2016-12-06 16 views

グラフを作ってjsonを使って送ります。今私は、新しいデータが表示されるときに更新することができるテーブルにグラフのすべてのタイプ、IDと名前の属性を配置する必要があります。コードは:d3 graph from json

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.6/d3.min.js"></script> 
    var json = [{"multigraph": false, "directed": true, "links": 
    [{"source": 2, "target": 0}, {"source": 2, "target": 1}, {"source": 2, "target": 3}, {"source": 2, "target": 4}], 
    "graph": {}, "nodes": 
    [{"id": "'(clear d)', '(ontable b)', '(ontable d)', '(ontable c)', '(clear b)', '(holding a)', '(clear c)'", 
    "name": "'(clear d)', '(ontable b)', '(ontable d)', '(ontable c)', '(clear b)', '(holding a)', '(clear c)'", 
    "type": "search_node"}, 
    {"id": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(clear d)', '(ontable c)', '(ontable d)', '(clear c)', '(holding b)'", 
    "name": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(clear d)', '(ontable c)', '(ontable d)', '(clear c)', '(holding b)'", 
    "type": "search_node"}, 
    {"id": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(ontable b)', '(clear d)', '(ontable d)', '(handempty)', '(ontable c)', '(clear c)', '(clear b)'", 
    "name": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(ontable b)', '(clear d)', '(ontable d)', '(handempty)', '(ontable c)', '(clear c)', '(clear b)'", 
    "type": "search_node"}, 
    {"id": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(ontable b)', '(holding d)', '(ontable c)', '(clear b)', '(clear c)'", 
    "name": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(ontable b)', '(holding d)', '(ontable c)', '(clear b)', '(clear c)'", 
    "type": "search_node"}, 
    {"id": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(clear d)', '(ontable b)', '(ontable d)', '(holding c)', '(clear b)'", 
    "name": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(clear d)', '(ontable b)', '(ontable d)', '(holding c)', '(clear b)'", 
    "type": "search_node"}]}] 

    d3.json(json, function (error,data) { 

    function tabulate(data, columns) { 
     var table = d3.select('body').append('table') 
     var thead = table.append('thead') 
     var tbody = table.append('tbody'); 

     // append the header row 
      .text(function (column) { return column; }); 

     // create a row for each object in the data 
     var rows = tbody.selectAll('tr') 

     // create a cell in each row for each column 
     var cells = rows.selectAll('td') 
      .data(function (row) { 
      return columns.map(function (column) { 
       return {column: column, value: row[column]}; 
      .text(function (d) { return d.value; }); 

     return table; 

    // render the table(s) 
    tabulate(data, ['type', 'id', 'name']); 

ヘッダーは表示されますが、その下に情報は表示されません。私は問題がjsonファイルの追加のタグであると思う。 jsonファイルからテーブルにすべての情報をどのように表示できますか?




var json = [{"multigraph": false, "directed": true, "links": 
     [{"source": 2, "target": 0}, {"source": 2, "target": 1}, {"source": 2, "target": 3}, {"source": 2, "target": 4}], 
     "graph": {}, "nodes": 
     [{"id": "'(clear d)', '(ontable b)', '(ontable d)', '(ontable c)', '(clear b)', '(holding a)', '(clear c)'", 
     "name": "'(clear d)', '(ontable b)', '(ontable d)', '(ontable c)', '(clear b)', '(holding a)', '(clear c)'", 
     "type": "search_node"}, 
     {"id": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(clear d)', '(ontable c)', '(ontable d)', '(clear c)', '(holding b)'", 
     "name": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(clear d)', '(ontable c)', '(ontable d)', '(clear c)', '(holding b)'", 
     "type": "search_node"}, 
     {"id": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(ontable b)', '(clear d)', '(ontable d)', '(handempty)', '(ontable c)', '(clear c)', '(clear b)'", 
     "name": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(ontable b)', '(clear d)', '(ontable d)', '(handempty)', '(ontable c)', '(clear c)', '(clear b)'", 
     "type": "search_node"}, 
     {"id": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(ontable b)', '(holding d)', '(ontable c)', '(clear b)', '(clear c)'", 
     "name": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(ontable b)', '(holding d)', '(ontable c)', '(clear b)', '(clear c)'", 
     "type": "search_node"}, 
     {"id": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(clear d)', '(ontable b)', '(ontable d)', '(holding c)', '(clear b)'", 
     "name": "'(ontable a)', '(clear a)', '(clear d)', '(ontable b)', '(ontable d)', '(holding c)', '(clear b)'", 
     "type": "search_node"}]}] 

     function tabulate(data, columns) { 
      var table = d3.select('body').append('table') 
      var thead = table.append('thead').append('th') 
      var tbody = table.append('tbody'); 

      // append the header row 
       .text(function (column) { 
       return column; }); 
      // use the nodes from the json since they hold the information for the columns 
      var nodes = data[0].nodes; 
      // create a row for each object in the data 
      var rows = tbody.selectAll('tr') 

      // create a cell in each row for each column 
      var cells = rows.selectAll('td') 
      .data(function(row) { 
       return columns.map(function(column) { 
       return { 
        column: column, 
        value: row[column] 
     .text(function(d, i, e) { // i == td 
      return d.value; 

      return table; 
     // render the table(s) 
     tabulate(json, ['type', 'id', 'name']); 


はフィドル:http://jsfiddle.net/4b35qkg2/3/ 私はまた、JSONのノードであることを行のデータを変更しました。

こちらがお役に立てば幸いです。 幸運を祈る!

編集:問題を明確にするために、d3.json(json, function (error,data)を使用して、オブジェクト(d3.json(json_file_path, function (error,data))ではない場所からjsonをロードしようとしていたという問題がありました。


ただし、常に2番目のノードのみを表示します。すべてのノードではありません – Noobanswerisnotananswer


セルの説明は次のようにする必要があります: 'var cells = rows.selectAll(" td ") .data(function(row){ return columns.map(function(column){ return {column:column、 value:row [column]}; }); } .enter() .append( "td") .attr( "style"、 "font-family:Courier")//フォントスタイルを設定します .html(function(d){return d.value;}); ' – Noobanswerisnotananswer


https://jsfiddle.net/4b35qkg2/3/ Yep!ここからhttp://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/473f0cf66196a008cf99 – mkaran