2016-04-10 7 views




このシナリオを扱う機能プログラミング "パターン"はありますか?


let refuel = 
    async { 
    printfn "1 executed" 
    // Fill missile with fuel 
    return Result<string,string>.Succeed "1" 
    } |> AR 

let enterLaunchCodes = 
    async { 
    printfn "2 executed" 
    return Result<string,string>.FailWith "2" 
    } |> AR 

let fireMissile = 
    async { 
    printfn "3 executed" 
    return Result<string,string>.Succeed "3" 
    } |> AR 

let launchSequence = 
    asyncTrial { 
    let! a = refuel 
    let! b = enterLaunchCodes 
    let! c = fireMissile 
    return a,b,c 

let result = launchSequence 
    |> Chessie.ErrorHandling.AsyncExtensions.Async.ofAsyncResult 
    |> Async.RunSynchronously 

// Result is a failure... how do I know the results of the successful operations here so I can roll them back? 

printfn "Result: %A" result 

結果はとにかく戻ってくるのに十分でしょうか?私はおそらく、実際のロールバック操作を蓄積する結果型に行くだろう。だから、どんなステップでも値は成功/失敗(今のところ)とロールバック関数 '() - >()'のタプルです。 –


あなたは機能的な質問としてこれを頼んだ。 Prologを使うか、[inferencecing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inference_engine)がすぐに思い浮かびます。あなたはF#で推論を実装することができ、それは素晴らしい動作します。 –


ガネーシュ:うーん、面白い考えです。私は周りの遊びをして、それがどのように動作するか見るでしょう! – Oenotria




一方向はcompensating transactionsです。

この方法では、Successケースには「元に戻す」機能のリストが含まれています。取り消すことができるすべてのステップは、このリストに関数を追加します。 ステップが失敗すると、リスト内の各元に戻す機能が実行されます(逆の順序で実行されます)。

もちろんこれを行うためのもっと洗練された方法があります(たとえば、クラッシュの場合には、取り消し機能を永続的に保存する、 またはthis kind of thing)。ここで


/// ROP design with compensating transactions  
module RopWithUndo = 

    type Undo = unit -> unit 

    type Result<'success> = 
     | Success of 'success * Undo list 
     | Failure of string 

    let bind f x = 
     match x with 
     | Failure e -> Failure e 
     | Success (s1,undoList1) -> 
      match f s1 with 
      | Failure e -> 
       // undo everything in reverse order 
       undoList1 |> List.rev |> List.iter (fun undo -> undo()) 
       // return the error 
       Failure e 
      | Success (s2,undoList2) -> 
       // concatenate the undo lists 
       Success (s2, undoList1 @ undoList2) 

/// Example 
module LaunchWithUndo = 

    open RopWithUndo 

    let undo_refuel() = 
     printfn "undoing refuel" 

    let refuel ok = 
     if ok then 
      printfn "doing refuel" 
      Success ("refuel", [undo_refuel]) 
      Failure "refuel failed" 

    let undo_enterLaunchCodes() = 
     printfn "undoing enterLaunchCodes" 

    let enterLaunchCodes ok refuelInfo = 
     if ok then 
      printfn "doing enterLaunchCodes" 
      Success ("enterLaunchCodes", [undo_enterLaunchCodes]) 
      Failure "enterLaunchCodes failed" 

    let fireMissile ok launchCodesInfo = 
     if ok then 
      printfn "doing fireMissile " 
      Success ("fireMissile ", []) 
      Failure "fireMissile failed" 

    // test with failure at refuel 
    refuel false 
    |> bind (enterLaunchCodes true) 
    |> bind (fireMissile true) 
    val it : Result<string> = Failure "refuel failed" 

    // test with failure at enterLaunchCodes 
    refuel true 
    |> bind (enterLaunchCodes false) 
    |> bind (fireMissile true) 
    doing refuel 
    undoing refuel 
    val it : Result<string> = Failure "enterLaunchCodes failed" 

    // test with failure at fireMissile 
    refuel true 
    |> bind (enterLaunchCodes true) 
    |> bind (fireMissile false) 
    doing refuel 
    doing enterLaunchCodes 
    undoing enterLaunchCodes 
    undoing refuel 
    val it : Result<string> = Failure "fireMissile failed" 

    // test with no failure 
    refuel true 
    |> bind (enterLaunchCodes true) 
    |> bind (fireMissile true) 
    doing refuel 
    doing enterLaunchCodes 
    doing fireMissile 
    val it : Result<string> = 
     Success ("fireMissile ",[..functions..]) 

、2番目のオプションは、すべてで各ステップで不可逆的なことを行う が、遅延することではなく、全てのステップがOKになるまで不可逆ビットにします。

この場合、Successのケースには「実行」機能のリストが含まれています。成功するたびにこのリストに関数が追加されます。 最後に、関数のリスト全体が実行されます。




/// ROP design with delayed executions 
module RopWithExec = 

    type Execute = unit -> unit 

    type Result<'success> = 
     | Success of 'success * Execute list 
     | Failure of string 

    let bind f x = 
     match x with 
     | Failure e -> Failure e 
     | Success (s1,execList1) -> 
      match f s1 with 
      | Failure e -> 
       // return the error 
       Failure e 
      | Success (s2,execList2) -> 
       // concatenate the exec lists 
       Success (s2, execList1 @ execList2) 

    let execute x = 
     match x with 
     | Failure e -> 
      Failure e 
     | Success (s,execList) -> 
      execList |> List.iter (fun exec -> exec()) 
      Success (s,[]) 

/// Example 
module LaunchWithExec = 

    open RopWithExec 

    let exec_refuel() = 
     printfn "refuel" 

    let refuel ok = 
     if ok then 
      printfn "checking if refuelling can be done" 
      Success ("refuel", [exec_refuel]) 
      Failure "refuel failed" 

    let exec_enterLaunchCodes() = 
     printfn "entering launch codes" 

    let enterLaunchCodes ok refuelInfo = 
     if ok then 
      printfn "checking if launch codes can be entered" 
      Success ("enterLaunchCodes", [exec_enterLaunchCodes]) 
      Failure "enterLaunchCodes failed" 

    let exec_fireMissile() = 
     printfn "firing missile" 

    let fireMissile ok launchCodesInfo = 
     if ok then 
      printfn "checking if missile can be fired" 
      Success ("fireMissile ", [exec_fireMissile]) 
      Failure "fireMissile failed" 

    // test with failure at refuel 
    refuel false 
    |> bind (enterLaunchCodes true) 
    |> bind (fireMissile true) 
    |> execute 
    val it : Result<string> = Failure "refuel failed" 

    // test with failure at enterLaunchCodes 
    refuel true 
    |> bind (enterLaunchCodes false) 
    |> bind (fireMissile true) 
    |> execute 
    checking if refuelling can be done 
    val it : Result<string> = Failure "enterLaunchCodes failed" 

    // test with failure at fireMissile 
    refuel true 
    |> bind (enterLaunchCodes true) 
    |> bind (fireMissile false) 
    |> execute 
    checking if refuelling can be done 
    checking if launch codes can be entered 
    val it : Result<string> = Failure "fireMissile failed" 

    // test with no failure 
    refuel true 
    |> bind (enterLaunchCodes true) 
    |> bind (fireMissile true) 
    |> execute 
    checking if refuelling can be done 
    checking if launch codes can be entered 
    checking if missile can be fired 
    entering launch codes 
    firing missile 
    val it : Result<string> = Success ("fireMissile ",[]) 

あなたがアイデアを得る、私は願っています。私は他のアプローチもあると確信しています - これらは明らかで単純な2つです。 :)


それは速く、素敵な答えでした。私は、あなたがパターンに同化したとあなたが信じることはできません。 –


抵抗は無駄です! – Grundoon
