私はレールに新たなんだとコストコードを作成しようとするとエラーがここにあるのかわからないです:コンソールでレコードを作成する方法 - ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT active_record_1?
[21] pry(main)> CostCode
=> CostCode(id: integer, biller_type: text, biller_id: integer, position: integer, parent_id: integer, code: text, name: text, updated_at: datetime, long_name_helper: text, deleted_at: datetime, sortable_code: text, created_at: datetime, standard_cost_code_id: integer)
[22] pry(main)> CostCode.create(code: '87678', name: "hex")
(0.3ms) SAVEPOINT active_record_1
(0.2ms) SET LOCAL procore.user_id='';
SET LOCAL procore.company_id='';
SET LOCAL procore.project_id='';
CostCode Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cost_codes" WHERE ("cost_codes"."code" = '87678' AND "cost_codes"."biller_type" IS NULL AND "cost_codes"."biller_id" IS NULL AND "cost_codes"."parent_id" IS NULL AND "cost_codes"."deleted_at" IS NULL) LIMIT 1
(0.2ms) ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT active_record_1
=> #<CostCode:0x007ff4cd938ec8
id: nil,
biller_type: nil,
biller_id: nil,
position: nil,
parent_id: nil,
code: "87678",
name: "hex",
updated_at: nil,
long_name_helper: nil,
deleted_at: nil,
sortable_code: nil,
created_at: nil,
standard_cost_code_id: nil>
[23] pry(main)>
# Table name: cost_codes
# id :integer not null, primary key
# biller_type :text
# biller_id :integer
# position :integer
# parent_id :integer
# code :text
# name :text
# updated_at :datetime
# long_name_helper :text
# deleted_at :datetime
# sortable_code :text
# created_at :datetime not null
# standard_cost_code_id :integer
# Indexes
# cost_codes_parent_id_index (parent_id)
# idx_cost_codes_on_code_biller_null_parent (code,biller_type,biller_id) UNIQUE
# idx_cost_codes_on_code_biller_parent (code,biller_type,biller_id,parent_id) UNIQUE
# idxcost_codes_biller_id (biller_id)
# index_cost_codes_on_biller_id_and_biller_type (biller_id,biller_type)
# index_cost_codes_on_standard_cost_code_id (standard_cost_code_id)
class CostCode < ActiveRecord::Base
class ExistingCostCodesForHolder < StandardError
DEFAULT_COST_CODES = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config', 'cost_codes_17_division.yml'))
acts_as_tree # but really, it's pro_tree
include ChangeEventCostCodesCaching
include ExternalDataSupport
include ReplicaSupport
origin_id_unique_within { |cost_code| ['company_id', cost_code.company.id] }
belongs_to :biller, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :standard_cost_code
has_one :erp_cost_code, class_name: "Erp::CostCode", foreign_key: :procore_cost_code_id, dependent: :destroy
has_many :erp_sync_errors, class_name: 'Erp::SyncError', as: :sync_item, dependent: :destroy
has_one :erp_standard_cost_code, through: :standard_cost_code
has_many :potential_change_orders
has_many :quantity_logs
has_many :generic_tool_items
has_many :meeting_topics
has_many :timecard_entries
has_many :budget_forecast_modifications
has_many :budget_line_items, :dependent => :restrict_with_error
has_many :line_items, dependent: :restrict_with_error
has_one :bid_item
あなたはモデルファイルCostCode.rbをアップロードできますか? – widjajayd
私はそれをいくつか追加することができます。それは巨大なファイルです – user9503053
おそらくあなたのモデルのあなたの妥当性検査ルールから来ることができます – widjajayd