2次元配列に問題があり、正しく出力されないため、プログラムが正常に動作していますが、飛行機着座チャートを水平に出力するケース4を選択すると、 。もし誰かが正しい方向に私を指すことができればそれはすばらしいでしょう!java飛行機着座チャートアレイ
public static void viewSeatingChartVertical(boolean seat[]){
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j){
if(seat[((j + 1) + (i * 3)) - 1])
System.out.print("x ");
System.out.print("o ");
public static void viewSeatingChartHorizontal(boolean seat[]){
int [][] twoDim = new int [3][10];
int a = (twoDim.length);
int b = (twoDim[0].length);
for(int i = 0; i < a; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < b; j++) {
int x = 0;
twoDim[i][j] = x;
if(seat[((j + 1) + (i * 3)) - 1])
System.out.print("x ");
System.out.print("o ");
public static void main(String args[]){
java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner(System.in);// if the system doesnt know the Scanner function it then looks to import it
boolean seating[] = new boolean[30];//declare the amount of seats available on the plane in an array
//display list of options - saving space make easier to read on smaller screen
System.out.println("Please choose an option:");
System.out.println("1 for “first class”");
System.out.println("2 for “economy”");
System.out.println("3 to view seating chart");
System.out.println("4 to view seating horizontally chart");
System.out.println("0 to exit");
System.out.print("? ");
while(true){ //loop while valid
int mOpt = input.nextInt(); //mOpt Menu Option - validate number entered, must be 0-4
switch (mOpt){
case 0: System.exit(0);
break; //system exit
case 1: // first class seats
System.out.print("Which seat would you like (1-9)\n");
int fcseat = input.nextInt();
if(fcseat > 0 && fcseat <10){
if(seating[fcseat - 1]){
System.out.print("That seat is taken.\n");
seating[fcseat - 1] = true;
System.out.print("Seat number " + fcseat + " was assigned.\n");
case 2: // economic seats
System.out.print("Which seat would you like (10-30)\n");
int econSeat = input.nextInt();
if(econSeat >= 10 && econSeat <= 30){ // HAD 31 NOT 30. SMH
if(seating[econSeat - 1]){
System.out.print("That seat is taken.\n");
seating[econSeat - 1] = true;
System.out.print("Seat number " + econSeat + " was assigned.\n");
case 3: //printout of available seats vertically
case 4: //printout of available seats horizontally
default: //wrong format or number please try again
System.out.print("Sorry, Option not recognized, please Try again.\n");
ありがとうございます!そんなに私はそれを得た。 – corvo