public static string GetChartEnergy(string initDate, string endDate, string type)
structure.Add(initDate.CreateQueryStructure(endDate, true, null, "convert(datetime,'15/' + CONVERT(varchar(10), k.Month) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(10), k.Year), 103)", null, false));
structure.Add(type.CreateQueryStructure(string.Empty, false, "CASE WHEN m.Type = 1 THEN 'Agua' ELSE CASE WHEN m.Type = 2 THEN 'Luz' ELSE 'Gas' END END AS Type", " m.type", "m.Type", false));
public static QueryStructure CreateQueryStructure(this String value, string endDate, bool isDate,
string columnName, string whereName, string groupByName, bool isNullField)
QueryStructure structure = new QueryStructure();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
if (value != ",")
if (isDate)
//obtiene la estructura para un filtro entre fechas
structure.ColumnSelect = columnName;
structure.ColumnGroupBy = groupByName;
structure.ColumnWhere = string.Format("({0} BETWEEN convert(datetime,\'{1}\', 103) and convert(datetime,\'{2}\', 103))", whereName, value.Remove(value.Length - 1), endDate.Remove(value.Length - 1));
structure.Values = null;
structure.Operator = Operator.Nothing;
if (isNullField)
//obtiene la estructura de un filtro por un campo que es null o no
if (value.Remove(value.Length - 1) != "-1")
structure.ColumnWhere = string.Format("{0} IS{1} NULL", whereName,
value.Remove(value.Length - 1) == "0"
? " NOT" :
structure.Values = null;
structure.Operator = Operator.And;
//obtiene la estructura de un campo aplicando la regla IN seleccionando
//el campo a mostrar y el campo en groupBy
structure.ColumnSelect = columnName;
structure.ColumnGroupBy = groupByName;
structure.ColumnWhere = whereName;
structure.Values = value.Remove(value.Length - 1);
structure.Operator = Operator.And;
return structure;
OUTPUT:それは私が持っている2 CreateQueryStructure
渡すから今"(convert(datetime,'15/' + CONVERT(varchar(10), k.Month) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(10), k.Year), 103) BETWEEN convert(datetime,'01/01/2014', 103) and convert(datetime,'31/10/2016', 103))"
public static string GetChartInfo(List<QueryStructure> queryStructure, string procedureName)
var queryWhere = queryStructure.GetWhere();
public static string GetWhere(this List<QueryStructure> filters)
string result = string.Empty;
if (filters != null && filters.Count > 0)
if (filters.Select(x => x.ColumnWhere).Any())
result += "WHERE ";
foreach (var filter in filters)
if (filter.Operator != Operator.Nothing)
result += " " + filter.Operator.ToString() + " ";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Values))
result += filter.ColumnWhere + " IN (";
result += filter.Values;
result += ") ";
result += filter.ColumnWhere;
return result;
"WHERE (convert(datetime,'15/' + CONVERT(varchar(10), k.Month) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(10), k.Year), 103) BETWEEN convert(datetime,'01/01/2014', 103) and convert(datetime,'31/10/2016', 103)) And m.type IN (2) "
public static string GetChartEnergy(string initDate, string endDate, string type, int currentUser) //there I have currentUser
structure.Add(initDate.CreateQueryStructure(endDate, true, null, "convert(datetime,'15/' + CONVERT(varchar(10), k.Month) + '/' + CONVERT(varchar(10), k.Year), 103)", null, false));
linq私はちょうどx => x.user == currentUser
public class QueryStructure
public string ColumnGroupBy { get; set; }
public string ColumnSelect { get; set; }
public string ColumnWhere { get; set; }
public Operator Operator { get; set; }
public string Values { get; set; }
上記の関数の入力と出力の関係を詳しく教えてください。また、QueryStructureクラスを貼り付けるとうまくいくでしょうか。 –
私はより明確になるように私の質問を再構成する@DirtyDeveloper – Dawin
あなたも同様にQueryStructureモデルクラスを貼り付けてください。 –