2017-04-21 11 views

This is what I intend to do境界値分析のためのJunitテストケースを設計する際に問題が発生しています。最初のクラスは、階層に基づいてロジックソートを実行するクラスです。 assertEqualsが使用されているとき、プログラムは正しく動作しません。以前のassertEqualsのやっていたことを繰り返し続けました。したがって、最終的には、それ以上の評価は役に立たないとみなされる。Javaの階層アルゴリズムはどのように機能しますか?

public class AssignCharges { 
    RandomGeneratorClass rgc = new RandomGeneratorClass(); 

    // To test for cases less than 0 
    public double getCharges(int distance, int weight) { 
    // declaring the variable to be fit into the given situation 
    double charges = 0; 

    if(weight < 0 || distance < 0) 
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Values cannot be negative."); 

    // Testing for valid first boundary values 
    // @ <300g, <10km, RM 5 
    else if(weight > 0 && weight < 300){ 
     charges = 5; 
    // Testing for valid second boundary values @ 300-1000g 
    else if(weight >= 300 && weight < 1000){ 
    // @ distance < 10km, RM 8 
     if(distance > 0 && distance < 10) 
      charges = 8; 
    // @ 10 < distance < 30, RM 10 
     else if(distance >= 10 && distance < 30) 
      charges = 10; 
    // @ distance >= 30, RM 20 
      charges = 20; 
    // Testing for valid third boundary values @ 1001-3000 g 
    else if(weight >= 1000 && weight <3000){ 
    // @ < 10km, RM 8 
     if(distance > 0 && distance < 10) 
      charges = 8; 
    // @ 10 < distance < 30, RM 12 
     else if(distance >= 10 && distance < 30) 
      charges = 12; 
    // @ distance > 30, RM 30 
      charges = 30; 

    // Testing for valid fourth boundary values @ 3001-5000g 
    else if(weight >= 3000 && weight < 5000){ 
    // @ < 10km, RM 10 
     if(distance > 0 && distance < 10) 
      charges = 10; 
    // @ 10 < distance < 30, RM 15 
     else if(distance >= 10 && distance < 30) 
      charges = 15; 
    // @ distance > 30, RM 40 
      charges = 40; 

    // Testing for valid fifth boundary values @ >5000g 
    else if(weight >= 5000){ 
    // @ < 10km, RM 15 
     if(distance > 0 && distance < 10) 
      charges = 15; 
    // @ 10 < distance < 30, RM 20 
     else if(distance >= 10 && distance < 30) 
      charges = 20; 
    // @ distance > 30, RM 50 
      charges = 50; 

    // Testing for invalid negative boundary values 
    // The else is sufficient as the only invalid values = negative values 
    else if(weight == 0 && distance == 0) 
     charges = 0; 

    // replies the amount of corresponding charges 
    return charges; 


public class AssignChargesTest { 
    public void testAssignWeightDistanceInvalidBoundary(){ 
     AssignCharges ac = new AssignCharges(); 
     double charges; 

     // invalid boundary 
     charges = ac.getCharges(0, 0); 
     assertEquals(0, charges, 0); 

    public void testAssignWeightDistanceFirstBoundary(){ 
     AssignCharges ac = new AssignCharges(); 
     double charges; 

     // first boundary 
     charges = ac.getCharges(299, 5); 
     assertEquals(5, charges, 0); 

    public void testAssignWeightDistanceSecondBoundary(){ 
     AssignCharges ac = new AssignCharges(); 
     double charges; 

     // second boundary 
     charges = ac.getCharges(999, 5); 
     assertEquals(8, charges, 0); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(999, 20); 
     assertEquals(10, charges, 0); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(999, 40); 
     assertEquals(20, charges, 0); 

    public void testAssignWeightDistanceThirdBoundary(){ 
     AssignCharges ac = new AssignCharges(); 
     double charges; 

     // third boundary 
     charges = ac.getCharges(2999, 5); 
     assertEquals(8, charges, 0); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(2999, 20); 
     assertEquals(12, charges, 0); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(2999, 40); 
     assertEquals(30, charges, 0); 

    public void testAssignWeightDistanceFourthBoundary(){ 
     AssignCharges ac = new AssignCharges(); 
     double charges; 

     // fourth boundary 
     charges = ac.getCharges(4999, 5); 
     assertEquals(10, charges, 0); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(4999, 20); 
     assertEquals(15, charges, 0); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(4999, 40); 
     assertEquals(40, charges, 0); 

    public void testAssignWeightDistanceFifthBoundary(){ 
     AssignCharges ac = new AssignCharges(); 
     double charges; 

     // fifth boundary 
     charges = ac.getCharges(5001, 5); 
     assertEquals(15, charges, 0); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(5001, 20); 
     assertEquals(20, charges, 0); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(5001, 40); 
     assertEquals(50, charges, 0); 

    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) 
    public void testIllegalArgumentException(){ 
     AssignCharges ac = new AssignCharges(); 
     double charges; 

     // invalid arguments list in terms of negative values: 

     // below boundary @ negative weight, negative distance 
     charges = ac.getCharges(-5, -5); 
     // positive weight, negative distance 
     charges = ac.getCharges(299, -5); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(999, -5); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(2999, -5); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(4999, -5); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(5001, -5); 
     // negative weight, positive distance 
     charges = ac.getCharges(-1, 2); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(-2, 12); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(-3, 22); 
     charges = ac.getCharges(-4, 32); 

最小限の[mcve]強調を作成してください。 –


これは私がやろうとしていることです:http://imgur.com/a/dC1IL –



JUnitのは、Java以外の何ものでもありません。 1つのJava文が突然完了すると(例えば、例外を投げる)、後続の文は実行されない。あなたはこのような一連の文がある場合は


charges = ac.getCharges(-5, -5); 
charges = ac.getCharges(-5, -5); 
charges = ac.getCharges(-5, -5); 
// ... 




try { 
    ac.getCharges(-5, -5); 
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { 
try { 
    ac.getCharges(-5, -5); 
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { 
// ... 



void assertGetChargesFails(int a, int b) { 
    try { 
    ac.getCharges(a, b); 
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { 

、その後のように呼び出す:あなたはJUnitの4.15以上とJava 8を使用している場合

assertGetChargesFails(-5, -5); 
assertGetChargesFails(-5, -5); 
assertGetChargesFails(-5, -5); 

、もっときれいにこれを行いassertThrows methodがあります:

例外がスローされていない場合 assertThrowsラインのそれぞれは失敗します
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class,() -> ac.getChanges(-5, -5)); 
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class,() -> ac.getChanges(-5, -5)); 


ありがとう、今どこで問題のデバッグを開始するのか知っています。私はそれを解決し始めるでしょう。 –
