2016-12-05 14 views

Arraylistを使用して元に戻す移動機能を実装しようとしています。私はすべての有効な移動( 'U'、 'D'、 'L'、 'R')でMoveオブジェクトを保持するArraylistを作成し、Arraylistに新しいmoveオブジェクトを追加します。これは正常に動作していますが、現在はArraylistの最後のオブジェクトを削除しようとしていますが、 'Z'を押すたびに 'Z'が1回だけ削除されます。何でも'Undo Move'機能の一部として、ArrayListからオブジェクトを削除する2D配列ボードゲームの実装



package secondproject; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Random; 
import java.util.Scanner; 

public class Game { 

    private static final int BOARD_SIZE = 10; 
    private static final int INITIAL_PLAYER_COL = 0; 
    private static final int INITIAL_PLAYER_ROW = BOARD_SIZE - 1; 
    private static final int HOME_COL = BOARD_SIZE - 1; 
    private static final int HOME_ROW = 0; 
    private static final int WALL_LENGTH = 5; 
    private static final char PLAYER_CHAR = 'P'; 
    private static final char HOME_CHAR = 'H'; 
    private static final char WALL_CHAR = 'X'; 
    private static final char FREE_SQUARE_CHAR = '.'; 
    private static final char DOUGHNUT_CHAR = '@'; 
    private static final char UP_MOVE_CHAR = 'U'; 
    private static final char DOWN_MOVE_CHAR = 'D'; 
    private static final char LEFT_MOVE_CHAR = 'L'; 
    private static final char RIGHT_MOVE_CHAR = 'R'; 
    private static final char UNDO_MOVE_CHAR = 'Z'; 
    private static final char TRAIL_CHAR = 'M'; 

    private static char[][] board = new char[BOARD_SIZE][BOARD_SIZE]; 
    private static Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); 
    private static Scanner keyBoard = new Scanner(System.in); 

    private static int playerCol = INITIAL_PLAYER_COL; 
    private static int playerRow = INITIAL_PLAYER_ROW; 
    private static int nbrDoughnuts = 0; 
    private static int nbrMoves = 0; 
    private static Random random = new Random(); 

    private static int lives = 1; 
    private static int doughnutLives; 
    private static boolean doughnutCheck; 
    static ArrayList<Move> movement = new ArrayList<Move>(); 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

     String opt; 
     do { 
      System.out.print("Next option ?"); 
      opt = scan.next(); 
      char opt1 = opt.charAt(0); 
      if (opt1 == UP_MOVE_CHAR || opt1 == DOWN_MOVE_CHAR 
        || opt1 == LEFT_MOVE_CHAR || opt1 == RIGHT_MOVE_CHAR 
        || opt1 == UNDO_MOVE_CHAR) { 
      } else { 
       System.out.println("Allowed commands are: + " + UP_MOVE_CHAR 
         + "," + DOWN_MOVE_CHAR + "," + LEFT_MOVE_CHAR 
         + "," + RIGHT_MOVE_CHAR); 
      System.out.println("Number of moves made = " + nbrMoves); 
      System.out.println("Number of doughnuts eaten = " + nbrDoughnuts); 
      System.out.println("Lives = " + lives); 
     } while (board[HOME_ROW][HOME_COL] == HOME_CHAR); 
     System.out.println("Thank you and goodbye"); 


    * Set up the initial state of the board 
    private static void setUpBoard() { 
     intialiseBoard(); // Fill the board with . characters 
     //Add the first vertical wall 
     int v1StartCol = 1 + random.nextInt(BOARD_SIZE - 2); 
     int v1StartRow = 1 + random.nextInt(BOARD_SIZE - WALL_LENGTH - 1); 
     addVerticalWall(v1StartCol, v1StartRow, WALL_LENGTH); 

     //Add the second vertical wall 
     int v2StartCol; 
     do { 
      v2StartCol = 1 + random.nextInt(BOARD_SIZE - 2); 
     } while (v2StartCol == v1StartCol); 
     int v2StartRow = 1 + random.nextInt(BOARD_SIZE - WALL_LENGTH - 1); 
     addVerticalWall(v2StartCol, v2StartRow, WALL_LENGTH); 

     //Add the horizontal wall 
     int h1StartRow = 1 + random.nextInt(BOARD_SIZE - 2); 
     int h1StartCol = 1 + random.nextInt(BOARD_SIZE - WALL_LENGTH - 1); 
     addHorizontalWall(h1StartCol, h1StartRow, WALL_LENGTH); 

     //Add the dougnuts 
     int nbrDoughnutsAdded = 0; 
     while (nbrDoughnutsAdded < 5) { 
      int dRow = 1 + random.nextInt(BOARD_SIZE - 2); 
      int dCol = 1 + random.nextInt(BOARD_SIZE - 2); 
      if (board[dRow][dCol] == FREE_SQUARE_CHAR) { 
       board[dRow][dCol] = DOUGHNUT_CHAR; 

     //Add the player and the home square 
     board[playerRow][playerCol] = PLAYER_CHAR; 
     board[HOME_ROW][HOME_COL] = HOME_CHAR; 

    * Add a vertical wall to the board 
    * @param startCol Column on which wall is situated 
    * @param startRow Row on which top of wall is situated 
    * @param length Number of squares occupied by wall 
    private static void addVerticalWall(int startCol, int startRow, int length) { 
     for (int row = startRow; row < startRow + length; row++) { 
      board[row][startCol] = WALL_CHAR; 

    * Add a horizontal wall to the board 
    * @param startCol Column on which leftmost end of wall is situated 
    * @param startRow Row on which wall is situated 
    * @param length Number of squares occupied by wall 
    private static void addHorizontalWall(int startCol, int startRow, int length) { 
     for (int col = startCol; col < startCol + length; col++) { 
      board[startRow][col] = WALL_CHAR; 

    * Display the board 
    private static void showBoard() { 
     for (int row = 0; row < board.length; row++) { 
      for (int col = 0; col < board[row].length; col++) { 

    * Fill the board with FREE_SQUARE_CHAR characters. 
    private static void intialiseBoard() { 
     for (int row = 0; row < board.length; row++) { 
      for (int col = 0; col < board[row].length; col++) { 
       board[row][col] = FREE_SQUARE_CHAR; 

    * Move the player 
    * @param moveChar Character indicating the move to be made 
    private static void move(char moveChar) { 
     int newCol = playerCol; 
     int newRow = playerRow; 

     switch (moveChar) { 
      case UP_MOVE_CHAR: 
       if (lives == 1) { 
       } else if (lives > 1) { 
        int number = keyBoard.nextInt(); 
        if (number <= lives) { 
         newRow = newRow - number; 
        } else { 
      case DOWN_MOVE_CHAR: 
       if (lives == 1) { 
       } else if (lives > 1) { 
        int number = keyBoard.nextInt(); 
        if (number <= lives) { 
         newRow = newRow + number; 
        } else { 
      case LEFT_MOVE_CHAR: 
       if (lives == 1) { 
       } else if (lives > 1) { 
        int number = keyBoard.nextInt(); 
        if (number <= lives) { 
         newCol = newCol - number; 
        } else { 
      case RIGHT_MOVE_CHAR: 
       if (lives == 1) { 
       } else if (lives > 1) { 
        int number = keyBoard.nextInt(); 
        if (number <= lives) { 
         newCol = newCol + number; 
        } else { 
      case UNDO_MOVE_CHAR: 
       if (movement.size() > 1) { 
        movement.remove(movement.size() - 1); 
        System.out.println("The decreasing size of the arraylist is now " + movement.size()); //Test Line 
       } else if (movement.size() < 1) { 
        System.out.println("There is no move to be undone!"); 
     if (newRow < 0 || newRow >= BOARD_SIZE || newCol < 0 || newCol >= BOARD_SIZE) { 
      System.out.println("Sorry that move takes you off the board!"); 
     } else { 
      char dest = board[newRow][newCol]; 
      if (dest == WALL_CHAR) { 
       System.out.println("Sorry you landed on a wall!"); 
      } else { 
       if (dest == DOUGHNUT_CHAR) { 
        doughnutCheck = true; 
        lives = (doughnutLives + 1); 
       board[playerRow][playerCol] = FREE_SQUARE_CHAR; 
       playerCol = newCol; 
       playerRow = newRow; 
       board[playerRow][playerCol] = PLAYER_CHAR; 
     movement.add(new Move(playerCol, playerRow, newCol, newRow, doughnutCheck)); 
     System.out.println("The increasing size of the arraylist is now " + movement.size()); //Test Line 

    public static void squareNumberPrompt() { 
     System.out.println("Enter the number of squares to be moved"); 

    public static void checkLives() { 
     System.out.println("Invalid number! The number must be" 
       + " equal to or less than the number of lives you have"); 




Next option ? Z // Do undo 
The decreasing size of the arraylist is now 2 // The old move is undone 
The increasing size of the arraylist is now 3 // However, the undo is counted as a move 


movement.add(new Move(playerCol, playerRow, newCol, newRow, doughnutCheck)); 


if (moveChar != UNDO_MOVE_CHAR) 
    movement.add(new Move(playerCol, playerRow, newCol, newRow, doughnutCheck)); 

EDIT:も参照してください@ user7254424の答えは、あなたが問題を抱く別の理由です。

if (movement.size() > 1) { 
       movement.remove(movement.size() - 1); 
       System.out.println("The decreasing size of the arraylist is now " + movement.size()); //Test Line 
      } else if (movement.size() < 1) { 
       System.out.println("There is no move to be undone!"); 

あなたは問題がある場合、これはすることができ、movement.size()== 1を考慮していません。


ありがとう、私は今それを説明しました! –
