2017-06-15 15 views

私はこのhighchart例にスタックオーバーフローのユーザーへの感謝を持っている:動的に変更Firebase URL

  var formatterCountryNames = function() { 
     // if mobile 
     if (jQuery('#country-names').length) { 
      return this.point.CountryCode 
     } else { 
      return this.point.Country 


function draw_chart() { 
    var url="https://projectec-edbbb.firebaseio.com/Demo/2007.json"; 
      /** Declare options after success callback. */ 
      var options={ 
       chart: { 
    renderTo: 'container2', 
    //margin: [0, 0, 0, 0], 
    marginTop: 0, 
    marginRight: 0, 
    marginLeft: 70, 
    spacing: [0,0,30,0], 
    //marginBottom: 0, 
    type: 'bubble', 
    zoomType: 'xy', 
    events: { 
    // load: renderImage 
legend: { 
    enabled: false 
title: { 
     \t text: null 
xAxis: { 
    labels: { 
    enabled: false 
    tickPositions: [2.3, 4.4, 6.5, 10], 
    min: 0, 
    max: 10, 
    align: 'low', 
    gridLineWidth: 1, 
    title: { 
    text: 'Government Restrictions Index <strong>(GRI)</strong>', 
    x: -30, 
    y: 20, 
    style: { 
     color: "#000", 
     fontWeight: 300 
yAxis: { 
    tickInterval: 0.2, 
    min: 0, 
    max: 10, 
    gridLineWidth: 1, 
    startOnTick: false, 
    endOnTick: false, 
    //values: [1.4, 3.5, 7.1, 10], 
    title: { 
    x: -35, 
    y: 20, 
    text: 'Social Hostilities Index <strong>(SHI)</strong>', 
    style: { 
     color: "#000", 
     fontWeight: 300 
    labels: { 
     formatter: function() { 
      return this.value + ' %'; 
    maxPadding: 0.2, 
tooltip: { 
    followPointer: false, 
    useHTML: true, 
    backgroundColor: '#fff', 
    borderColor: '#000' 
    // formatter: formatterToolTips, 
    // positioner: toolTipsPositioning 
plotOptions: { 
    bubble: { 
    minSize: '7.5%' 
    series: { 
    cursor: 'pointer', 
    dataLabels: { 
     enabled: true, 
     formatter: formatterCountryNames, 
     allowOverlap: true, 
     strokeWidth: '0', 
     textOutline: 'false', 
     shadow: 'false', 
     textShadow: 'false', 
     // adds class to all labels 
     className: 'className' 
    allowPointSelect: true, 
    states: { 
     hover: { 
// gets rid of halo on hover 
halo: { 
    /** size: 5, 
    attributes: { 
    fill: '#333', 
    'stroke-width': 1, 
    stroke: '#fff', 
    zIndex: '1000' 
    } **/ 
    size: 0 
    marker: { 
     fillOpacity: 1.0, 
     states: { 
hover: { 
    // gets rid of outline of marker on hover 
    lineWidth: 0, 
    // changes markers color on hover 
    //fillColor: '#000' 
select: { 
     \t fillColor: '#000', 
     \t lineWidth: 0 
    point: { 
     events: { 
     //click: formatterPointEventsClickFunction, 
     fillColor: '#000' 
     // mouseOver: markerMouseOver, 
     // mouseOut: markerMouseOut 
series: [{ 
    events: { 
    // mouseOut: markerMouseOut 
    data: data, 
    marker: { 
    // gets rid of default marker outlines 
    lineWidth: 0, 
    // overriding the above to show markers that collide 
    lineWidth: 2, 
    lineColor: '#fff', 
exporting: { 
    enabled: false 

      /** Create a chart instance and pass options. */ 
      var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> 
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts-more.js"></script> 
<div id="container2" style="height: 400px"></div>



あなたが見ることができるように、画像データを示していますノードの2007 "の下に - これはまたhighchartグラフがfirebase URLにしようとしているノードです。



私が知りたいことはある - ユーザーがボタンをクリックすることができる方法はあります - おそらく、ドロップダウンこれらの変更を反映するためにfirebase URLが更新されますか?


var url="https://projectec-edbbb.firebaseio.com/Demo/2007.json";


var url="https://projectec-edbbb.firebaseio.com/Demo/2009.json"; 







var formatterCountryNames = function() { 
    // if mobile 
    if (jQuery('#country-names').length) { 
    return this.point.CountryCode 
    } else { 
    return this.point.Country 


function draw_chart(y) { 
    var url = "https://projectec-edbbb.firebaseio.com/Demo/" + y + ".json"; 
    function(data) { 
     /** Declare options after success callback. */ 
     var options = { 
     chart: { 
      renderTo: 'container2', 
      //margin: [0, 0, 0, 0], 
      marginTop: 0, 
      marginRight: 0, 
      marginLeft: 70, 
      spacing: [0, 0, 30, 0], 
      //marginBottom: 0, 
      type: 'bubble', 
      zoomType: 'xy', 
      events: { 
      // load: renderImage 
     legend: { 
      enabled: false 
     title: { 
      text: null 
     xAxis: { 
      labels: { 
      enabled: false 
      tickPositions: [2.3, 4.4, 6.5, 10], 
      min: 0, 
      max: 10, 
      align: 'low', 
      gridLineWidth: 1, 
      title: { 
      text: 'Government Restrictions Index <strong>(GRI)</strong>', 
      x: -30, 
      y: 20, 
      style: { 
       color: "#000", 
       fontWeight: 300 
     yAxis: { 
      tickInterval: 0.2, 
      min: 0, 
      max: 10, 
      gridLineWidth: 1, 
      startOnTick: false, 
      endOnTick: false, 
      //values: [1.4, 3.5, 7.1, 10], 
      title: { 
      x: -35, 
      y: 20, 
      text: 'Social Hostilities Index <strong>(SHI)</strong>', 
      style: { 
       color: "#000", 
       fontWeight: 300 
      labels: { 
      formatter: function() { 
       return this.value + ' %'; 
      maxPadding: 0.2, 
     tooltip: { 
      followPointer: false, 
      useHTML: true, 
      backgroundColor: '#fff', 
      borderColor: '#000' 
      // formatter: formatterToolTips, 
      // positioner: toolTipsPositioning 
     plotOptions: { 
      bubble: { 
      minSize: '7.5%' 
      series: { 
      cursor: 'pointer', 
      dataLabels: { 
       enabled: true, 
       formatter: formatterCountryNames, 
       allowOverlap: true, 
       strokeWidth: '0', 
       textOutline: 'false', 
       shadow: 'false', 
       textShadow: 'false', 
       // adds class to all labels 
       className: 'className' 
      allowPointSelect: true, 
      states: { 
       hover: { 
       // gets rid of halo on hover 
       halo: { 
        /** size: 5, 
        attributes: { 
        fill: '#333', 
        'stroke-width': 1, 
        stroke: '#fff', 
        zIndex: '1000' 
        } **/ 
        size: 0 
      marker: { 
       fillOpacity: 1.0, 
       states: { 
       hover: { 
        // gets rid of outline of marker on hover 
        lineWidth: 0, 
        // changes markers color on hover 
        //fillColor: '#000' 
       select: { 
        fillColor: '#000', 
        lineWidth: 0 
      point: { 
       events: { 
       //click: formatterPointEventsClickFunction, 
       fillColor: '#000' 
       // mouseOver: markerMouseOver, 
       // mouseOut: markerMouseOut 
     series: [{ 
      events: { 
      // mouseOut: markerMouseOut 
      data: data, 
      marker: { 
      // gets rid of default marker outlines 
      lineWidth: 0, 
      // overriding the above to show markers that collide 
      lineWidth: 2, 
      lineColor: '#fff', 
     exporting: { 
      enabled: false 

     /** Create a chart instance and pass options. */ 
     var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options); 

$('#drp').on('change', function(el){ 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> 
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts-more.js"></script> 

<select id="drp"> 
\t <option value="2007">2007</option> 
\t <option value="2008">2008</option> 
\t <option value="2009">2009</option> 
\t <option value="2010">2010</option> 
\t <option value="2011">2011</option> 
\t <option value="2012">2012</option> 
\t <option value="2013">2013</option> 
\t <option value="2014">2014</option> 
\t <option value="2015">2015</option> 

<div id="container2" style="height: 400px"></div>


ありがとう!このソリューションは完璧に機能します!ありがとうございました! – GeorgeBT


なしPROB、ケア –



  var formatterCountryNames = function() { 
     // if mobile 
     if (jQuery('#country-names').length) { 
      return this.point.CountryCode 
     } else { 
      return this.point.Country 


function draw_chart(url) { 
    var url=url; 
      /** Declare options after success callback. */ 
      var options={ 
       chart: { 
    renderTo: 'container2', 
    //margin: [0, 0, 0, 0], 
    marginTop: 0, 
    marginRight: 0, 
    marginLeft: 70, 
    spacing: [0,0,30,0], 
    //marginBottom: 0, 
    type: 'bubble', 
    zoomType: 'xy', 
    events: { 
    // load: renderImage 
legend: { 
    enabled: false 
title: { 
     \t text: null 
xAxis: { 
    labels: { 
    enabled: false 
    tickPositions: [2.3, 4.4, 6.5, 10], 
    min: 0, 
    max: 10, 
    align: 'low', 
    gridLineWidth: 1, 
    title: { 
    text: 'Government Restrictions Index <strong>(GRI)</strong>', 
    x: -30, 
    y: 20, 
    style: { 
     color: "#000", 
     fontWeight: 300 
yAxis: { 
    tickInterval: 0.2, 
    min: 0, 
    max: 10, 
    gridLineWidth: 1, 
    startOnTick: false, 
    endOnTick: false, 
    //values: [1.4, 3.5, 7.1, 10], 
    title: { 
    x: -35, 
    y: 20, 
    text: 'Social Hostilities Index <strong>(SHI)</strong>', 
    style: { 
     color: "#000", 
     fontWeight: 300 
    labels: { 
     formatter: function() { 
      return this.value + ' %'; 
    maxPadding: 0.2, 
tooltip: { 
    followPointer: false, 
    useHTML: true, 
    backgroundColor: '#fff', 
    borderColor: '#000' 
    // formatter: formatterToolTips, 
    // positioner: toolTipsPositioning 
plotOptions: { 
    bubble: { 
    minSize: '7.5%' 
    series: { 
    cursor: 'pointer', 
    dataLabels: { 
     enabled: true, 
     formatter: formatterCountryNames, 
     allowOverlap: true, 
     strokeWidth: '0', 
     textOutline: 'false', 
     shadow: 'false', 
     textShadow: 'false', 
     // adds class to all labels 
     className: 'className' 
    allowPointSelect: true, 
    states: { 
     hover: { 
// gets rid of halo on hover 
halo: { 
    /** size: 5, 
    attributes: { 
    fill: '#333', 
    'stroke-width': 1, 
    stroke: '#fff', 
    zIndex: '1000' 
    } **/ 
    size: 0 
    marker: { 
     fillOpacity: 1.0, 
     states: { 
hover: { 
    // gets rid of outline of marker on hover 
    lineWidth: 0, 
    // changes markers color on hover 
    //fillColor: '#000' 
select: { 
     \t fillColor: '#000', 
     \t lineWidth: 0 
    point: { 
     events: { 
     //click: formatterPointEventsClickFunction, 
     fillColor: '#000' 
     // mouseOver: markerMouseOver, 
     // mouseOut: markerMouseOut 
series: [{ 
    events: { 
    // mouseOut: markerMouseOut 
    data: data, 
    marker: { 
    // gets rid of default marker outlines 
    lineWidth: 0, 
    // overriding the above to show markers that collide 
    lineWidth: 2, 
    lineColor: '#fff', 
exporting: { 
    enabled: false 

      /** Create a chart instance and pass options. */ 
      var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options); 




//attaching chart update for the dropdown 
$("#dateSelection").on("change", function() { 
    var value = this.children[this.selectedIndex].value; 
    var url = "https://projectec-edbbb.firebaseio.com/Demo/" + value +".json"; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> 
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts-more.js"></script> 

<select id="dateSelection"> 
    <option selected value="2007">2007</option> 
    <option value="2008">2008</option> 
    <option value="2009">2009</option> 

<div id="container2" style="height: 400px"></div>


を取るこの答えは、あまりにも素晴らしい作品 - ありがとうございます!悲しいことに、すでに@KresimirPendicとマークされていますが、これは素晴らしいことです – GeorgeBT
