SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadStart : File ID: SWFUpload_0_0
SWF DEBUG: StartUpload(): Uploading Type: Resized Image.
SWF DEBUG: PrepareThumbnail(): Beginning image resizing.
SWF DEBUG: Settings: Width: 250, Height: 250, Encoding: JPEG, Quality: 100.
SWF DEBUG: PrepareResizedImageCompleteHandler(): Finished resizing. Initializing MultipartURLLoader.
SWF DEBUG: ReturnUploadStart(): File accepted by startUpload event and readied for resized upload. Starting upload to /FileUpload/AsyncUpload for File ID: SWFUpload_0_0
SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadProgress (OPEN): File ID: SWFUpload_0_0 Bytes: 0. Total: 36585
SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadProgress (simulated 100%): File ID: SWFUpload_0_0. Bytes: 36585. Total: 36585
SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadSuccess: File ID: SWFUpload_0_0 Response Received: true Data: {"guid":"04cbb2ca-f7a2-4f75-9c14-b8e19e5ca9b2.jpg","width":250,"height":190}
SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadComplete : Upload cycle complete.
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileDialogStart : Browsing files. Single Select. Allowed file types: *.jpg; *.png
SWF DEBUG: Select Handler: Received the files selected from the dialog. Processing the file list...
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileQueued : File ID: SWFUpload_0_1
SWF DEBUG: Event: fileDialogComplete : Finished processing selected files. Files selected: 1. Files Queued: 1
SWF DEBUG: StartUpload: First file in queue
SWF DEBUG: Event: uploadStart : File ID: SWFUpload_0_1
SWF DEBUG: StartUpload(): Uploading Type: Resized Image.
SWF DEBUG: PrepareThumbnail(): Beginning image resizing.
SWF DEBUG: Settings: Width: 250, Height: 250, Encoding: JPEG, Quality: 100.