クライアントにリアルタイムの通知を送信するために、Redis pub-subでwai-websocketsを使用する例をどこから見つけることができますか?WebsocketsとRedis pubsub
クライアントにリアルタイムの通知を送信するために、Redis pub-subでwai-websocketsを使用する例をどこから見つけることができますか?WebsocketsとRedis pubsub
main = do
chan <- atomically $ newTChan
a <- forkIO (subscribeProc chan)
b <- forkIO (webSock chan)
-- wait for a and b
-- Hedis subscriber
subscribeProc :: TChan B.ByteString -> IO()
subscribeProc chan = do
conn <- connect defaultConnectInfo
pubSubCtrl <- newPubSubController [("redis-channel", chanHandler chan)] []
forever $
pubSubForever conn pubSubCtrl onInitialComplete
`catch` (\(e :: SomeException) -> do
Prelude.putStrLn $ "Got error: " ++ show e
threadDelay $ 60*1000)
chanHandler :: TChan B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> IO()
chanHandler chan msg =
atomically $ writeTChan chan (msg)
onInitialComplete :: IO()
onInitialComplete = putStrLn
"Redis acknowledged that mychannel is now subscribed"
-- websocket
webSock :: TChan B.ByteString -> IO()
webSock chan = do
WS.runServer appHost appPort $ handleConnection chan
handleConnection :: TChan B.ByteString -> WS.PendingConnection -> IO()
handleConnection chan pending = do
connection <- WS.acceptRequest pending
loop chan connection
loop chan connection = do
msg <- atomically $ readTChan chan
putStrLn $ "got data " ++ show msg
WS.sendTextData connection msg
loop chan connection