2012-02-27 4 views

Excel 2010からPowerpoint Graph 2010を更新したいと考えています。 コードはオブジェクトを検索して、その名前の範囲をPowerPointで似ていると判断してグラフに変更を適用します。グラフ形式は同じでなければならず、データを更新する必要があります。Excel 2010からPowerpoint Graph 2010を更新する


Option Explicit 

Private Const NAMED_RANGE_PREFIX = "Export_" 
Private Const NAMED_RANGE_PREFIX_TEXT = "ExportText" 
Private m_sLog As String 

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 

On Error GoTo Catch 

Dim pptApp As PowerPoint.Application 
Dim pptPresentation As PowerPoint.Presentation 
Dim pptSlide As PowerPoint.Slide 
Dim pptShape As PowerPoint.Shape 

Dim mgrChart As Chart 
Dim mgrDatasheet As Graph.DataSheet 

Dim rngData As Excel.Range 

Dim iRow As Long, iCol As Long 
Dim sTag As String 
Dim nFound As Long, nUpdated As Long 
Dim nFoundText As Long, nUpdatedText As Long 

Dim i As Integer 

Dim fLog As frmLog 

Dim Box1Status As VbMsgBoxResult 

m_sLog = "" 

'Prompt to Export 
Box1Status = MsgBox("Export and Save to Powerpoint Template?" & Chr(13) & "Reminder: Please use a clean template for export and be sure to back up the template beforehand. " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "PLEASE SAVE ANY OTHER OPEN POWERPOINT DOCUMENTS AS ALL UNSAVED WORK WILL BE LOST!", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Confirm Export") 
If Box1Status = vbNo Then Exit Sub 

i = 1 

UpdateStatus "Opening Powerpoint presentation '" & Range("fileloc") 
Set pptApp = New PowerPoint.Application 
Set pptPresentation = pptApp.Presentations.Open(Range("fileloc")) 
pptApp.WindowState = ppWindowMinimized 

'Looks for (tagged) charts to update 

UpdateStatus "Searching presentation for charts..." 
For Each pptSlide In pptPresentation.Slides 

    For Each pptShape In pptSlide.Shapes 

     If pptShape.Type = msoEmbeddedOLEObject Then 

     If TypeOf pptShape.OLEFormat.Object Is Graph.Chart Then 

       nFound = nFound + 1 

       Set mgrChart = pptShape.OLEFormat.Object 

       Set mgrChart = pptShape.Chart 

       Set mgrDatasheet = mgrChart.Application.DataSheet 
       With mgrDatasheet 
        sTag = .Cells(1, 1) 
        If Left(sTag, 6) = "Export" Then UpdateStatus "Found chart on slide '" & pptSlide.SlideNumber & "' with tag '" & sTag & "'. Searching Excel workbook for same tag..." 
        Set rngData = RangeForChart(sTag) 
        If rngData Is Nothing Then 
         ' This chart has no data in this Excel workbook 
         If Left(sTag, 6) <> "Export" Then 
          UpdateStatus "Found chart on slide '" & pptSlide.SlideNumber & "' with no tag, skipping" 
          UpdateStatus "'" & sTag & "' does not exist in workbook, skipping." 
         End If 
         ' Update the PowerPoint chart with the Excel data 
         UpdateStatus "Found '" & sTag & "' at named range '" & rngData.Name & "'. Updating presentation..." 
         For iRow = 0 To rngData.Rows.Count - 1 
          For iCol = 0 To rngData.Columns.Count - 1 
           .Cells(iRow + 1, iCol + 1) = rngData.Cells(iRow + 1, iCol + 1) 
          Next iCol 
         Next iRow 
         UpdateStatus "Chart with tag '" & sTag & "' updated." 
         nUpdated = nUpdated + 1 
        End If 
       End With 
       Set mgrDatasheet = Nothing 
       Set mgrChart = Nothing 
      End If 
     'End If 
    Next pptShape 
    i = i + 1 
Next pptSlide 

UpdateStatus "Finished searching presentation. Closing PowerPoint." 

Set pptPresentation = Nothing 
Set pptApp = Nothing 

UpdateStatus "Done. " & nFound & " charts found and " & nUpdated & " charts updated. " & nFoundText & " text boxes found and " & nUpdatedText & " text boxes updated." 

Set fLog = New frmLog 
fLog.Caption = "Update of Powerpoint Template Complete" 
fLog.txtLog.Text = m_sLog 
Unload fLog 
Set fLog = Nothing 
Exit Sub 

MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred while updating: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbCritical 
ForceCleanup mgrChart, mgrDatasheet, pptPresentation, pptApp 
End Sub 

Private Property Get RangeForChart(sTag As String) As Range 
Dim sChartTag As String 
Dim iUpdate As Long 
Dim NameList As Range 
'Dim nRow As Range 

Set NameList = Range("Name_List") 

If Left(sTag, 6) <> "Export" Then Exit Property 

'For Each nRow In NameList.Rows 
Do While sChartTag <> sTag 

    iUpdate = iUpdate + 1 
    ' This will error if there is no named range for "Export_", which means that sTag does not 
    ' exist in the workbook so return nothing 
    On Error Resume Next 
     sChartTag = ActiveWorkbook.Names(NAMED_RANGE_PREFIX & NameList(iUpdate, 1).Value).RefersToRange.Cells(1, 1) 
     If Err.Number <> 0 Then 
      ' Return nothing 
      Exit Property 
     End If 
    On Error GoTo 0 
'Next nRow 

Set RangeForChart = ActiveWorkbook.Names(NAMED_RANGE_PREFIX & NameList(iUpdate, 1).Value).RefersToRange 

End Property 

Private Property Get RangeForText(sTag As String) As Range 
Dim sTextTag As String 
Dim iUpdate As Long 

If Left(sTag, 10) <> "ExportText" Then Exit Property 

Do While sTextTag <> sTag 
    iUpdate = iUpdate + 1 
    ' This will error if there is no named range for "ExportText" & iUpdate, which means that sTag does not 
    ' exist in the workbook so return nothing 
    On Error Resume Next 
     sTextTag = NAMED_RANGE_PREFIX_TEXT & iUpdate 
     If Err.Number <> 0 Then 
      ' Return nothing 
      Exit Property 
     End If 
    On Error GoTo 0 

Set RangeForText = ActiveWorkbook.Names(NAMED_RANGE_PREFIX_TEXT & iUpdate).RefersToRange 

End Property 

Private Sub UpdateStatus(sMessage As String) 
m_sLog = m_sLog & Now() & ": " & sMessage & vbNewLine 
Application.StatusBar = Now() & ": " & sMessage 
End Sub 

Private Sub ForceCleanup(mgrChart As Graph.Chart, mgrDatasheet As Graph.DataSheet, pptPresentation As PowerPoint.Presentation, pptApp As PowerPoint.Application) 
On Error Resume Next 
Set mgrChart = Nothing 
Set mgrDatasheet = Nothing 
Set pptPresentation = Nothing 
Set pptApp = Nothing 
End Sub 




Excelでグラフを作成し、コピーして、PowerPointに移動し、[形式を選択して貼り付け]を使用します。 Excelでデータを変更し、Excelグラフを更新します。 PowerPointプレゼンテーションを開き、必要に応じてリンクを更新します。


パワーポイントグラフのデータシートでは、セルの1つを入力することで、セルをExcelデータファイルにリンクすることができます(パスとファイル名はここで構成されています) = c:\ PPTXfiles \ excelfiles [excelfiles.xlsx] sheetname '!a1 これにより、powerpointのリンクセクションに表示されないリンクが作成されますが、両方のファイルを開いてチャートをダブルクリックするだけで更新できます。 ファイルのエンドユーザが「分割して部品を送りたい」ため、リンク機能によるペーストは使用できません。エンドユーザーがチャートやデータを編集できるようにするため、ソースのExcelファイルがなければ不可能です。




Sub UpdateLinks() 
    Dim ExcelFile 
    Dim exl As Object 
    Set exl = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 

    'Open a dialog box to promt for the new source file. 
    ExcelFile = exl.Application.GetOpenFilename(, , "Select Excel File") 

    Dim i As Integer 
    Dim k As Integer 

    'Go through every slide 
    For i = 1 To ActivePresentation.Slides.Count 
     With ActivePresentation.Slides(i) 
      'Go through every shape on every slide 
      For k = 1 To .Shapes.Count 
       'Turn of error checking s that it doesn 't crash if the current shape doesn't already have a link 
       On Error Resume Next 
       'Set the source to be the same as teh file chosen in the opening dialog box 
       .Shapes(k).LinkFormat.SourceFullName = ExcelFile 
       If .Shapes(k).LinkFormat.SourceFullName = ExcelFile Then 
        'If the change was successful then also set it to update automatically 
       End If 
       On Error GoTo 0 
      Next k 
     End With 
    Next i 
End Sub