# I have a list
list1 = [1,2,3,4]
#I do some operation on the elements of the list
list2 = [2**j for j in list1]
# Then I want to have these items all shuffled around, so for instance
list2 = np.random.permutation(list2)
#Now here is my problem: I want to understand which element of the new list2 came from which element of list1. I am looking for something like this:
# Basically given an element of list2, I want to understand from where it came from, in list1. I really cant think of a simple way of doing this, but there must be an easy way!
'2 ** x'を' log2(x) 'と逆にして、変更前の値を知ることができます。すべての操作が可逆的であるわけではありませんが、これは常に機能するとは限りません。 – byxor
(orig、new)値を持つタプルのリストである可能性がありますか?あなたがそれらをシャッフルすると、そのようになります。 –
おそらく:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39832773/getting-previous-index-values-of-a-python-list-items-after-shuffling –