2016-08-02 3 views


  • このプログラムには、再描画の速度と 個のボールの数が入力されています。
  • 私はそれらを壁から跳ね返すことができます。


(; 輸入sedgewick.StdDraw;輸入ArgsProcessor)を開始するには

public static void main(String[] args) { 
    ArgsProcessor ap = new ArgsProcessor(args); 
    //request from user - get refresh rate and number of balls 
    int pause = ap.nextInt("Enter pause time:"); 
    int numBalls = ap.nextInt("How many balls will you put into play?"); 

    // set the scale of the coordinate system 

    StdDraw.setXscale(-1.0, 1.0); 
    StdDraw.setYscale(-1.0, 1.0); 

    // initial values 
    int[] balls = new int[numBalls]; 
    double[] positionX = new double[numBalls]; 
    double[] positionY = new double[numBalls]; 
    double[] velocityX = new double[numBalls]; 
    double[] velocityY = new double[numBalls]; 
    double[] radius = new double[numBalls]; 
    double distance = 0; 

    for (int i = 0; i < numBalls; ++i) { 
     balls[i] = numBalls; 
     positionX[i] = Math.random(); 
     positionY[i] = Math.random(); 
     velocityX[i] = Math.random() * .01; 
     velocityY[i] = Math.random() * .01; 
     radius[i] = 0.05; 

    while (true) { 
     // clear the background - draw before since it is on the bottom 
     StdDraw.filledSquare(0, 0, 1.0); 

     // bounce off wall according to law of elastic collision 
     for (int i = 0; i < numBalls; ++i) { 

      if (Math.abs(positionX[i] + velocityX[i]) > 1.0 - radius[i]) { 
       velocityX[i] = -velocityX[i]; 
      if (Math.abs(positionY[i] + velocityY[i]) > 1.0 - radius[i]) { 
       velocityY[i] = -velocityY[i]; 
      positionX[i] = positionX[i] + velocityX[i]; 
      positionY[i] = positionY[i] + velocityY[i]; 

     //figure out the distance between 
     //if balliradius + balliradius >= distance between, then reverse direction 
     for (int j = 0; j < numBalls; ++j){//create a for loop 

      distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(positionX[i] - positionX[i], 2) + Math.pow(positionY[i] - positionY[i], 2)); 

      if (distance <= radius[i] + radius[i]){ //if distance between two balls has them touching/overlapping, change direction 
       positionX[i] = -positionX[i] - velocityX[i]; 
       positionY[i] = -positionY[i] - velocityY[i]; 
      } //if balliradius + balliradius < distance between, then keep moving 
      // update position 
      positionX[i] = positionX[i] + velocityX[i]; 
      positionY[i] = positionY[i] + velocityY[i]; 

      // draw ball on the screen 
      StdDraw.filledCircle(positionX[i], positionY[i], radius[i]); 
     // display and pause for 20 ms 





、距離のためのテストは、2つのオブジェクトを関与させるべきです、 1つだけではありません(距離は常に0になります)。position*[j]の使用に注意してください。

distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(positionX[i] - positionX[j], 2) + Math.pow(positionY[i] - positionY[j], 2)); 


if (distance <= radius[i] + radius[j]){ //if distance between two balls has them touching/overlapping, change direction 
    // undo last velocity update; now the balls aren't overlapping anymore 
    positionX[i] = positionX[i] - velocityX[i] ; 
    positionY[i] = positionY[i] - velocityY[i] ; 
    positionX[j] = positionX[j] - velocityX[j] ; 
    positionY[j] = positionY[j] - velocityY[j] ; 
    // now reverse all velocity components 
    velocityX[i] = -velocityX[i] ; 
    velocityY[i] = -velocityY[i] ; 
    velocityX[j] = -velocityX[j] ; 
    velocityY[j] = -velocityY[j] ; 