メインプログラムから2番目のウィンドウ(関数 'learn'で定義)を開こうとしています - ウィンドウは問題なく開きますが、ボタン/画像は表示されません表示されます。誰かが私が間違っていることを知っていますか?すべての画像は.gifファイルで、プログラムと同じフォルダに置かれます。新しいウィンドウに画像/ボタンが表示されない(tkinter)
from tkinter import *
import linecache
import os
root = Tk()
root.geometry('1200x800') #Dimensions of the window
root.title("stud(y)ious") #title of the window
container1 = Frame(root)
container1.pack(side = TOP, anchor = W)
container2= Frame(root) #Bottom container
container2.pack(side = BOTTOM,pady = 50) #space between the bottom of the timetable and the two buttons; initially this was cropping the timetable too much so this value was DECREASED in order to shorten the amount of padding that exists around the two buttons at the bottom
#All the images used on the home page; keeping them all in one place so they can be eaisly replaced by anotehr programmer if need be
imgNote = PhotoImage(file='img_note.gif') #'N O T E'
imgHeader = PhotoImage(file='img_title.gif') #'stud(y)ious' 'T I M E T A B L E'
imgTimetable = PhotoImage(file='btn_timetable.gif') #replacable timetable image
imgCreateBtn = PhotoImage(file='btn_create.gif') #'create'
imgLearnBtn = PhotoImage(file='btn_learn.gif') #'learn'
toolbar = Canvas()
Header = Label(toolbar, image = imgHeader).pack() #creation of header, space for imgHeader; above and seperated from main buttons
def destroy(): #closing the window
def create(): #The window that appears when the 'create' button is clicked
toplevel = Toplevel()
labelCreateHeader = Label(toplevel, image=imgNote) #header graphic
labelCreateText = Label(toplevel, text=txtCreate) #text (from variable noted below)
def learn(): #The window that appears when the 'learn' button is clicked
window1 = Tk()
window1.title("stud(y)ious: Learn") #title of the window, colon to show connection to studyious_main.py
#Opens the questions file (in read mode) and makes a list of them, one per line
with open('studyious_questions.txt', 'r+') as questionfile:
questions = questionfile.readlines()
#Takes off the '\n' from the end of each line so they are neatly presented and easy to read
questions = [i.strip('\n') for i in questions]
#reading answers; holds a string only - default value ""; type checking
ans1 = StringVar()
ans2 = StringVar()
ans3 = StringVar()
ans4 = StringVar()
ans5 = StringVar()
answers = []
for i in range(1,9):
answers.append(linecache.getline('studyious_answers.txt', i))
answers = [i.strip('\n') for i in answers]
def destroy2():
window1.destroy() #closes window, function attached to '⬅' button
def answering(answer, index): #The window that appears when the 'create' button is clicked
toplevel = Toplevel()
labelCorrectHeader = Label(toplevel, text=txtInfoCorrect, image=imgCorrect) #header graphic
labelCorrect = Label(toplevel, text=txtInfoCorrect) #text (from variable noted below)
labelIncorrectHeader = Label(toplevel, text=txtInfoIncorrect, image=imgIncorrect)
labelIncorrect = Label(toplevel, text=txtInfoIncorrect)
if answer == answers[index]: #selection structure to decide whether the 'correct' (if) or 'incorrect' (else) window pops up
#The following two text variable were written using triple quotations so the program would register line breaks effectively
txtInfoCorrect = """
Keep up the good work!
Remember, for every 10 questions, take a lil' break <3
txtInfoIncorrect = """
Better luck next time!
Keep going, you can do it!
container01 = Frame(window1)
container01.pack(anchor = W)
ButtonQuit = Button(container01, command=destroy2) #FIXME should open the other python file, containing the homepage
ButtonQuit["text"] = "⬅"
ButtonQuit.pack(side = LEFT, padx = 10, pady = 8)
#Directory of images used in this program
imgCorrect = PhotoImage(file='img_correct.gif')
imgIncorrect = PhotoImage(file='img_incorrect.gif')
imgAnswer = PhotoImage(file='btn_answer.gif')
imgHeaderb = PhotoImage(file='img_header.gif')
toolbar1 = Canvas()
Header1 = Label(toolbar1, image = imgHeaderb).pack() #Placing the header image (img_header) at the top of the page
question1 = Label(window1, text=questions[0]).pack(pady = 10) #states the question according to it's number in the list (e.g this one is 0 because it is the first item in the studyious_questions.txt file
#pady refers to the space between each of teh questions (so things dont look too cluttered and unprofessional)
entry1= Entry(window1, textvariable = ans1) #User can cnter answer to to entry box
ButtonAnswer1 = Button(image = imgAnswer,command=lambda:answering(ans1.get(), 0)).pack() #answer button, when clicked entered answer will be checked against teh answer recorded in studyious_answers.txt to see if it is correct
#For example, for the example above, the answer entered by the user is checked against the first answer in the list of answers (index of 0) to see if it correct; promopting a response from the variable 'answering' (which will either produce the 'correct' or 'incorrect dialogue window)
question2 = Label(window1, text=questions[1]).pack(pady = 10)
entry2= Entry(window1, textvariable = ans2)
ButtonAnswer2 = Button(image = imgAnswer,command=lambda:answering(ans2.get(), 1)).pack()
question3 = Label(window1, text=questions[2]).pack(pady = 10)
entry3= Entry(window1, textvariable = ans3)
ButtonAnswer3 = Button(image = imgAnswer,command=lambda:answering(ans3.get(), 2)).pack()
question4 = Label(window1, text=questions[3]).pack(pady = 10)
entry4= Entry(window1, textvariable = ans4)
ButtonAnswer4 = Button(image = imgAnswer,command=lambda:answering(ans4.get(), 3)).pack()
question5 = Label(window1, text=questions[4]).pack(pady = 10)
entry5= Entry(window1, textvariable = ans5)
ButtonAnswer5 = Button(image = imgAnswer,command=lambda:answering(ans5.get(), 4)).pack()
txtInfo = """
txtCreate = """
def timetable():
toplevel = Toplevel() #Ensure window pops up above the main window as a pop up window
labelTimetableHeader = Label(toplevel, image=imgNote) #header graphic to match aesthetic of the rest of the program
labelTimetableText = Label(toplevel, text=txtInfo) #The main body of text (as seen above in txtInfo)
btnQuit = Button(container1,command=destroy) #Quit button, closes window
btnQuit["text"] = "Quit"
btnQuit.pack(side = LEFT, padx = 10, pady = 8) #the difference between the top and left padding is that there is automatically two points of padding from the top of the window
TimetableButton = Button(image = imgTimetable,command=timetable).pack() #a replacable image that allows users to enter place their own timetable on the home page
#Initially the button sat squished in the corner whih made the finishing of the home page look very rough, cluttered and unprofessional
#Button 1; opens a small window giving the user details of how to enter the questions and answers they wish to test themselves on
btnCreate = Button(container2, image = imgCreateBtn,command=create).pack(side = LEFT, padx =100) #padding around teh sides seperates the two buttons - 'create' and 'learn'
#Button 2; redirect to the quiz program, opening another window with the quiz program
btnLearn = Button(container2, image = imgLearnBtn,command=learn).pack(side = BOTTOM, padx = 100)
一般的にあなただけのはずtkinterプログラムで 'Tk()'を一度呼び出してください。 – martineau
無関係なコードをあまりにも多く投稿しました。 [mcve]を作成してみてください –